What Is The Deal Here? E.A.'s Videos Are Confusing Me

I am confused, could someone attempt to clarify this for me? These days I have no clue what E.A. believes in. He started off saying he was an atheist toward christianity, then later made it seem like his references to biblical characters and events was just something he was using to help people better understand the nature of the subject of his videos, but lately it seems as if he is starting to believe in all of this biblical stuff in a literal sense.

The Sorath Sun demon video, the book of Azazel, and a few other things just seems too biblical with the way he recalls his accounts of these events. So does he just have a weird set of eclectic beliefs or does it seem that he may be experiencing an antichrist complex gone biblical delusion extreme? Just trying to wrap my head around this because his last several videos have made me look at the screen like Wtf? Especially since he started adding in all those special FX I feel like I can’t take anything he says seriously because he’s mixing in illusions, fake auras, demon voices, etc.

And I’m a master at doing fake demon voices, I do it sometimes to mess with religious people so when I hear stuff like that on his videos I can’t help but laugh, wondering if he is just playing a joke on everyone to see who all will fall for it. Like is he for real these days or just trying to entertain himself? I am genuinely curious because I am trying to keep up with the videos because some of the content is indeed useful but each new video he releases makes me question his logic and reasoning twice as hard.

I actually see him moving away from supernatural magical to more of an atheistic, nature based approach. He frequently uses the word myth even when referring to non Christian stories.

Well sometimes he will state something like

the devil, fiery pits of hell, etc.

and then state right afterward “as is referred to in christian mythology” but sometimes he doesn’t mention mythology and gets deep into a subject and I’m like okay where’s the part about this being mythology?

I understand using these terms so newer magicians will have a point of reference to connect with in understanding these events (using christian terminology) or even doing it just to scare the hardcore christians because he knows they will see his videos and automatically assume, no he’s tellin the truth this guy is possessed by the devil himself
yada yada but it’s confusing for those of us who have already put that sort of conditioning out of our minds.

personally i feel that he is being led astray by timothy. that guy’s ideas on occult philosophy are nauseating at best. the idea that you are a god, and yet there is no god, is quite confusing
sickening in my opinion.

there are 3 hindrances to the magician. 1 non attachment to god, 2 lack of endeavor to seek knowledge and 3 attachment to evil.
i know those of you on this forum will laugh and scoff at these simple truths, but thats the way it is.

I’m sure Timothy has real power. I just haven’t the slightest bit of interest in atheistic magical. It’s just not for me

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:1, topic:7291”]I am confused, could someone attempt to clarify this for me? These days I have no clue what E.A. believes in. He started off saying he was an atheist toward christianity, then later made it seem like his references to biblical characters and events was just something he was using to help people better understand the nature of the subject of his videos, but lately it seems as if he is starting to believe in all of this biblical stuff in a literal sense.

The Sorath Sun demon video, the book of Azazel, and a few other things just seems too biblical with the way he recalls his accounts of these events. So does he just have a weird set of eclectic beliefs or does it seem that he may be experiencing an antichrist complex gone biblical delusion extreme? Just trying to wrap my head around this because his last several videos have made me look at the screen like Wtf?[/quote]

Isn’t it the essence of subjective synthesis, to believe in what you need to for as long as you’re working within that system?

These forms have power, whether they’re old gods who existed before mankind and got an accretion of egregoric energy and form through generations of humans seering them in specific ways, or whatever else.

Chaos Magick 101 is that BELIEF is a force in itself, a power (or lens of power), and the magician differs from the religious person by making it serve his or her will, and not following blindly under the dictates of that faith all their life, shunning anything else as heresy or falsehood.

So, you synthesize - create within yourself - a subjective faith and immersion in that belief system, to have access to their powers, whilst working with those entities.

He kind of covered that in the Azi Dahaka video, the lengths he’d gone to to acquire this really rare and well-respected reference book (which I managed to track down in the British Library, coz once in a while a British taxpayer lucks out!) that covered the pre-Zoroastrian era, which became split into a dualistic good/evil form later on, and also the more complex Zurvanite thing.

There’s very little written record of the beliefs of that time, but the info in that hefty, academic old book touched on them slightly in order to cover how they became worked into the dualistic Zoroastrian belief system, and thereby one can backwards-engineer them a bit.

That was part of the preparatory immersion in order to synthesize a subjective belief in that whole system. I mean I could be totally out here but that’s what I took from it, and to some extent replicated myself, to work successfully with gods and forces from that system.

And, wisemanecho, Timothy’s a big boy and plenty capable of making his own case if he wants but as far as I understand it, all Law of Attraction teachings (and the content in the Kybalion, and the ancient sources that’s based upon) all ultimately go that route to some extent, that there’s no moral-force, personalised God watching you with judgemental eyes from a cloud, but instead you’re the focal point and generator of your own creation, reality, universe - or “spacetime perception”

So if what he thinks is sickening, then get your chunder bag out again whenever I post, because that’s what I believe too! :o)

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[quote=“RavensAscent, post:1, topic:7291”]I am confused, could someone attempt to clarify this for me? These days I have no clue what E.A. believes in. He started off saying he was an atheist toward christianity, then later made it seem like his references to biblical characters and events was just something he was using to help people better understand the nature of the subject of his videos, but lately it seems as if he is starting to believe in all of this biblical stuff in a literal sense.

The Sorath Sun demon video, the book of Azazel, and a few other things just seems too biblical with the way he recalls his accounts of these events. So does he just have a weird set of eclectic beliefs or does it seem that he may be experiencing an antichrist complex gone biblical delusion extreme? Just trying to wrap my head around this because his last several videos have made me look at the screen like Wtf? Especially since he started adding in all those special FX I feel like I can’t take anything he says seriously because he’s mixing in illusions, fake auras, demon voices, etc.

And I’m a master at doing fake demon voices, I do it sometimes to mess with religious people so when I hear stuff like that on his videos I can’t help but laugh, wondering if he is just playing a joke on everyone to see who all will fall for it. Like is he for real these days or just trying to entertain himself? I am genuinely curious because I am trying to keep up with the videos because some of the content is indeed useful but each new video he releases makes me question his logic and reasoning twice as hard.[/quote]

EA’s doing what he’s been doing
 I mean he’s always had a desire to add what can be perceived as unnecessary flare. Hell, his articles would make me say “WTF” because they always seemed to add unnecessary fluff. However, I think it helps to understand that EA’s first and foremost plan with his magick information is to make money. He eats and maintains his living through this stuff, and he honestly believes in the hardcore pushing of magick as a business avenue.

So it might seem weird, but quite frankly I’ve seen folks do weirder when it comes to moneymaking avenues. I haven’t watched anything from him in a while, so I can’t comment directly on it. But it has always seemed that he’s maintained the most integrity in his books, and after that things seemed to get progressively less substantial and more geared at bringing in customers.

And like Eva says, when folks are testing, or supposedly testing, several different systems over the course of several years, they are going to be working with systems that require all sorts of differing beliefs. I do feel that is why certain spiritual paths focused on just one; each system has it’s own stream of logic that it works off of. So if he is doing that, he’s liable to be inconsistent to some regard.

EA is just doing EA, and you’re at least laughing so he’s at least providing entertainment.

I think the thing to remember is that magick is a journey of practice
 People can believe something, then change their mind later
itks part of the process. EA like many magicians on here and in the world have evolved and changed their views
 Or borrowed and believed something for the express purpose of working magick, then setting it aside. Just try not to get distracted from the bigger picture
 And try to see the purpose behind what he or anyone else here does.

Make sure you find what works for you
 Don’t worry so much about what EA, Tim or anyone else does
 As if you base all your info on that, and they change their mind or understand it differently than presented, you may feel unstable
 So find and maintain your own core
 Learn what you wish from anyone here you respect
 And give yourself and anyone else permission to change their approach
 And know that the symbology one uses is just that
 It may be geared for certian audiences, or not
 Determine what is true or not for yourself
its what we all must do

I would be absolutely gobsmacked if he’s testing them to find the “right” or “true” one to then stick with, to be honest (not saying you’re saying that here, I just wanted to comment on the concept) - I’m sure this has been covered on here before, but the simplest version of subjective synthesis is covered in both ancient Egyptian magicko-religious writings, and also, Hinduism, where the person takes (and treats) the deity/mask of God (or howvere you conceptualise it) as THE definitive form, and lauds them as the most-high, during that ritual.

This is also seen in the Egyptian texts, where in the same document Ra is said to sail beneath the earth each night battling Apep, but also, pass through 12 houses within the body of the sky goddess Nut, and is shown as moving through those in illustrations.

Technically we know that the earth is round, so yes he was both beneath the (observer’s) earth, and also travelling through the sky - they used 2 different systems with no apparent confusion on their part, because both could (presumably) be used in some way. And the scientitific reality we now know of, actually explains how!

So, subjective synthesis and choosing what to believe to attain a result by forging a meaningful interface with specific spirits and forces, and then changing it freely to work with different spirits and forces, to get another result, is actually a really OLD thing, although not truly understood as such since most people just want to be told what to think and what their one true Truth is. :slight_smile:

Anyway - post in the Q&A with this maybe RavensAscent? I think I have a handle on this stuff but I could be totally wrong, and people can only speculate and bring their own perefences and blinkers to it.

The comments on the Book of Azazel.

The Book of Azazel is heavily Biblical,almost adversarial at least.It speaks of damnation,but is very much a blasphemous work,hellbent on expressing the view of ultimate liberation through heresy.

How low can you go?How far can you sink?How deep can you go to Hell?

How much can you grow in power?Do you rival the devil?What the hell does ‘‘the devil’’ even mean?

The Book of Azazel is aimed at taking these Christian ideas and exposing them completely.To a degree,it shows us the full nature of the witch’s pact,the witch’s mark,the witch’s unholy baptism.

The witch is expected to renounce her baptism and forsake their god,in traditional Christian mythology.The Book of Azazel talks about this but goes even deeper.

Not just on how deep can you sink into hell,but how much of it can you drag back with you into this Earth.

How much can your empire here expand?How much can you merge with the demonic and the sinister?How much power can you wield here and now?What can you do here,and now?

At the same time,the Book of Azazel does an excellent example of showing us that all these misconceptions stemming from Judeo-Christianity are there because they’ve been dragged into this world,by Western culture(which embraces the paradigm),by society(which brainwashes the individual into believing in the religions),and showing us just how illusionary these masks are.

Azazel shatters Koetting’s perception of reality,shatters his conception of religion,of demons,and of himself.He blatantly wrecks the false idols of the past.He claims the prophets of old summoned him to indulge and learn from him,rather to command and fight him.He claims that your world is what you make of it.He shoves E.A. into Saturn itself,and back,through hell and back,into blasphemy and back,and at the end of it all,just as he has renounced everything,and the thing that’s still real and still in place is the pact

He is forced to part with that too.The only binding he has is to eternity,and infinity.And all was rebuilt from thereon.Just by placing his faith in the infernal host who delivered all this to hi.Along with the priceless knowledge,that he was made to be a god here and now.

The revelation,amongst all the other useful things in that book,that our job isn’t to flee from this realm for warmer climates,but to make beautiful and serene even this place,which is the most real hell you will ever encounter,and that man(or woman,or child) is the true god of this realm,and there is no other.

Personal analysis of the Biblical nature of the Book of Azazel is that it DOES take on a very Biblical motive,mainly so that we can look at the true,and misinterpreted words of prophets and sages of old,spit in the very face of god,and see what that grain of truth in traditional religion is,and say goodbye,forever,to the rest.

Here are two newsletters that cover the topic of subjective synthesis:

Why Spirits OFFER To Perform Magick For Me


"Calling on a friend for help is almost always going to be more effective than calling on a stranger.

Now, it’s not hard to establish this deep, psychic connection to the spirit. There is an adage in the occult that “What you put your attention upon will also begin to pay attention to you.”

So, all that you need to do is start paying attention the spirit as you prepare for the ritual in which you’ll be calling it forth for help.

Instead of grabbing the name and sigil out of some book and lighting your candles and incense right away, ask yourself some questions about the spirit.

Who am I calling? Where does the name come from? What specific magickal or religious system does it appear in? What does it look like? What is its personality like? What are some of the things that it enjoys, and what does it dislike? What other spirits does it tend to mingle with?

Then, start chasing down answers. Research the spirit. Find out who it is, not just what it is. Make it personal.

As you do this, you’ll find that the presence of the spirit begins to form around you long before your first conjuration. It recognizes the attention you’re paying to it, and it will begin to pay attention to you.

What you are trying to do is to make the spirit a real being, a personality, an entity with not only a name, but a spirit with a face, with a story. Through your preparatory immersion into who it is, you will transmute it in your mind from a spiritual servant that you can conjure and constrain into an eternal ally that you want to meet.

There are those who feel that spirits are all in the head, that they are merely projections of the imagination, and that the success of the ritual hinges on some sort of psychodrama. While this is preposterous to any magician with enough real experience, even those who take this stance can be encouraged that engaging yourself in this first principle of Preparatory Immersion will make the subjective synthesis of the ritual all the more psychologically stimulating, and therefore all the more successful.

Either way, you can only benefit from following through with this initial stage of the evocation, even when you don’t want to delay the ritual."

How I Exterminated My Haunted House


“And, what most people don’t know is that simply speaking a spirit’s name begins the process of summoning it. If you’re not quite sure about this, consider that in discovering the name of the spirit you are doing quite a bit of interactive research, making the spirit very real in your mind, which can be called the building up of subjective synthesis, or as I have termed, ‘Preparatory Immersion.’ Whether you are using Ouija boards, automatic writing, scrying mirrors, or full evocations to discover the names of these wandering wraiths, you have employed the use of a working system of spirit contact.”

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I would be absolutely gobsmacked if he’s testing them to find the “right” or “true” one to then stick with, to be honest (not saying you’re saying that here, I just wanted to comment on the concept) - I’m sure this has been covered on here before, but the simplest version of subjective synthesis is covered in both ancient Egyptian magicko-religious writings, and also, Hinduism, where the person takes (and treats) the deity/mask of God (or howvere you conceptualise it) as THE definitive form, and lauds them as the most-high, during that ritual.

This is also seen in the Egyptian texts, where in the same document Ra is said to sail beneath the earth each night battling Apep, but also, pass through 12 houses within the body of the sky goddess Nut, and is shown as moving through those in illustrations.

Technically we know that the earth is round, so yes he was both beneath the (observer’s) earth, and also travelling through the sky - they used 2 different systems with no apparent confusion on their part, because both could (presumably) be used in some way. And the scientitific reality we now know of, actually explains how!

So, subjective synthesis and choosing what to believe to attain a result by forging a meaningful interface with specific spirits and forces, and then changing it freely to work with different spirits and forces, to get another result, is actually a really OLD thing, although not truly understood as such since most people just want to be told what to think and what their one true Truth is. :slight_smile:

Anyway - post in the Q&A with this maybe RavensAscent? I think I have a handle on this stuff but I could be totally wrong, and people can only speculate and bring their own perefences and blinkers to it.[/quote]

Yea I get what you mean, although I would say that in the example you use, the focus in still on a particular mythos path. Me personally, I don’t really care as I am all for the idea of doing what works for the person. What you demonstrate with Ra’s example really does sound exactly like what I was saying since, even if the practice methods and certain particular deities are different, the path is still a “Ra” path. This is a bit different than jumping from a Ra path and then, for whatever reason, jumping to Nordic Runes where the power properties and associations, use of sound, language construction, and deities are quite different.

But again, this does depend on the person. EA, in, perhaps in the Book of Azazel or in some video, talked about how he was instructed to go from one particular pantheon at a point, to be instructed by the entities in that pantheon to go to another pantheon. So EA may in fact be on a very “consistent” path, but it’s one tailor-made for him. These ancient paths, whether they were synthesis or packaged up into an all-in-one system
 at first they were things that were just based on fearless exploration of oneself. So what may look like a flailing into different systems to the outside may be a very-well-constructed path for the person experiencing it. Not saying this is the case, but it is definitely possible. Either way, it is his life, so he at least has the right to do whatever he feels like, regardless of what we think haha.

By the way, the book of Azazel I was only about less than halfway thru it when I made my first post in this topic but I just finished it a few minutes ago and yes towards the last half of the book it does mention “perceived reality” which sort of evens out all of the religious stuff at the beginning, but he did this in W.O.D. too. Some parts of that book had me visualizing mass Satanic orgies with a naked lady being sacrified on an altar drenched in goats blood. LOL

But the Sorath video literally had me raising my eyebrows.

as magicians, we need not to ignore religious words. Part of that, we must use these words and clean the current misconceptions, the same as embracing the word “witch” as own identity and showing the world what really a witch is, that a witch is never the same as what has been wrongly told about this days.

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I’m personally not bothered about his approach in different pantheons. It’s just a way to adapt to the beliefsystem to make it effective as possible.

But I’m still bothered with the lack of linguistics in the way he and Timothy uses words. It is confusing to use a word by your own definitions, rather than using it for what it really means, academically and by dictionaries. If you teach by defining words outside of what’s generally accepted by the masses of society, you’re taking a detour by making another section to explain your own meaning of these words. That makes teaching more complicated and time consuming, for unnecessary reasons.

And I never liked the idea of “debunking” other paths than black magic when this path uses parts of the other paths through linguistic definitions. In my world, that creates a conflict with limitations.

In the end, it’s what works on an individual level that counts, right? I just wish it was less confusing, sometimes.

Yes, just look at the way Timothy calls himself an Atheist and then talks about every god you can think of. Lame.

Well, the man’s obviously not stupid, so I think that means he doesn’t believe in a pre-existing omniscient and omnipotent god, who controls all things and punishes and rewards according some moral absolute which he (it’s usually a “he”) expects us to follow?

It’s perfectly reasonable that humans, and even proto-humans, personified forces of nature until they became egregores in their own right, and egregores become self-aware and self-preserving a lot more easily than people tend to assume.

I don’t believe it in many cases (I think a lot of them come from outer space/other dimensions) but based on my experiences with, for example BunĂ© - who’s all “Grr scary hell demon” IF approached expecting that, and yet very compassionate and generous if approached as being more like the goddess Wadjet/Buto, then it certainly seems true that spirits have an egregoric mask of some kind.

And you’re probably no different, I bet you’d talk to a cop who pulls you over in your car in a different way than to an old friend, everything from the language you use to your body language would be subtly altered?

Lady Eva, I see your point. And I agree that Timothy is using the term Atheist in that way. But in common parlance the term generally has the meaning of no gods whatsoever or even a supernatural world. So I’m not saying his definition is wrong. Just very cumbersome to use for his view because he has to redefine the word.

Yeah, fair enough, but I have a feeling that if these guys (and the many high-profile occultists before them who’ve given us what we have as a heritage) had stayed with conventional definitions of things, taking what they were handed without trying to mix it up a bit, we’d still be stuck in the dark ages where the only philosophies and metaphysics available were what the preacher told you from the pulpit.

And we certainly wouldn’t be on this forum right now and having this conversation, with whatever various benefits it’s brought us, so there’s that - he and E.A. have turned their own systems and whatever into something that’s directly added to - well, at least my life.

I read through nearly all Timothy’s old posts on here last year, just out of curiosity because we don’t see him on here much any more, and obviously he’s not making videos and stuff as often as E.A., and there’s some cool stuff tucked away - highly recommended. I don’t share all his beliefs and stuff, but I respect they have integrity and internal logic, and are no more unfounded than my own. :slight_smile:

Well the definition of atheism is technically one who does not believe in the existence of any God (singular, suggesting one supreme overseer) OR Gods (plural, suggesting a more Pagan oriented belief in which the person is aware of or calls upon multiple deities, all of which work in unison or oversee only a certain universal sphere or task, implying that these Gods or Goddesses do not claim supreme reign over the entire universe but only a small portion of it which they oversee or help to maintain balance within).

So the way the definition is phrased ‘God OR Gods’ implies to me that atheism is customizable and can either mean you lack belief in all deities and nothing exists but ourselves and the world around us, and only when we are in direct observation of this world (hardcore atheist) or something similar to Timothy’s version which he calls (supernatural atheism) which is the belief in all gods or goddesses but than none of them have supreme reign over us or our lives, that we are in control of our lives and should we choose to, these deities are there for us to call upon if and when needed.

Many of us here fall along this spectrum. Even if we do believe that Jehovah or Yahweh does exist in some part of the universe, we choose to ignore him, we do not recognize him as supreme overseer, in our worlds he is nothing but yet another deity who was brought into creation by the will of others who believed he existed due to coercion, violence, and scare tactics opposed onto them by other people of that time period, he is but a thoughtform of which we do not worship or recognize in any instances of our paths.

Then you have those who are hardcore atheists but have the idea that man can be the only god that exists, normally atheistic Satanists who believe they are a god in their own right and the world revolves around them, that they hold the keys to their own success and fortunes and this success can only be accomplished thru self worship and strict self observation, which is the reason why most atheistic Satanists I have met are extremely rude and mean because they take their idea of self godhood to an extreme, sometimes pitching tantrums demanding attention to themselves because since they believe that NO gods actually exist outside of themselves, the only way they can be their own god is to accomplish this task thru their own actions and behaviors by being forceful, demanding, cut throat, and deceitful in order for them to get ahead because they do not believe in magick in any form.

That’s just my own opinion but you will find these types of self proclaimed gods lingering around the 600 club forums. People like this IMO are no better than the religious zealots, they are zealots in their own way, preaching to the extremes just like any other atheist that no Gods exist but instead of just stopping right there they throw in other things relating their own godhood and Satanism. Those people just confuse everybody, especially the newbies to the left hand path who go seeking advice about Satanism only to have those types of people get down right obscenely rude with them , calling them names, you idiot Satanism isn’t about the literal Satan it’s about being your own god, your own boss, go somewhere else and get a real fucking education you dumbass! Instead of being helpful and telling those people that there are multiple forms of Satanism, some literal, others not.