When I start to doubt my magic is strong

Awesome thread @DebiDenice. I bet we’ve all been filled with serious doubt at times. Sometimes I even call my own sanity into question… Sometimes being at least once a every day :joy:

Anyways here goes:

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that I actually have these things called First Sight and Third Thoughts – which kinda sucks in our world but I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that things that I have intuitively and un/subconsciously asked for has come true without effort. Like last week I said to myself that I should look for a new job and petition some spirits and make sigils for it, and just yesterday I got headhunted by another company without doing anything at all.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that all I ask for comes true; both the perceived good and bad, and even the self-imposed limitations.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that many of my sigils have had a real effect. While not all of them, the shotgun-sigil approach has worked surprisingly well.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that what I require in forms of information, wisdom, and knowledge in my quest for enlightenment just at this very junction in my life comes to me easily and without effort. It’s like it is seeking me out.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that I have faced my own shadows; both my spiritual and my Jungian ones, and that I actively work on integrating them both.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that one time when I scryed in a black mirror in a dream and was given a number of great tasks by the spirit to complete; tasks in line with my personal purpose and quest for knowledge here on this hurling space-rock.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that the world is malleable, and that matter as we define it is merely an illusion as it is more like energy in an observed state, and that it can be altered by various ways of “observation”.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that these dark and thorny and solitary paths that we tread has always called to me, one way or another.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that I opened up my eyes, and then I opened them up again.

So that’s me. Anyone else up for this game?


Because I was told by my companion that certain things should not be brought into the light. I suppose that’s another “When I start to doubt my magic is strong and I do something stupid… my spirit companion kicks me in the face” -sort of thing :sweat_smile:

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Two rules I now follow in regard to spirits.

  1. Don’t eat the Poundcake.
  2. Don’t greet them with, “Wassup, my nigga.”
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When I start to doubt my magick is strong, I remember that I decided I needed an emergency fund, and so I wanted an easy job, with short hours so I can get my independent business stuff done, and also have a good rest period.

A dog walking job came up and stayed up for a long time and no one took it, while I knew I needed something. So I took the job, and it gave me enough money before Coronavirus took over that I was able to start a second business. I now have an emergency fund. Goal Accomplished.

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Interesting and empowering
Loved to see everyone stories :yellow_heart:

Where are your stories?

I prefer the other way :zipper_mouth_face: when I start to doubt myself / magic , I remember all the hard , traumas , low moments etc I had and got through successfuly
Like beating cocaine addiction
And this makes me remember I can do ANYTHING


That’s what I’m talking about!

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When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember I was looking for an account to invest my savings in to earn minimum 8 percent interest, and I found one a couple of days later.

When I start to doubt that my magic is strong, I remember that time I randomly manifested a medium on a whim in a book cafe in a dying mall to talk to.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember the time the universe gave me a practice run of my relationship with my now ex to give me the rundown of what I needed to do before it actually happening again.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember the time all my clairaudience work started to pay off and I got random, spooky messages.

When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I look around my room to see cascades of my growth spelled out in the physical world, effigies to times and experiences only I can remember

Oh fuck, I know one, when I doubt magick is REAL I remember that time a vampire drained me over the internet, I asked her questions about what she was doing and she admitted it without me ever even saying vampirism!

And also she attacked me. That was traumatic, actually, the shit I had to deal with after her. I kinda hate her.


But did you die?

No, it was more emotional and psychological. Do rape victims die?
She sent a powerful spirit after me, it wasn’t fun.

I’m sorry, what’s your point?

I was trying to get the “but did you die?” gif to work, but it didn’t, so it made everything worse.

But your comment is good. I like it.

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When I start, to doubt, my magick is, strong fuck I remember my huge anxiety issues and how I was indirectly fucking my life over with no purpose or direction sucking everyone’s Dick… But now I have clarity and stood up for myself and in te process of cutting toxic ties for good…
And still waiting, for more manifestations to come which I believe will…


Waiting for them? Why not creating them?

Well I did rituals already… To get a, job

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Ah! Well then, you’re probably making it happen right now. I like it!

When I start to doubt my magick is strong I remember the only reason I’m free to type this right now is my work with Belial. I remember when I used a gallery of magick book to manifest a new car. I remember using a wealth candle and immediately coming into a couple thousand. I’m very grateful and these things remind me that my magick is strong.


When I doubt my magick is strong, I think back to when I was miserable just a year ago when I began this path. I was addicted to drugs, filled with anxiety, suffering from horrible depression and was balls deep in my eating disorder.
I did a lot of shadow work, I initiated through a lot of the qlippoth in a short period of time, and I worked with King Paimon (mostly) and other demons who could help me.
Aeshma introduced himself to me by talking through me, and I had never heard of him. I googled him and was shocked to see who it was.
Fast forward to today, and I’m a totally different person. Much stronger. Successful.
I’m not battling any of those things anymore. They’ve been completely eradicated.
I never thought it would be possible to get to where I am now and I will never let myself forget where I came from and what I battled to get here, and I’ll never give up.


When I start to doubt my magic is strong, I remember that one time I came back from school to find out that someone stole my bike seat to spite me, because they couldn’t steal my bike, and I cursed the whole area, and three days later this happened:

TLDR: A train carrying chemicals derailed next to the station where my bike got robbed. There was chemicals in the air all over there for three days.

The fact the person took my bike seat also says they lived in the area. Which means they got that shit too.