What is weakness and failure for those who create their own reality?

What is weakness and failure for those who create their own reality?

This is an irritating topic for me because I haven’t found any sources that cover this in any real depth. Most of the sources I’ve found contradict themselves because they weigh in factors that are out of your control such as “karma” or “original sin”. To me it’s one or the other. You’re either in control or you’re not.

Lets say you get cancer or something that can’t be cured like Lupus, Sarcoidosis or Multiple Sclerosis. Would this be something you created for yourself since you create your own reality? And if this is true, would this mean that you’re weak and should you see this as a failure in your ascent?

Because by the logic I’m seeing people use nowadays it would be seen this way. I create my own reality. If I create one where I suffer because of my bad genes then it’s my own doing. Is this bullshit?

And if it is bullshit then is it safe to say that there are forces out of your control? So if you admit this would that contradict the idea that you’re in control of your own reality?

On top of this we’re conditioned to believe in shit that isn’t true. So up until the day you discard all the garbage that surrounds you and you shift your awareness to the present, is life out of your control? Or is this a constant like most people believe. For instance, lets say I was born to a family who was poor, uneducated and abusive. Did I create this environment? Since this is a constant like most people believe then I failed to create a healthy nurturing environment with a Luciferian mindset?

This bullshit doesn’t add up. I get the power in the awareness shift but in my opinion there is bullshit that’s out of your control. Like I didn’t choose my parents but people don’t seem to see this in the light that I’m presenting it as today.

And it makes me feel like the Luciferian mindset is reserved for those who don’t struggle and live a white privileged life. I’ve found that it’s easier for those born with a silver spoon up their ass to accept these ideas as fact. Whereas the lower class of society have to struggle with things that would seem to be out of their control because they don’t have the same opportunities. Idk, this mindset is flawed. And I see a constant with famous magicians being born into rich families where it’s easy to be above the reality that most people have to face.

And it’s because of this I believe that most of these people are full of it. If the tables were turned how many of them would accept this fact? I mean if it is fact because different situations create different realizations.

Also, think about this mindset in a Luciferian Utopian Society where weakness isn’t tolerated. If you have bad genetics or become terminally ill should you be treated with mercy or should you be discarded with all other weak things?

i feel like people in these parts talk a big game. Seriously, how many of you really are weak? And should you be punished for this weakness in a Luciferian utopia? Because lhp philosophy doesn’t tolerate any weakness whatsoever. It’s eat or be eaten. You succeed or you fail. There’s is no in between here. I just can’t see this clearly because I feel like it’s one extreme or the other.

made some edits and added a few things*

I continue to believe that we have some control over our reality. But I definitely believe there are some things outside of our control. The notion that we are gods or can be gods in the literal sense is a joke if you look at the data. Even EA says we have to be reasonable and work within reality. Yes, we can affect parts of our reality. But 100% of the time when you put your hand into a functioning meat grinder, you lose. I don’t care how much Belial is your allie.

I don’t know if I subscribe to the philosophy that every event, every person, and every thing is actually an emanation of my higher self, that I am the only real “self” and therefore that the thoughts I have in my brain should be able to totally bend reality “there is no spoon style.” That also means there are some things I can’t directly control.

I think though, that every human being has the potential to tap into a more divine, sturdier, and far reaching influence that can directly alter their circumstances whatever they may be. The magician can’t control what hand they are first dealt. The magician can’t even guarantee that their enemies or random circumstance won’t draw a metaphorical royal flush and wipe the floor with them. But they can always shuffle the deck, and Evantually even learn to sneak an ace up their sleeves while most people are folding before hey even see their hand.

A magician may be crippled in the future. A regular person gives up and dies. The magician becomes a master of some discipline. IE: Stephen Hawking.

A magician in some dictatorship may be forcibly drafted into he military, nothing he can do, but he will become a General.

Worse case scenario, a magician may be fatally wounded, lying in he remains of a car wreck, his loved ones blood hot in his eyes. He will not beg some external god for mercy, but will steel himself for what is to come and hopefully find that he has claimed for himself life eternal.

It’s about dignity, it’s about being pro-active. About not letting fear make you cower even when you realize that you DON’T control or influence everything in the universe and never will. It’s about exerting all the power you can directly in the face of that realization. Weilding that power every day until your life is exactly or as close to what you desire as can possibly be achieved .

There’s some great replies here. For me it’s like I said, an irritating topic but I have my own truth as well.

If someone truly possesses the will and power of the Black Flame then eventually the illusion will be dispelled and the Satanist will turn the table over because he doesn’t like how it’s set.

Afterwards, he’ll set the table to his liking because he now has the power to create for himself. This is where the Satanist becomes self-made. Just like the perception shift it takes time to understand what works and what doesn’t.

Things like weakness or failure become manageable over time. Some days I suffer and other days I don’t. Other than that I pay it no attention because I’m not my pain and suffering.And neither are you.

I think Godhood is within man’s reach because the concept of a creator God like the Christians believe can be debunked with rational thought. It’s like if God was Omnipotent then could he create a rock that he cannot lift? And if he can’t lift or create this rock then he’s not omnipotent.

So, Godhood is in man’s reach. You’ve just got to debunk god and define what it is to be a God after it no longer exists.

I believe most people are delusional because they refuse to divorce the dream. For the longest time I struggled with this. Enjoying states of Ain Soph Aur became an addiction for me and I wanted oblivion because it felt good. This mindset was easy for me to accept because I lived in the past and I kept romanticizing pain and suffering. You live and you learn. And if have the willpower you’ll eventually overcome.

I woke up one day and I put down Samael’s opium because I figured out what it means to be responsible. To me, oblivion is for weakness and failure. Sure it serves it’s purpose because it plays a part in the natural order of things (Life, Death and Rebirth) but it isn’t the final answer.

I think if we have the ability to carry on and continue living life to the fullest without self-made limitations we’re doing a good job. A Luciferian Utopia is kind of over the top for me. I imagine it would be like Nazi Germany. So fuck that.

Anyways, in short I think it’s just merely a perception shift and people are making it more than what it really is. And I also believe Godhood is within our reach with understanding and experience.

Also, I think we need to look to the Golden Rule when we think about weakness…That’s what really separates us from the Christians IMO.

Another thing we should do is look to technology for the cure. I’m not knocking natural birth or the right to have this but I think people with bad genes don’t think about the suffering they create.

I think the world would be happier if we were all “test tube” babies bred to look the best and be the brightest.

Shit, I even have a slogan for this. It sounds pretty Satanic Imo. lol.

Sex for pleasure and Eugenics for procreation.

Something like that. Lol

Yeah, but there is one point you miss regarding the Eugenics thing. Who thinks they havr the right to decide what is right or wrong in genetics? Much less regular procreation. For all your good intents, the small man of good intents will not be seen in those heights of power. Acquiring Power and Weilding it at that societal level requires a certain kind of evil mind, because its not like its handed to you. Just look at the competition.

On a side note…what if the one with defective genetics was super imposing their criteria on your test tube baby future self? That is of course wherr you can begin to see the insanity in eugenics is being run by the insane who want their standard to be the standard.

I have a M.A. degree in theology from a well known seminary. One of the things that pushed me into the occult was the desire to break free from the oppression of the Christian god and live a life that I wanted.

C.J. Lee: Your argument against the existence of a Christian-type god goes back years and is rooted in some solid intellectual thought. Under your definition of “omnipotent”, nobody could reasonably disagree with you. But it is quite possible that a supreme creator exists which is bound by certain laws greater than himself (like the Law of Non-contradiction, etc). That type of god could certainly be malicious and power hungry; he could have made humans with zero control over their own lives or only limited control. On the other hand, such a god could have created humans with the ability to create the vast majority of their own reality, only making them bound to certain natural laws just like he was. There are many things that such a god “could” be like. It is beyond the scope of this comment to talk about what evidence and reasoning would be needed to prove one view or the other. But the existence of a supreme creator (depending upon how one defines that term) has certainly not been disproved by any logical argument that I have ever seen. Even taking a “scientific” approach falls far short. I have listened to many university level, moderated debates between legitimate, Berkley level scientists on the origin of life. The origin of life is FAR less conclusive than materialist atheists make it out to be.

The big beef that I have against atheists type magicians is that they try to act like the “evidence” for their view is much much stronger than it really is (similar to the atheist scientists in the aforementioned debates). That is not to say that such magicians are intellectually inferior. They are just oftentimes blinded to what the true source of their view is: their repulsion against the notion that they may be subject to things higher than themselves. They simply overlook this as their true motive and focus on trying to formulate arguments and gather data which support the position that they “want” to believe.

Regarding technology: I actually value a world with very little technology (except air conditioning, haha!) I think that technology is allowing the genetically inferior to survive much longer than nature intended. This is hurting the earth as a whole.

What is Failure to a Creator? It is Weakness/Pain leaving the body. In other words… Get up and be a Man!!!

The means of creating one’s own reality lie in the manipulation of prevalent currents, in the self, environment, society, and more.

It is not literal, in that each one of us is the sole observer. We all are.

Manipulation of the currents of “ordinary”, commonly-agreed upon reality, is how one constructs a reality all their own.

It is not the “weak versus the strong”, but the predatory versus the prey. It is not a matter of strength, it is a matter of cunning. Hence the old terms. Cogitation is correct in that the magician is, ultimately, adaptive. Those stuck in the old ways burn in them.

What I’ve said above however does not mean the laws of collective reality can not be altered, or broken. Access to and employment of the godform state is among the most direct ways to achieve this. Examples of such reality-breaking that I’ve experienced while in this state or seen others do include:

  • Possessing the form of three people simultaneously.
  • Resurrecting dead animals.
  • Curing the incurable (brain tumors, allergies, etc.).
  • Creation of a physical object that proceeds to self-animate.
  • Teleportation and physical shapeshifting.
  • Changing a person’s entire bodily structure, age, and life up to that point.
  • Disabling technology with a wave of the hand.
  • Causing complete mental and physical failure of organisms en masse.

And so on. Although collective reality binds individuals and what they are capable of accomplishing, strong enough godforms and avatars/incarnations deep enough into the godform state are capable of utterly dominating those rules, if only for a time.

Every human, even the strongest who I’ve seen and mentioned the exploits of above, has one true weakness: the need for different states of consciousness.

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That’s insightful, I often feel if I could nail myself into one mode of thought (Demon style consistency, of being) that I would be impervious even to torture. It is the ever shifting mental and emotional spectrum that is hard to deal with. Even the toughest warrior can tire and feel vulnerable.

[quote=“Biosynth, post:6, topic:8251”]Yeah, but there is one point you miss regarding the Eugenics thing. Who thinks they havr the right to decide what is right or wrong in genetics? Much less regular procreation. For all your good intents, the small man of good intents will not be seen in those heights of power. Acquiring Power and Weilding it at that societal level requires a certain kind of evil mind, because its not like its handed to you. Just look at the competition.

On a side note…what if the one with defective genetics was super imposing their criteria on your test tube baby future self? That is of course wherr you can begin to see the insanity in eugenics is being run by the insane who want their standard to be the standard.[/quote]

Anything is possible. I think if we lived in a world that did this it would be different from the world we’re used to. But, what we would consider insane now might not be insane then.

weakness is not understanding where you are in a power dynamic. sometimes you are uke and sometimes you are nage.

read sun tzu. that book covers black magick strategy perfectly and tells you exactly what you need to know about it in every aspect.

no you don’t. you are created in a reality. it is up to you to choose how to respond to events that were already in play before you got here. if you make good decisions you can influence things to go in ways favorable to you, and over time good decisions can accumulate to where you have control over realities you develop. it doesn’t happen on its own, you have to work at it.

no. that’s what i call team no excuses making excuses.

some people are so comfortable in their privilege that they resort to kiss up/kick down spiritual one-upsmanship and other forms of assholery. that’s where that ‘serves you right to suffer’ attitude comes from.

sun tzu makes it quite clear that you have to test for your dominance in any situation, and he explains why. dominance and authority are not givens regardless of what the luciferians want to tell you.

as sun tzu points out, you are better off avoiding a situation where you’re out of your league. that applies to life as well as to combat.

the more i learn about magick the more i realize that peter carroll should have added martial arts training as his 6th degree iot, to give his chaote mages practical reality training. you learn a lot about the world and reality in combat drills and sparring.

[quote=“c.j. lee, post:1, topic:8251”]What is weakness and failure for those who create their own reality?

This is an irritating topic for me because I haven’t found any sources that cover this in any real depth.[/quote]

Grab the Kybalion (it’s out of copyright and readily available online) and really grok the concept of “the Divine Paradox” - because that’s what you’re looking at here, to cut to the chase.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:13, topic:8251”][quote=“c.j. lee, post:1, topic:8251”]What is weakness and failure for those who create their own reality?

This is an irritating topic for me because I haven’t found any sources that cover this in any real depth.[/quote]

Grab the Kybalion (it’s out of copyright and readily available online) and really grok the concept of “the Divine Paradox” - because that’s what you’re looking at here, to cut to the chase.[/quote]

Damm i Love the Kyballion, such a Great Book, as Always Lady Eva you give great Advice! Thanks1

Haha ok but tgink of this, by aiming for godhood would it be aiming too high really? Or perhaps a goal to try to obtain a height of consciousness that is ever evolving. Tgat is what i think. If you set your aim high and progress ever onward you may never reach the status of “god” but yiu would have kept progressing instead of regress which is what i see a lot of in the occult. People say o well godhood is beyond me fuck it then regress or become so distraught over somethi g they have to work for they give up. I think this is what Eric is going for, the ever persuit of progression and refining your goals and abilities. Not everything os so literal in the occult, many fail to read between the lines, that is why many also fail at tarot they take the cards literally all The time. Also look at the ancient beings such as Bran the Blessed who obtained godhood in the eyes of the Celts bc of his great deeds in his time on earth. So it may not always be a literal meaning. Just something for you to think about cj not saying you are wrong, just maybe look at things from a different perspective bc many who view the occult in a literal sense usually find it disappointing at times. Many things are meant as metaphors like the philosopher’s stone or the black duamond which i actually have seen in astral journeys. These are just allegories for magicakal alchemy presented in a literal way bc that is how our minds perceive things

Well, in my experience there is no high, or low, there’s only the observer and what is observed, and when you attain Union you collapse the polarity and become the All.

Everything is equally “sacred” from dogshit and rotting fish to elegant marble statues and vaulted cathedrals, because they are all held in the Mind of the All, but they do NOT have the same vibrational level, which is why some things are healthier to be around than others, for most people.

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One should use magick to enhance ones physical life. I consider this Godhood in the physical world (Being a Descended Master). All that Ascescion shit is mostly for older folk who have already lived their life and had their fill and are ready to leave; not me. You can of course do both, but at least live your life more… perhaps have a material goal to leave your mark on the world?

Haha i agree Lady Eva i was just going for a thought provoking approach but perhaps failed lol. Either way yes i agree there really is only the observer and i agree with the sacred statement also. And Bio i agree with you as i do manipulate this world and create my own reality quite regularly. My main point was the fact that many take the literal meaning of things. And in my mind anything really is possible becoming a living god or otherwise but even Eric says if you stagnate its really not beneficial for you. So i mean raising your awareness and consciousness really is to the advantage of anyone really. That was more my point i guess just keep trying to better yourself and your abilities and create a better world around you that fits your desire.

The only thing I regret in life is the times when I underestimated or short-changed myself, so I guess if I see other people doing that, or seeming to do it, I don’t want them making the same mistake because it really is a waste of a life. :slight_smile:

I agree i observe the same i make sure i really think hard about any decision. Most people think one day i woke up and said " today im gonna be a Draconian Magus" hell no lol i thought the idea over for a few years until it showed up again when i was ready. Most people dont see the dedication involved in the many paths anymore