What is after

What is after the throne of God? I know the path never ends, but seriously what after such a high attainment?

Seriously though, I believe its one of those things that is indescribable, or perhaps incomprehensible until it is experienced. I dont think that there is a limit to knowledge or understanding, so reaching the throne would really be the same as where we’re at now. Imagine trying to explain some of the more advanced metaphysical concepts you know now to your 10 year old self…same idea, only larger. Possibly more stressful too? I imagine keeping the clockwork of the universe running is a little more complex than evocating for money. Just like how your life gets much more complex after high school in ways that you never expected. My parents always said “you’ll understand better when you’re older”…how right they were!

That logic definitely makes sense. It makes me wonder if God was the first person to make it there to tell the experience. It is pretty much incomprehensible to tell where he originated so it does make sense. Probably no one actually made it past Godhood, yet here they are, probably making life forms and sending them down here. I try think, but my mind just stops at the wall.

chicken or the egg…?

I asked this question twice. Once to the angelic spirit I work with, the projection ended right as I asked it and if he answered I didn’t hear it. The other time I asked my occult teacher, that time was pretty epic because we were in a ritual so I asked it with my mind and he read it. His answer was “The tears of infinity”

Indeed when we talk about “God” and that paradigm we talk about Chockmah, not Kether which is a window of static manifestation ( and the speculation of the Buddha`s Nirvana placed on Kether )

Indeed the question is about AIN, ( one step ahead of the ABSOLUTE ) and the Oniverse…or one step ahead of AIN.

When I was a child I was asking this since I was 4 years old. The answer came toooooo later. Its not unconcievable…just it is…and it is not…

A friend of mine told one day, when I was talking about the “increation” state of the totality and he told me with his Anarchic approach of life…

…sometimes there`s nothing to explain…

Crowley talks about it in another form…
The people who asks WHY waste their time…
the WHAT take us to that level…
But one good lecture would be (google it ) the polarity of Ain Soph…this, at least give u a simple explanation of the origin of evil by default…

Many dark magis look for that knowledge too, in the Older Ones, who are part of the first emanations ( the firsts 3 emanations, this one, is the 4th )

What we do not know if when someday everyone of us reachs the “ipssisumus” if that question need to be answered, probably yes, because indeed the totality is contained inside the demarcative space…

such a task dont you think?

well, my vacations has come to an end and if i dont post too much this days, is because im busy…ill keep on reading anyway

Well, I’m currently working on a few things that may or may not be along the lines of the original question. Of course, omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience comes in waves, brief moments of “Aha!” and then you’re back to taking out the trash and washing dishes. But, riding those waves, I’ve found that nothing is impossible. Therefore, my next goals are listed below. Once I’ve mastered these, I’m sure that there will be others placed before me.

I love this magick hat, even though sometimes I’m certain it’s wearing me.

  1. Learn to operate your omnipresent body, expanding and contracting it infinitely.

  2. Learn to materialize solid objects instantly through evocation.

  3. Learn to dematerialize objects by speeding up their resonance and folding them into astral pockets.

  4. Through Soul Travel, generate critical mass to rematerialize in a remote physical location, observable to anyone and everyone present.

  5. Through Soul Travel, Possess a human body for an indefinite amount of time, thus paving the way for forced reincarnation.

EA what about physical shapeshifting into anything you want,nd the possibility of an immortal life through shapeshifting into a younger version of yourself?

@ E.A. dude you read my mind, that is the exact same thing I’m after.

Okay, as far as I’ve gotten with ethereal projection is just that. Lol, I can leave my body with no problem after inducing a lucid dream but the problem I’m facing in ethereal form is that I can’t physically harm anyone or “jump” into their body causing a possession. Using Ipssismus as a guide I have reached materialization in front of other people for a very short period but I’m seen as nothing more then a disembodied spirit that really doesn’t resemble me whatsoever and this is really an off chance because most people are not tuned in to see the otherworld.

Every time I try to push the envelope on this subject my physical consciousness spins out of control and works against me causing me to be jolted back into my body. I know this is possible but I think it takes a willing subject, or at least someone who believes that you can inhabit their physical self.

I know this is possible but figuring it out is a bitch. To everyone out there this is one of those things that you have to experience before you know the true untapped power and potential that this has to offer. I’m seeking the same thing on this subject, if you want to compare notes on the subject hit me up.

Soul travel and ethereal projection is a key tool in obtaining omnipotence. It’s a fact, because experiencing this will put omnipotence into perspective. It did for me and I know it will for you. Props to Ipsissimus, it’s a must read for anyone who hasn’t tackled this subject

On a further note, I wonder if negative and positive electromagnetic fields play a role in this. Every time I ethereal project I notice that my body feels like the same feeling that you feel when magnets repel each other.

Just an observation.

For some reason, shapeshifting just doesn’t draw me in like it does to some. I’ve experimented with it enough to have a terrifying and painful experience, but in general I’ve just not considered it to be something worth pursuing further. I’m fine with risk, as long as there is also reward, and with S.S., I’m just not seeing the real reward. Sure, it’s cool, it’s nifty, but as far as I’m concerned, less effort can be applied with greater payoff with most any other discipline.

If I remember correctly, a balancing of the self is underway, and once you have mastered it, you will have attained the darduri siddhi, which is said to allow you to “jump about like a frog,” but is allegorical. Really, it will allow you to leave your body entirely under your control, and your entire travel will be seamless. If you anchor yourself to your Muladhara, you can also supposedly levitate, which is something I’ve (maybe) had happen to me spontaneously, but haven’t been able to reproduce willingly. That’s really the bitch of all of this - you can do some amazing things when you’re not trying to, but as soon as you make a conscious effort, it just falls apart.

The sumerian called it “Urushdaur”, but the ritual itself is too complicated, probably in your soul travel you can reach another method to get this.

I recall Robert Bruce consciously possessing bodies through astral projection, though your goal is indefinite meaning he probably didn’t get that adept as of yet. The part about indefinite though; would you lose your own Samaric self or would you probably need to build it up?

what about kundalini?i believe EA has raised the kundalini several times by now…whats the importance of kundalini in the quest for godhood?

Robert Bruce specializes in Kundalini and Astral Projection and the POTM. He had raised his kundalini 70 times. He says that it awakens our genius and brings us extremely close to our higher self. He says we can create things out of nothing or thin air while in the state of raising kundalini. Oh yeah and it boosts your ascension and while being raised gives you all your psychic powers at full power.

If I remember correctly, a balancing of the self is underway, and once you have mastered it, you will have attained the darduri siddhi, which is said to allow you to “jump about like a frog,” but is allegorical. Really, it will allow you to leave your body entirely under your control, and your entire travel will be seamless. If you anchor yourself to your Muladhara, you can also supposedly levitate, which is something I’ve (maybe) had happen to me spontaneously, but haven’t been able to reproduce willingly. That’s really the bitch of all of this - you can do some amazing things when you’re not trying to, but as soon as you make a conscious effort, it just falls apart.[/quote]

That’s really interesting, I didn’t know levitation is a possibility while delving into this subject. I only had two instances while doing this where people thought they saw me when I was actually in ethereal form, and yes it was where I traveled to and it was more or less a hey you caught me off guard and I thought I saw you in the corner of my eye experience for my mom and wife. When they told me this it made me think of shadow people for some reason, that’s why I believe we’re disembodied on the physical plane when we choose to ap.

I have not seen this but through my research I’m told that we have a cord attached to us every time we ap or ep. It seems to me that this cord is the direct link to our conscious physical self which possible is the reason for the conscious interference. My question is if this is true is there a way to temporarily sever this cord thus giving the astral traveler freedom from the self?

Oh, and btw thanks for the Universal Circle it’s everything that I was looking for.