What’s the quickest and most effective way to manifest a new house with the LEAST of consequences?

Idk what it is but something has been preventing me from getting a home for the past 2-3yrs. I don’t have any money troubles. I do well financially but for some reason I can’t manage to get pass the pesky paperwork and technical aspects of getting a new home. I’ve literally never owned my own place. For the past few years I’ve lived in vacation rentals or extended stays through apps like Airbnb or hotels/motels. Does spirit want to give me a house instead of an Apt or condo? Is this why I get so many hiccups on this one simple task? Am I meant to be a nomad? How can I find these answers? Also, what could I do to manifest what I want? I’m considering energies not as nefarious… any ideas or advice?

It’s a matter of paperwork, and not like really bad credit or something, there is a ritual for financial persuasion in Corwin Hargroves practical djinn magical. Essentially it’s designed to guarantee approval on applications. I used this ritual for a different sort of application a year ago and great Success with it.


Hit up Poiel

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There’s no quickest way, whatever method of manifestation you take will follow the window of probability, if the house has many obstacles in front of it then what will manifest is situations where each obstacle is worked and unraveled first.

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My strong advice is in-your-hand, purity and weight stamped silver - purchased at bullion price. Now! Land and home prices will come down big time, inevitably. Putting that all to one side - Naamah. There’s material on these boards. Use search. Naamah is really material and quick-off-the-mark; and not just for dirty, sexual love. Also, really nice to work with.
