What my angelic decks has for you! (Practice readings)

can I get one again? in pm again?

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I am drawn to #8

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Thank you so much!

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Oh shit, that’s quite accurate because I was actually thinking to write a book, I have half the story in my head but wasn’t sure how to do it, how to start it. Oh well, I guess that’s a sign :laughing:

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Thank you.

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Can I have 3 and 5 please. :revolving_hearts:

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number 6 please, thank you in advance

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Guardian angel tarot cards

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I am adding numbers meaning from “angel numbers 101” by Doreen Virtue
Card number 37: You are on the right path, and the ascended masters are encouraging and helping you along the way.
Page number 57: The changes you are experiencing are for the best. Trust these changes to lead you where you want to go.

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Someone is deceiving you and keeping you bound! You need to take control and free yourself! Heal yourself through living healthy and by working on your energy! “Have confidence” card mentions trusting the person you are inquiring about!


You can benefit greatly from organising your schedule and adding an hour for yourself and your creative projects! Get a second opinion on your projects!

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Thank you so very much. :kissing_heart::revolving_hearts:

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Take actions toward your goals and let go of the past!
I am adding numbers meaning from “angel numbers 101” by Doreen Virtue
13: “The ascended masters (such as Jesus, Quan Yin, and so on) are with you, helping you maintain a positive outlook. The number 13 signifies that female ascended masters and goddesses are assisting you in staying positive.”

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Thank you again!

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2 and 3 (if possible 9 too) thank you

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I am adding numbers meaning from “angel numbers 101” by Doreen Virtue
Card 7: “You’re on the right path, and the outcome will exceed your expectations! The number 7 is a sign that Divine magic is supporting you and opening doors of opportunity.”
Page 31: “The ascended masters ask you to look past all earthly illusions and see the Divine perfection within you, other people, and your current situation. As you see Divine perfection in your mind, it manifests externally in your relationships, career, health, and other life areas.”

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Thank you very much. I’ll meditate on the mandala.

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Please use numbers 2 & 5 if that’s ok.

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6 and 3 please :slight_smile:

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34: Your prayers are heard and answered by the angels and ascended masters, who are with you right
35: A positive change is coming about for you, with the assistance and protection of the ascended

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