What's the right way to actually start?

as you probably know I have no mentor, so that’s why I hear a lot of things and wonder. Someone said:

“I always recommend the safest options, because I have seen too many times the revenge of spirits on people. That is, for example, turn first to local spirits, plants, ancestors. Then the local devil, preferably combined with inferno, and then the first demon. Building relationships to this degree should take about 2 years minimum. This is all described in tradcraft books in the highlighted relationships.”

What’s your view on this? I thought you could just focus on, let’s say demonolatry or angelolatry, and connect with the spirits after getting protection and preferably using books with built-in protection too or safe methods like petitioning or pathworking instead of first doing all of the above and waiting two years too.

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I started with V.K Jehannum’s demonic invocations - he has a section for beginners on his WordPress blog. A while after that I got E.A’s Mastering Evocation video course. Then a couple of V.k’s e-grimoires and some of Asenath Mason’s books.

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But do you agree with her statement though or not?

It’s one way to do it, and there’s nothing wrong with it. I wouldn’t have had the patience for it. It’s a bit too cautious for me.

It’s worth remembering that what people tend to call traditional witchcraft is a modern interpretation of that.

For demonolatry, S. Connelly’s books are excellent. Conner Kenndal’s Black Magicians Handbook is a great place to start.

Having said that, eventually building a relationship with a spirit over a couple of years is probably going to be necessary at some stage.

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2 years and not being able to work with your first demon off the bat isn’t really necessary. Building relationships with beings is important in the long-term but that is done by working with them anyway. The Gallery of Magick have a lot of books which are practical and can be done right away, you’ll get a feel for things and experience and then be able to progress from there.

I’d personally recommend Lucifer and the Hidden Demons by Theodore Rose, The Angel Overlords by Ben Woodcroft, and The Magick of Demons and Angels by Henry Archer. These 3 all are simple and effective, choose whichever you feel drawn to working with and go through it, learn the methods and go for it. You could work with your first being effectively the same day you finish learning the method.

So the right way of starting is really just choosing what you’d like to go for and getting into it.


Most books from GOM and POM Already mentioned Another book that you should get is " Advance magick for beginners by alan chapman. This book is so simple to read that even a inept dude like me understood everything so concise and clear and fun to read and methods to do all sorts of magick as soon as you read it.


My first eninity I work with when I was younger was Lilith I don’t have person to teach me magic mostly just stuff I learn online like basic wiccan stuff when I first learning I think I use some website I can remember anyways I later I learn about the left hand path and real evoking and then I got to point where I only learn from the spirits much later in life


Honestly, it depends on the system you are practicing. In shamanism and more rural practices where they are more in touch with the earth, the progression described above works. However, in Western ceremonial magick, it tends to be the opposite, going from the top down, starting with God, then angels, then planetary spirits, then elementals (which are often seen as minor angels) and then the chthonic spirits of the underworld aka demons and the dead.

You can. There is nothing stopping you from starting that way. I began my journey with the Wiccan books of Silver Ravenwolf, for example. From there, I made my way into Hermetics, Enochian, Thelema, and finally Chaos Magick. I didn’t evoke my first demon until I got my greedy little hands on a copy of EA Koetting’s Works of Darkness, ten years after I first started.

You’re lucky. With the glut of easily obtainable books on magick available these days, you can just pick up a book like Goetia Pathworking and get started today.