What I just saw

I was in a redish place. I was not asleep. I felt like my head and arms had no control. I tried to look up at the moon through the window but everything got darker so I snapped out of it

I kept hearing a buzz sound, like a light with a short fuse and that zzzzzzz sound it makes


What were you doing while this occurred? Or just prior to this occurring? Any meditation, magickal practices, etc.? It’s a possibility you viewed beyond the veil that you normally find yourself surrounded by and looked beyond. You exchanged sight with the spiritual sense instead of the physical sense. Those are the possibilities I’d suggest happened. Outside of that, it didn’t necessary appear disturbing to you? Right? Try if possible to see the links in this astral perhaps vision and how it correlates to your present spiritual ascent. Very interesting!


Before I may have drifted off, I climaxed from masturbating and I said “where is my gorgeous, magical, strong vampire?” to myself (I was watching clips of Klaus from The Originals lol )

This is the light in my room. Explains the zzzz sound. I just need to get some courage to get up and look around. It was a struggle waking out of it. Like I was drawn to it but my mortal fear kicked in


Tbh i think i was awake because my eyes were wide open and there was a shaky moment before the wall turned red

Interesting indeed. I will try again

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I’ve seen real bright flashes of light off to the sides (peripheral vision) at times when my practice is at higher level.

Interesting experience you’d had for sure!

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I’ve had this experience many times too, and it always feels sexual. Like I’m being beckoned to be over taken but I’m fighting it. Like a girl that says yes to the guy trying to get in her pants yet pulls away and teases when he really tries… weird analogy but a lot of my experiences tinkered around this.

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You probably had sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis usually happens when there is a demon or similar being in the room.

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i had a similar experience some time ago

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