What is money really?

Now I’ve done a ton of research on wealth and money from many different angles. LOA, wealth demons and spirits, etc.

At the end of the day, in this reality money and currency drives our behavior and urges.

What is money to you, and for those who have had the pleasure of accumulating large sums of it, how have you done so? Share all your secrets and insights here.


Money is simply another system of control.

True, my life would be slightly easier if I had millions of dollars to just throw around, but honestly, barring the fact that I have to pay bills to live in a somewhat civilized society, I really don’t care for money.

For me, money is merely a tool for me to pay for the things that I’m utilizing while I’m still where I’m at.

I can’t talk to it, I can’t eat it, I can’t fuck it, and it doesn’t do anything to provide for itself.

I’d much rather be living in a Shack in the middle of the swamp, shooting and growing my own food, and working with the spirits however I choose.


Money is just a means of trade and happens everywhere astral, physical, etheric, and probably other places. I think nothing of it besides it’s a trade. A flawed trade but nothing is without flaw.

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Why would you need money in the astral if you can create things through thought

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The astral has a wide spectrum while some parts are insanely easy other parts are not so easy so many go there to trade and such and some things are better than getting one that was made by someone’s fragile imagination.


But wouldn’t they be able to copy the other person’s merchandise?

How can you copy something you know nothing about how it was made? You can copy a cake but all you know is that it’s a cake, you don’t know what they put in it to make it the kind of cake it is. Same goes for objects you can copy a gun, a sword, etc but you don’t know the material they used, the enchantments they might of used. Your copy would be a bootleg version of its original basically.

Yes, but can’t you look at an object and say I want that, and the energy is copied?

No, that’s not how that works. You copy what you see and what you know not what you don’t know or can’t see. The astral doesn’t make you all knowing.

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Money is a great way enslave a society and retard its evolution.


Money is worth exactly what you make it worth.


pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis, domina

— if you know how to use money, money is your slave; if you don’t, money is your master.

I want to get this as a Tattoo. Strongly believe in it because that’s how this world works.


“The material means of directing occult power.”

quote from the Angels of Omnipotence - Elubatel, Ebuhuel, and Atuesuel, and from Leviathan, the demon King


Yes making money is a skill one must learn and a persons life situation will determine the difficulty, take a homeless person as an example or a rape victim with chronic depression. If we were released from this necessity, making money, we would have time and energy to focus on our evolution. We really have all we need to be happy as a humanity but we have put a price on our own products and ability to live. Money is retarding us and killing us, it is a cancer one must have to live.

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You could also start being completely self-sufficient. make all your clothes on your own, grow you food etc. But then you have to go to the doctor and pay him how? With a chicken? Chicken would be your money then.so you see, a world without money doesnt exist, at least not on this planet…


Those who tend to think negatively about money tend to push it away from them


You can have any polar thoughts to money as you like but it wont change the fact that it is a tool to enslave humanity. Your survival depends on something that has no real value. The first federal bank was put in Sweden by a crook who then lost his shares in the bank and was imprisoned because they found out he was a crook, the whole system is made and run by crooks and it goes back as far as the beginning of this civilization. Imagine you grow your own potatoes and you can’t eat them because you have also put a price on them and you don’t have the money to buy them. This is the situation humanity is currently in, we have everything we need but the lack of money is stopping us from using our own produce. Schools have no money, hospitals have no money, communities and towns have no money, countries have no money and people have no money it seems like the whole bloody planet is poor and everyone is in bad debt when in fact the planet is rich and debt is unnecessary.


So true!

When it comes to magick… money is a symbol. It could be a symbol for itself, or something else you need money to get or experience.

For example, I can perform a spell to get $5000 doesn’t matter why. I want to have that amount in my bank account. In this case money is a symbol of itself. It is the goal or end result. Other times, money is a symbol for a desire. For example, I need $5000 for a summer vacation. I really don’t care about that money, I care about what that amount of money represents or means to me.

Approaching each case with magick should be different. And most of the time that doesn’t happen. That’s the main reason why money magick sometimes doesn’t work. Because you’re doing the spell for something and your true will is something different, and that creates conflict and conflict confirms and affirms the desire or need instead of targeting the subject of the will. All that assuming the ritual or spell is done correctly.

In my opinion, the main secret for successful money magick - or getting results from LOA techniques to attract money - is to make sure that this conflict doesn’t exist or solved in your mind, or you would be sending the wrong message to the spirit you’re working with, or the universe if you’re using LOA, then wonder why nothing happened or you received more need for money instead.

If you’re using LOA then you may use your emotions. The feeling of the wish fulfilled as Goddard describes it. In this case, money becomes a symbol of a symbol ! You need to have something, and this thing is not the goal in itself, it’s also a symbol of an emotion you wish to experience. To make this work you need to include money as a symbol, and what you want to have as another symbol… but your true will, your desired end result that you should concentrate on, is the feeling or emotion that this amount of money, and that specific thing you want, would make you feel.

Hope that helps,


That is pretty much it I love that quote lol money isnt even a bad thing or a way to control, unless you lack knowing how to use it. Otherwise it can be useful to get what you need.