What’s your Myers Briggs personality type

Nope :slight_smile: not me.

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…its out of order despite the fact I selected them in order… My inner Virgo is screaming.


ENTJ-A: The Commander


ISTJ seems like the perfect student ,

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Sort of? If I’m interested in the subject. Otherwise I’ll pretend like im listening and think about something else lol.

Truth is I’m like a rose, thorny, cold and bitchy on the outside, loving and affectionate on the inside. However, the results are true.

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I do the same thing but I’m done with school , it’s obsolete education now, best to just spend time working on skills that generate income in the modern world , I feel you on the external appearance i come off cocky and narcissistic from my body language but I’m quite nice and understanding when people approach me

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I actually have little to none! My childhood conditioned me to not express myself through body language, so most people think I’m neutral when I’m not, I actually express my emotions through my eyes and unnoticeable movements that are slight.

For example if I’m trying to make an impression or intimidate, I have a sharp look in my eye and i bring my shoulders forward slightly.

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For this reason, no one knows when I’m actually mad. However, i can blow up over anything at anytime. Think of the kind of guy that will sit quietly whole someone berates their mother, the guy no one expected to go off, but then someone will say that one thing that sets them off. That’s me.

Rest assured I’ve been working on it. :wink:


Shoulders back chest up eyes forward and slow calm movements make a huge difference when dealing with people

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Sounds like me with the anger except I never express it I just laugh at their poor subconscious wiring that causes them bitterness and anger lol

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:joy: sounds sarcastic :joy:


Not necessarily, i just don’t know what to say :slight_smile: although I can be that way.


I feel ya I’m just messing with you ,

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I thought I was looking at the other thread of this.



Oh I just saw that now there’s a different thread of this , guess most people on this forum are intp intj infp entj


I am most probably ENFP. Had results of both INFP and ENFP but I identify more with ENFP.

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Commuting between INTP-A and INTJ. :thinking::wine_glass:

So… can we help you?


Lmao love it

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ENTP woman. I’m rare lol.

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