What vibe do Magickians give off to Normies?

Title says it all. When we ourselves can easily read the energies of others it can be easy to forget that we give off a vibe too.

The easy answer would be “whatever sphere you work with most”, but what if all you do is the Shem Operation where all spheres are invoked at once?

Also wondering if magickians have a general hidden “shadow” aspect that others can easily see but we ourselves are blind to.


Tbh fair we are quite invisible
But the magick that some people follow tends to sometime either be quite overbearing or quite weird
Hence they just feel bad vibes and avoid the magick


In my opinion a good magician is going to have ways of controlling the “vibe” they give off. :slight_smile:


Eh, magicians are just people, all people have shadows, we just work with ours and try to be more aware.

I have given people the willies once but I had to go out to make appointments while possessed, so I think that doesn’t count as “me” doing it. :slight_smile:

And as noted above, if we were getting unwanted reactions there’s glamours and other ways to control that. There’s a few discussions on here about making ourselves more popular and well liked magickally, though none are about being disliked for doing magick (aura wise).

Non-normies are a different issue though. I’ve had a couple of remote viewers give me distrusting vibes, especially after baneful workings. But new agers do the opposite and tell me they “can sense I’m [insert something positive: angel, bodhisattva, old soul etc].


They like being dramatic
Or in their words
A dram queen

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Very well put!

When I was into some Lunar current stuff a regular looking lady on the street looked at me and simply declared: " you’re a witch" and kept walking. Like business woman type.

I wasnt dressed in an occult way either.


I’d maybe go with old soul :wink:

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Old and cranky lol “Geroffa my lawn!”


Damn she might be a seer or a doviner

I had coworker speculate that i was into witchcraft the first time when we were talking about religion.that send shivers down my spine because i hide it alot by talking about my religuous upbringing and god plus never talking about" that" type of stuff.so i do belive normies pick up on something even if its not very strong


You know I was just experiencing this recently, I notice some people who are spiritually inclined will get a sense of my other half, personally I believe I have a union, I’ve had times where I was in danger and some one took over and got me out of danger just by replicating accents perfectly while I was getting attacked by a person from a different language origin, it shocked everyone around me. Things like that, but sometimes people will see something and begin to distrust me. I’m not a bad person but definitely have my moments from time to time. It’s usually the self proclaimed Christian type who’s absolute in the right hand way. Personally I don’t mind what they think. I do no harm, unless harm is done unto me.

That was my initial suspicion. Im just looking for a mote cohesive description of what the energy actually feels like.

Like what combination of planetary energies would be a good place to start.

But maybe that wont even describe it.

I feel like I know but I cant put a word on it.

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I’ve definitely felt a mixed vibe since I started getting closer and actually working with demonic currents.

At the start, some sparkling questions came to me as the form of: Am I emanating a different kind of energy from my eyes due to what I’m doing? Why am I receiving uncalled for “aggressive” behaviour towards me? Thankfully, what I now see were (mostly) self-centred trains of thought, are no longer giving me bs. A cleaning of the subconscious, I guess.

As I see it now, embracing a spiritual path with determination and all the basics for them to evolve, ultimately develop a strength in several aspects of yourself. This can be a barrier for other people that, intentionally or not, want to leech off your energy or even straight up attack a part of you for many reasons. The desire behind the attacks can come from many sources, but I’ll say that trying to gain insight into the origins has been fun to me, as it shifts, more often than not, a sharpened “sword” into a merely annoying toothpick.

I think others will just feel and subtly show signs of that sort of energy clash between you for no special reason. C’est la vie?

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Your subconcious is where the Black Flame resides so that makes sense. Reality was mirroring your Self back to you.

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Hahahahaha!!! Yessss!!!

Thats cuz she was one herself!!!

Or very strongly on the RHP


That is great!!!

Made my day!!!

Lolol. She said it very matter of factly but it felt sort of condemning.

It made me think “either that was a very very very strange coincidence, or I’m going a little heavy with this shit and need to pull back”

Even if she was an occultist herself and could read people, it still blew my mind that she said “witch” and I just happened to be heavily into Moon stuff. It made me reconsider a lot of things about reality to say the least

Even if it was just her unconcious morphic field interacting with my unconcious morphic field via proximity causing her concious mind to pick out the word “witch” (which is a fancy way of saying coincidence), it still ended up unlocking some deeper truths for me regardless of the cause

I would say this depends on the sorcerer.
If you wish to project a vibe, you can. If not then you don’t. This is the hallmark of true sorcerers. Control.
If a “muggle” notices you, it should be because you wish it to be so. Otherwise one is not exerting control.

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I guess it depends on how “normal” you wish to appear, vs how much you want to live authentically in your own nature.

It is definitely a balancing act.

Christ lived so deeply in his truth that it got him crucified. That cross doesn’t look so comfy to me.

I tend to give off a heavy vibe that people pick up everywhere I go . I turn into a walking spotlight going into places like Walmart and it’s very annoying .

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