What is this place..?

I’d like to see if anyone in here knows what is this place or where it is… And actually I’m going to say two places.
One it was dark as in, night time… The buildings looked strange but at the same time human alike. There was some sort of police? They caught me and a few more and there’s rooms serving as cages where people are in lower positions because the ceilings are small but no one is really stranded as there are open doors? So we kind of just, easily escaped?
The second place is like a luxury villa, it has a terrace with a nice wood table and it’s partially covered by some wood structure. There is a pool or a lake and some small mountains but all a bit green and yellow in color… The vegetation.

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I’ve been to the bottom place before or something like it. No idea tho

Forgotten Realms, near the forests of Cormyr.