What is Hell like

I asked Azazel again about the infernal empire and he said this in return only spoke two words…

fire and darkness…

take that as you would

personally I believe hell is a place for the development of the soul. Essentially you haven’t completed the action you needed to take because of unsubconscious fear towards your deepest desires that giving you the greatest joy. Why earth called hell by many people ? Because we are learning new things everyday from traumatic experiences. That’s simply means you have to be selfish and go after what you really want regardless of the consequences and fear. Make this a routine to accomplish your goals and get to higher vibrations. Essentially the universe will bend to your will and give you everything. I do believe the entities help as far as giving you direction towards actions and conclusions. They give you energy courage strength and motivation. I will die for my deepest desires. I don’t necessarily like to talk about my self I’m a normal human bean but I like to think that laziness and your unsubconscious is the real hell that Causing illnesses health problems and more. Toxic people too, Projection insecurities. Essentially you don’t want to live to please other people, Going after your real passion isn’t wrong far from it. Hell is work hell is actions. Just when I’m writing this I’m getting ready to go surfing at the beach cya good people, have a productive day.


So what happens to those who are not under the care of Satan when they die?

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they get reborn or go into another realm

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I’m not experienced with demonolatry and have just been reading a lot and I’ve had a series of dreams recently of hell, I think it’s hell. I’ve dreamt of a network/web of tunnels, maybe tunnels of energy and at each intersection it’s lit up and there are very beautiful people enjoying themselves and they seem to be very happy.

We just open our eyes and see the physical world and understand what hell is like.

The Horrors of Hell Described, Youtube, by Mary K. Baxter.
Joy of Satan website : has their own interpretation which is different from the Christian hell.
Egyptian version of hell.
Hindus version.
And others.
Most describe it as Hot, Tormenting, Dark ( except for the flames ), and Noisy ( people screaming )
Nice eh ?

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Also those uneducated scum all also full off empty promises, not Lucifer Amaymon he is never ever full off empty promises.

Also, type Poverty in India or Untouchable Caste in India and you will see what is hell. People should really grow the fuck up from their imagination of hell according to Abrahamism and understand that Hell is here, hell is now.


It really does depend. But I’d say it looks a lot like the stereotype. It’s not something that should be romanticized… I had a terrifying experience to share, (I can make a separate post if you all want to know). I literally think I was dragged out of my body at the age of 11 by some very nasty people that said “your mine” “run piggy run” and was tasked with finding my family but they appeared as though they were stretched out. It looked a lot like a carnival, with a gravitron wheel included. And I met this blond haired woman with a blue hoodie that said. “I’m Abigail that is my brother… he needs help I will help you get out of this mess, do not eat or drink anything…” we basically spoke about how annoying the brown haired man was. then basically I was quickly transported to a green palace like dining hall and then I felt woozy because I didn’t see the blonde lady anymore, but was scooped up by a figure that I thought was the brown haired man. And was asked “how old are you?” When I said I was 11. (Massive trigger warning for sexual assault) “mind if I make love to you?” Is what the figure said. I was placed in a red room, with literally the adornings and the like. And saw a black haired man with no eyes thrusting into me and shaking. And I proceeded to see the room spin and black out. I saw the blond haired woman then slump and cry, and then I woke up. I have several experiences over the past few months if you want to know what the hell hell is like?

Depends on what lower astral realm you are talking about. The one I normally like to go to is an endless desert with a red sky and black clouds. There is no sun, stars nor moons. The light only emanates from the red sky. The sky has clouds of black ash and winds that fill the air with sand and ash. It is extremely cold and dry. All you can hear is the wind and the wiping of the ash and sand.

It is a very peaceful place, where one can be in their own mind.


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and what happens to those who are in care Satan ?

Hell! I think it is depends on various things. I will talk about Religious Hell and Practical Hell. Religious hell is often describe as a hot red, fire, pain, cages, blood, evil, lava or whatever you can think about ugly and scary. Religion claim hell was created to punish if you don’t do/live the way God or his messengers want us to life. For some people it may be sensitive topic. But to feel the hell pain we need body & mind and some kind of connections (connection can be with another human or with wealth or it could be some other attachment we have with this world things) and we make connections on this earth.
Practical Hell is created by our own karma. That hell is more painful than the hell describe by religions or in photos/videos we often see. The reason is because that hell is like waking up everyday and wishing for death, crying in pain (pain can be physical or emotional pain), endless suffering, dealing with depression and list goes on. And it get worsen once your beloved one is taken away from you to make pain more deep.
Now personally according to my experience Practical hell hurts so much more. I have been there and it has been over 3 years since i have been living in this hell. My endless tears, prayers, begging, asking for mercy goes unheard everyday. Self awareness/ spirituality/ 3rd eye/ Meditation helps to understand why i am in this hell. But can we get out of this hell? Answer of that question is still unknown.

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hell for me is simple at it’s abstract core.

not endless suffering, but endless suffering with an undertone of hope.
hope that is to be intermittently fuelled. then completely dashed each time.
endless suffering one adjusts to if there is no hope.

each being makes up their own personal hell with this as the basis.
it’s a state of existence and it can be in any realm even this one.

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sorry to hear @SiFiLM

i had a similar prolonged experience that was made more pronounced the same - with the only one i’d opened my heart to being taken away.

the key for me was to eliminate hope. to stop thinking there must be a reason, or there would be justice eventually or that some one/thing was going to help me.

then you can confront your reality and know that only you will change it.
you will have to revisit your preconceptions and shatter most of them to escape.

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What you just said reminds me of Buddhism technique they practice to overcome suffering/pain.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us and helping us to understand bit more and also very wise words.

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