When I Knew

Normally not into hard rock or metal.


I like Therion, they make songs about the occult. This is one of my favorites.



interesting. thanks for sharing.


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I never wanted to do this; however, I plan on doing a break up spell. Intentions are already being set. And this is the only time I will write or talk about it.

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Ahhh, the break up spell is to break off energies with someone from my past.

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For in the hidden of the hidden, they will never know of what happened in India. The dream becomes more intense and I can’t take it anymore. I have a Goddess inside of my heart, asking “Why did you not jump?”

I couldn’t. Even in modern day, I am haunted and the demons rise up, taunting me about a task left unfinished. Every ounce of me wants to scream and I just want to hear the heart beats of my gentle beasts.

Every single time I cut the cords, he latches back on, screaming: Don’t you dare leave me again.

It’s the same words in my dreams, as I rush to pack my things, “I have to go.”

Something has been left unfinished; yet, I do not know what.

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I’m slowly dying.


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I don’t know where else to put my thoughts.

I’m currently in the process of writing a letter to ex-communicate myself from my former life and I will deal with the consequences that come.


Goddess Aset coming in loud and clear.

Goddess Tiamet speaking in whispered hushes.

The bees speak. And Yassssssss, he got the message. :zipper_mouth_face::shushing_face:

Curious why you always say Tiamet, not Tiamat.

It’s how I first saw the named spelled and I guess it just stuck in my brain. It’s the same with Hekate - I need to spell it with K, as I feel this is how she wants me to spell it. Also, I have a weird thing about spelling names weird to remember how to say them.

After looking it up though - I probably need to rethink this. Thank You for bring this to my attention. :blush::smiley:

I don’t like how she is described in Urban Dictionary, as this is where I first saw is spelled the other way. Like the first part. So, from here on out - It’s Tiamat.

“There are two parts to the Tiamet mythosand Tiamet the woman. The first in which Tiamet is a creator goddess, peacefully creating the cosmos for centuries. Duh! Everything she makes is amazing. She effortlessly creates and she looks very good for her age. Like really, really good. She’s an artist. Her talent is boundless. She makes a meal and a bed better than most. She’s an organizer and extremely clean. No one cleans as thoroughly and skillfully as this goddess. The second side of Tiamet is considered the monstrous embodiment of primordial chaos. Don’t lie to Tiamet. She hates liars and being disrespected. She’ll rip your head off, punt it & breathe fire on you. She’ll use her words to make you cry. She’s super smart, very sharp. Plotting, nope. Watching, yes. She’ll catch you slipping. Like now. Then she’ll take a nap. Why, bc her favorite hobby is sleeping. Some sources identify her with images of a sea serpent
or dragon.”

Source: Urban Dictionary: Tiamet

TIAMAT Definition & Usage Examples | Dictionary.com.

Edited to add more words.

Well, Hekate is spelled with k in many languages, german for example. (Greek: Ἑκάτη accoring to Wikipedia, I don’t speak greek)
But I never saw Tiamat spelled Tiamet other than in that dubious article you shared.

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That’s where I first saw it.

So, thank you for correcting me.

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Also, Urban Dictionary is not an article source based website.

The first time I saw the name Hekate, it was spelled with a c.

I think I am the only person in the entire world who wants Egypt.

Right now, I am to afraid to put my findings out in the open. Goddess Sophia is the Goddess of Silence. While the Goddess Hekate is the symbol of the crossroads.

I speak no more. :shushing_face:

Sex Magick! :face_with_monocle:

When you trade in YouTube for Porn Hub. :flushed:


No comment. :zipper_mouth_face::shushing_face:

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I’m clearly not bringing up shaving “down there” up in a forum.

That’d be crazy!!!


When a gray dragon goes into the levels of her own hell.

The Dragon and Phoniex merge into one. That’s when the chains break.

The embodiment of Goddess Aset in the human flesh - I am.

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To many paths. To many people. To many women who think they know me.

Egypt can wait for a bit.

What they don’t know, won’t hurt them.



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