When does magick, become too "mainstream"

Better than big pharma to balance their psyches, and gastric bypasses to fill the roaring emptiness inside? :thinking:


Fair enough.


Hell yea I’d love for magick to be mainstream enough to where I can talk about it without being shunned. It’d be Awesome


Shamans, and vitkis, volvas, vestal virgins (run out of V’s lol) used to be valued parts of society, serving their purpose the way we value someone who can always fix our PC or mend the screen on a phone.

We lost that so thoroughly when the troll religions placed fallible humans beings as gatekeepers, but if magickal knowledge becomes as readily available as learning a foreign language, there will be no more bottlenecks that can be controlled.

Typing lessons were a big deal when I was a little girl, and yet I never learned to type - my generation whose first internet use was via a desktop, keyboard, rapidly taught ourselves to type through wanting to do it, and above all, having a reason and the equpment readily to hand.

Maybe I’d have less typoes if I’d learned properly :stuck_out_tongue: but afaik typing lessons as such went the way of buggy whip companies and neighbourhood chimney sweeps, they still exist, but not as a staple of life, the technology moved on.


Literacy, though? :+1:

There’s no time in recorded history that had as many literate people, and the internet is another tool, though heavily reliant on the first.

Maybe I’m just in Pollyanna mode today though! :laughing:


That’s a pretty apt attitude, in all honesty.


Yeah, being able to read makes people more useful as workers for the “elite”, while ability to manifests your desires with magic or other supernatural abilities makes you less likely to work for them.


They sent civic groups out to teach SC to read and cure hookworm all around the same era, because maybe they thought that was what was hurting our economic viability at the time, to have illiterate workers, weak and exhausted from hookworm infestations and pellagra, etc.

There is a lot of history of labor exploitation in the South, slavery, sharecropping, textile mill villages, etc. And when uprisings occurred, they would just kill us. The General Textile Strikes of the 1920’s and 1930’s got the SC National Guard sent on us (check out the Honea Path Incident or the tragic death of Ella Mae Wiggins). All the stuff that happened then, is why the American Southeast is still scared of Union activity. And we’re still being exploited because we have next to no collective bargaining and are terrified the mills would go to Mexico if we got it. Reading probably seemed like a safe allowance for them to give to us. Made us more useful to them without being too effective a weapon for us to have against them. Plus, they were Protestants and only the Catholics wanted us all illiterate.

It’s like they say about voting…if it actually made a difference, they would make it illegal. Sorry my post was so long and rambling. Anyway, back to the original topic, I think magic has been on it’s path to mainstream since the 60’s and 70’s, but it has largely been crystals and “rule of three, pagan rede” stuff. That’s where I personally started, but now I have to admit, their one-sided goodness and light, servant-worker to the Universe, can’t do anything that benefits myself approach makes me want to check out every time I hear the words “Blessed be”.


It is about time magick become mainstream. Also been fighting that for decades. Science IMO (hacks up a hairball :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) We need to be our own gatekeeper and make sure we receive the pure and unadulterated truth for ourselves, and not rely on others truth, because my truth might not be your truth.


I just don’t think I should have to be looked at funny just because I’m talking about altars and soul travel. I don’t look at people funny when they say they’re going to a mosque or church or temple.
But to some extent I do see how there would be alterations from the whole population using magick. Especially some adolescents. High school is dramatic enough without someone deciding to use baneful magick for whatever stupid catty reason.


Their confusion does make me laugh I will admit. It’s fun to be a little strange at times.

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Or maybe if everyone believed that hexes work people would be a lot more cordial towards one another for fear of retribution.


Maybe… But most people around my age have not one ounce of humility, little respect for others and don’t know when to stop. So I could definitely see “magick fights” or whatever you would wish to call it, happening. It’s already unfortunate enough that they already have so little loyalty towards one another. But I’m sure there are those who are different and know better.


Isn’t magick already mainstream with the whole Law of Attraction, manifestation, thing going on? The mainstream success of “The Secret” has put a lot of the ancient magical beliefs about thoughts controlling reality out in the open for everyone.


People keep their lottery tickets bside their dead nan’s picture and ask for help when they have a bill they can’t pay, or carry a lucky charm, sportsmen are known for having numerous rituals they do before going out to play… so yeah, to some extent it never really went away, there’s just a lack of education on effective methods IMO.

Kind of like abstinence-only sex ed, people have no idea what’s what and they make up weird ideas to explain the gaps in their knowledge.


I definitely see where you are coming from with that. It’s part of the modern social system of rampant individualism. " I look out for me and me alone, fuck everyone else". There has to be a balance. I prefer the " I look out for my neighbor because one day I might be in a position to need their help. I respect others so they respect me ( and don’t put up with toxic people, again there is a balance I treat others with the respect I want to be treated with but I definitely don’t turn the other cheek. )" If social contract morality and valuing community are applied to Magick then it could be different. And the “mainstream” belief and use if magick could prompt those very changes.

And I’m not bashing individuality, everyone is different. “Harmony but not sameness/uniformity”. We need to be ourselves but appreciate what others have to bring to the table.


I think your lead role, optimally seen from your perspective of ascent is to deliver value all the time, to push people to take it even further
go bigger, go greater, inspire by example… :slight_smile: rejoice for if a lot of people are interested in magick
they’re probably going to ravel about your most innate personal discoveries… :smiley:
Keep sharing your magick, making it publicly available…make sure to keep following the path You choose though…; out of it will come powerful pathworkings you can share with the world…;

You may greatly benefit from it
self-expression in magick is also extremely powerful to fully take yourself to ground your magick into the world
it’s extremely powerful and life-transforming…;

Especially though youtube - it’s really extreme what it can do, regardless of your current state of mind,
it will make the subconscious and the conscious aspect of your mind melt together as one
re-aligning everything with your path and your deeper aspects that know about magick…;
As aesnath mason states, self-expression in magick is really extremely empowering and also necessary…;
Making your first video, will lead up to another one and will give a massive snowball effect that is going to help you become infinitely powerful and adept in magick altogether…;

Maybe you can try to start making videos in nature, where you can feel most comfortable, the rest will flow intuitively; I did rituals with the source basically asking to lead me to ever lead me to the supreme, the absolute, the ultimate and the Epic, and you’ll be supported in that safely…; it’s mainly about the asking…;
as you can ask for assistance in anything… :slight_smile: All your relation to all life will also realign to fulfil your purpose as a magician, you directly initiate yourself into remembrance of how your create your world through your thoughts on yotuube. Why youtube? because both potentially known and unknown people can find you there, which has your mind surrender to the content you share and you become ultra empowered in what you stand for, it will also set you free in this world and existence altogether, as there will not be the version of you that complies to the world + the version of you that loves and does magick, there will be only one left, the true magician ready for action, growth…know that you are then fully free to express yourself however you wish in the world, but it rids you of any fear of wanting to hide - it’s extremely powerful and necessary…

If you just let it flow when being in nature, all will point itself out, you will know what to say once you start, ideas upon ideas upon ideas will start flowing and be applied, +all you manifest from that moment on will fully serve your path and you will also make new links in your mind, instantly that you may not have seen before and make you ever more performant in putting things together in a more optimal way…you will suddenly see your understanding of reality and magick and all you know merge and form an optimal perspective for you to go full on, forging you to become the greatest version of yourself as a magician…; :wink: your wisdom will flow and expand naturally… this is where you become a most natural talent at it all…; this is where life turns into a true adventure, your adventure… :smiley: I already fully rejoice in your place…

Welcome to true epicness!


Couldn’t have said it better. Balance is super important and one thing I also feel people get wrapped up in is the idea of “power” when it comes to magick. The few people that I have talked to about magick that have no previous knowledge tend to ask about curses and enforcing their will. Which these are things that could be considered “powerful” but misses the point completely because from there runs the risk of just being petty mean and spiteful if put into the wrong circumstances and reasoning. Magick is a wonderful tool unless you add in an extra dash ego which most people don’t know how to let go of.


There’s a spiritual revival going on. Magick has already hit the mainstream and I would say Wicca and Spiritism are the products of it. Spiritism isn’t all that bad but Wicca is moronic as it claims to be European paganism but incorporates more Jewish deities and concepts than anything which is okay but it isn’t the authentic British witchcraft it claims to be and it’s results are sub par at best (a competent rookie black magician could steam roll a white light Wiccan any day). But interest in the Norse and Slavic spiritualities is on the rise as well as theistic Luciferianism, Satanism, and demonalatry.


The “science community” already have plenty of material to go through that shows the proof of supernatural phenomena, they tend to go the ostridge route of burying their heads in the sand when it comes to acknowledging it.

Or they’ll forever move their goal post of what they consider “real proof”.
To save face and ego they will cling to their materialist dead method view of the world, rather than risk losing their precious funding and looking for non existent ad hoc theoretical energies.

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