What im sick of

Im not gonna mention any names, everyone has their own experiences and whatnot but heres my take on something which is a little pet peeve of mine:

Demons (and most spirits) dont care what you do on the earth with your life. Demons especially considering they are negatively polarized/qliphothic, they care more about whats going on in their own lives in their own planes/dimensions/realms rather than caring abt what one little cosmically insignificent human is doing on one rock floating in space in the physical universe.

Now, are they gonna care when one of their followers, worshippers or people who work with them, gets hurt? YES, obviously and absolutely and they will back you. However, in the grand scheme of things, if a demon dont know you, they dont give a shit what happens to you or what you do with your life.

They also dont really give a shit about what happens on this earth on a large scale, they are beyond certain situations, shifts and movements on this planet.

Its like a human caring what happens in the Andromeda Galaxy. Doesnt exist unless it threatens our own galaxy (apparently they’re colliding eventually).

I just wanna say this because with the recent shift in a certain part of earths system of things people were projecting their own ego on the spirits they work with and saying they were angry at said certain shift.

One: Dont speak for spirits, they have their own voice and if they’re mad they’ll let u know but more often than not, they arent mad. And candles flickering insanely fast or intensely doesnt mean they’re mad, it could mean many things or nothing at all.
Two: Learn to differentiate between what your MIND (your own ego) wants to sense or expects to sense and your actual intuition. Do this also for divination because i see mad amounts of new agers on YT claiming some mad **** through divination that just isnt true.

Anyway, all in all im not trying to offend anyone or throw shit but i feel it needs to be talked about and this is my 2 cents.


Hello there. I understand the general meening of your post and partially is true, but often some demons disagree with our choices and dont let us do certain things and in the end we see that it was for our own good. For example they dont help us to bring lovers back when they are asked to, or they bring new people in our lives.
Or they make us loose our current jobs because they want to lead us to something better.
So considering this kind of behavior, i could not say they dont care for the humans at all…
I hope you got my point. :dizzy:

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Theres alot of your post which is untrue. Demons do bring lovers back when they are asked to, infact there are demons specifically listed in the ars goetia to repair bonds between people and bring lovers to people or even make people fall in love with you. Duchess Gremory is one of them, among alot of others.

However, they will do this but you will lose them again anyway if your bringing them back to you instead of inspiring love for the first time because you’d be doing it for unaligned, controlling, and inauthentic selfish desires borne out of a broken heart which needs to learn to let things end when they end. Ofc if love is rekindled because of those desires, the person will leave again. It points to deeper problems and those problems arent remedied by calling on a demon to get a lover back.

Demons dont make you lose your job unless you have done a working with them to actually get a new job. They may suggest things to you but ive never heard anyone say that they make people lose their jobs unless they’ve actually asked for a new one or a better one or your pathworking with them.

Demons do not care what you do with your life or what happens to you unless you have a bond with them. You obviously have a bond with some of them so ofc they will.

In regards to world-changing situations they really dont. They’ve seen countless or even thousands of shifts on this planet and have been around before the universe was even made, they are bigger than this earth and this universe. When you’ve been around the block a bit you tend to lose any emotional attachments to things happening because they just dont matter to you anymore and not only that they know that any chaos is catalyst for humanity for those who want to actually use it for their benefit. The ones that dont use it miss out on an opportunity and continue to entropy.

To be far, I think you’re both right… I think they meant to say “they don’t always…” because love magick is notorious for failing more often than it works, but I think that’s not always an entities fault, when another human is involved they have a say and sometimes their “no” is just stronger than anyone else’s “yes”.

I avoid tiktok as a place where brains go to die, so I have no idea what rot is going on there now, but in general I do also see a very human tendency to project a level of humanity onto entities that they just don’t have, and I agree it’s mostly conscious-mind invention.


In remote viewing people are trained with techniques to help avoid this, as it’s so common it will probably happen several times in every single session. They’re called “Analytical Overlay” or "STRAY CAT"s - I mention this here:

So it’s a result of the self-taught nature of this kind of western occultism, where we all roll our sleeves up and do the best we can without a lot of technical training or guidance on how to avoid our own inner bullshit. The more interesting it is the more our conscious is entertained and the more we want it to be true, and we get really invested in building castles in the sky.

Sometimes the only way to get rid of the castle building it to go with it, let it run it’s course and get it out of your system. Unfortunately people do that in public and then regret it when they find out it was all fiction.

(Lookup the “Nadharkis” episode on here, that was awesome but an example of this, and the whole forum got involved building that story - turned out to be a parasite telling porkies (according to the OP) the entire time. :smiley: )

Eventually it comes down to the old maxim “know thyself”. When you know yourself really well, you know why you think what you think, and where you’ve made up shit out of wishful thinking… well, mostly. It can still trip up the best of us nevertheless, and the only real tell is feedback.

This is why I say results are the acid test. You can have the coolest UPG ever, but if it doesn’t serve you in time, (assuming you’re not a novelist or artist of some kind and it’s making you money that way and doesn’t matter if it’s “real”) then what’s the point?


Thank you for your reply. I agree with everything you said and i believe you got it all spot on.

Unfortunately yes, tiktok is a place where brains go to die. Its one of those. Thats why i left it like 2 months back, however i do check in sometimes to what utter catastrophe of bullshit humanity has invented LOL. I find it either entertaining or i smack my hand on my forehead in second-hand embarrasment and wonder why i even bother xD.

There alot of self-proclaimed “baby-witches” with no instructions or genuine guidance and thats ok, they’ll learn in time if their open to it but unfortuantely some get so caught up in delusion that it becomes a problem.


Definitely agree with this. I think a lot of it comes down to idolisation and fear mongering both giving people weird viewpoints.

A lot of it in my opinion is people trying to humanise things or project human concepts that aren’t human by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve definitely been guilty of this early on in my path myself.

The last part of results is big too. I’ve met a lot of people with tall stories who always have a convenient reason why there’s no results. For some of them it’s kinda like a game of jenga where each ego projection could make the whole thing crash down.

Also from my own experience, dealing with spirits as spirits and not trying to conflate human things with them has brought me the most effective results.


Honestly this is a very solid take. I wouldn’t expect Fenris to know my name when my last incantation was Leviathan.
Also a very good note about not speaking for them, I’ve also heard that if you doubt their ability in the grand scheme of things their magick will fail to work. Its not like they’ll just walk through the door and start making demands until ya get what you want.

It is very good to make more people aware of the fact that if you’re either
A. Not bothering their space
B. Actively practicing with them

Then there’s no reason to think they’re after you all of the sudden, especially if you’re treating them with the care and attention they deserve

Also worth mentioning that any good practitioner knows that they need to step their own emotion and ego aside before they practice, and only treat the great ones we invoke with utmost respect and never act bashfully towards them for any reason.

That being said, no demon has any reason to be aware of our existence until we start getting involved with them which in my opinion, is just as it should be.

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