What would the fae want with someone?

They like their games. I remember one time a bunch of little things went missing over the course of a couple of days. Rings and such. The thought " damn fairies" came to mind and I ran with it. I left some honey, sugar, and pretty ribbon outside asking the fairies to give my stuff back. It worked.


Okay… this might be off Topic… But once upon a time I saw these fae guys and I was drinking water and they had these little pebbles in their hands and were sticking their tongue out at me … Lol
I threw one of my books at them and then they disappeared :skull:
I have seen then since I was a little girl…


Lol they stole my jewellery too… I even made a thread about it… seems they like pretty and shiny things…


I seriously wonder what they can teach me… wish I could talk to them… :crying_cat_face:


They can teach you how to be an adorable little theif :blush:


I’m feeling a reference to Tatiana and Oberon here… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Well, why would they keep the tricking me about the same subject for my entire life?


And now that I brought that up. Is anyone els get a feeling of the Play in the Play of A Mids Summers Night Breeze?


What do u mean? I have read the play but how does it relate to this?

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What subject?

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Fea are trickster spirits by hart, but that doesn’t meen that they aren’t trying to teach you something at the same time.

Just because you are told something your hole life does not necessarily make it true. You’re the one that decides you future, no one els.


Okay, so I guess ignore my gut feeling and tell myself that cool things can’t happen to me, and everything is out to trick me.

Gosh, whenever someone else goes on cool adventures, everyone believes everything they say. Not fair at all…

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Oh no. I didn’t mean it like that…
Of Coarse you should trust your gut instinct :slight_smile:

All the mistgif that took place in the small side play with the Fea royalty. Just a feeling is all. Maybe it’s just me.

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Keep asking them stuff, I’m sure you will figure out everything…

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They could’ve tricked me when I first heavily set on starting in magick, but they didn’t mention anything. It’s only happened when I first developed my senses, and now once again when I rise in power quickly.

It’s just all this bs is setting me off, and now this confusion takes the cake. I don’t mean to disrespect anyone, but man, I could throw a human.


What else have they told you?

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Lol no that’s not what I am saying.

If you feel it is true for you then it is true.

What I am saying is you are in control of YOUR truth.

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I know that feeling all to well, sister.

Try having a conversation with something that only speaks in riddles.

Some Dragons like to do that, lol.

Sorry better wording would be “love to do that.”

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Lol me too… for example someone has a name that in Latin means Angel and some spirit keeps calling them… ‘Angel, Angel, Angel’
They get confused… ‘am I an Angel now?’