What the hell just happened to me in my dreams

I have what I describe to myself as sleep paralysis. I wake up, out of the blue and sometimes I’ll fall into this state where I feel like my body is seizing and the is loud ringing in my ears. I’m paralyzed and cannot move or wake up from this state.
As time passed on it was made aware to me that I can use this state to astral project. So there last few times this happened I gave it a shot.
Well this time it was more violent than before. And it started in my dreams which has never happened before. I was laying down in my dreams and contemplating an issue and while doing so I hear a high pitched sound rising in volume in my ears. It was so loud! I recognized this as myself going into my sleep paralysis. So I let it take over as I attempt to visualize the rope technique. This is where there seizing part got more violent than ever before and I starting seeing flashes in black and white all pixelated like.
And I felt pain like my brain was being crushed. I’ve never felt pain before during my paralysis. The pain woke me fully. Immediately I thought I was under attack or it was an attempt at possession. Maybe it was an actual seizure, I dont know.
I get up and banish I call my allies to my side.
My visualization was all screwy. Shifting and flashing with colors as I attempted to banish.
I still have a mild headache sense and but my visualization doing better. Its perhaps a bit stronger now too.
Anyway, whatever. Just thought I’d share.
Take care all. Back to sleep lol.

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:no_mouth: when I get in that state i never tried to leave my body willingly yet. If i panick it gets painful and am yet to get over the fear!!! All I do is relaxing to it and sleep. Sometimes entities tend to pull me out instead of me trying to get out! I asked them to do that so… well still I just freeze paralyzed in the astral or even the void… it takes getting used to but having someone literally hold your astral hand is helpful! Not sure if it’s just me or the entities around me being too sweet and gentle with me!!! :rofl: there is this one time during the vibrations I got scared that am not breathing! The vibrations lowered and felt a breathing mask was shoved down my throat! And felt a wind blowing on my nose! The air was fresh I loved it! Then I thought ok so am fine to continue! Then it got louder to the point I felt like my body was having a seizure and like am standing on a vibrator machine. When it stopped I felt the mast being pulled out and I started to see! I was floating and saw someone’s shadow cuddling me! :hugs: am too lucky and still can’t do Astral things…

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Back in the days on my teens, I had these paralysis almost on a daily basis. If you are open to my idea, let it happen, embrace it, reason with yourself that there is nothing to fear as it is just a function of your body and mind. You may hear alot of low base vibrational sounds or sense pulsating sounds in your head or vibration in your arms or legs. You will have to find a method to reason with yourself (while you are awake) that if this happens again, you will not allow fear to overcome your ability to notice this state, to explore this state of being, and to be curious about this state of being. You may feel “pain” in this state as the energies course through you but you should have nothing to fear as these belongs to you. My worse “pain” was when energy shot up from my legs right up to my crown and it continously screwed into the crown. I resisted it on a few occasions but it will just return. I just relented and let it do what it liked while I laid body sleeping and my mind awake. It never came back after I allowed it to do what it needed to do. Your subconscious mind will be taking note of your thoughts, really this is how it works with hacking your own mind. Once fear has subside, the fun parts are revealed to you as you have gotten over the hurdles of fear. Exploration opens up to you and the fun begins. When I overcame these parts of myself, I practice to sleep and induce them on purpose and your subconscious knows what you want. When these states begins, you will automatically wake up aware of them. Then you can apply whatever astral projection practices that are available to you. Don’t be too focus or too concentrated and see what works. Try to be relax or even too relax as to go back to sleep and observe what happens. You will get different type of experiences in the sleep state. Always write a journal because you will be reinforcing these sensations and instructions into your subconscious mind. Don’t worry or be afraid about dark entities, calm your fear and observe them, assess what they are and then think of a way to deal with them when you wake up. It is fear that will create more problems for you. At least this is what I have done. I have just taken my first stumbling steps in my non-physical body just week. It didn’t last long but it was the results from my persistent practice. Don’t let frustration set in or impatience fog your sensations. It will occur in time. When you are in your non-physical body for the first time, you will be confused as the sensations seem to be like your physical body. The enjoyable part is in the process of growth while attempting these works.
All these experiences are part of you and you are lucky enough to experience them with awareness. Most people are not even aware these enriching experiences occur. Some may even closed them off through many ways. I think ways to close your mind from them are so many but ways to access them are so few. Take advantage of your experience for self-enrichment/ascension. My side of things is just an idea for you to consider on the possibilities.
Wish you luck and have lots of fun in your progress.

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