What have you seen?

What have you seen outside of your own sessions? I mean spirits or beings out in the world. I have quite a few stories to share from dark shadows to physical manifestations. It’s late however and I don’t want to relive certain things before I sleep so here’s one.

I have seen what I refer to as the death wolf. Black, edgy, black claws, black eyes and large. This wasn’t a passing shadow it was a full manifestation I have seen several times now. I don’t know what it is and I havent found any lore on it.

So… what have you seen? I’ll add more later.


Mainly just shadows of people, figures humanoid shape. They don’t seem to have much intention besides watching, as far as I know.


Dead people, shadow people, you name it.


Elementals in their different habitats. Clinging to a flower, skimming across a lake, playing in a college bonfire.

Beings watching over people like angels specifically or beings with special interests for that person


What do elementals look like?

One time I was driving, I slowed down to a stop sign, no one else was around and before I came to a stop a ghoul or lich, something struck my car windshield. This was another physical manifestation I saw its pale white hand and face strike the windshield and than roll off the side of the car. Had pointed ears as well. This really freaked me out I stopped I looked around got out of my car and drove in a circle I saw nothing after that. No one else was around this entire time and it left an imprint in the dust on my car.

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I’ve seen shadows, black cloud-like forms, humanoids but like mentioned above, they seem to want to observe or are minding their own business just passing by.

More recently I woke up to some dark forms standing near my bed. I was really sleepy so I said goodnight and went back to sleep.


I’m interested in the humanoids. I’ve never had a more real occurence than when encountering those.

Maybe you should look into Fenris, the wolf from the Norse mythology

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I’ve seen Isis in full physical manifestation, but I was a child. She had the most soothing voice and beautiful eyes :slight_smile:


Thanks I’ll check it out

Any others? Would be cool to compile a bestiary


For me is the stuff hard to believe,
but i encourage you all to write down your experiences.

Lets see. I’ve had some strange occurences where people would for a split second “blink” in and out as if in full physical manifestation, as if they came from a different physical dimension or something? I’ve had this happen numerous times where people were approaching me. One time I was in a downtown area and some Car was slowly driving my direction.

Other than that, I’ve seen strange anomalies that stayed. Such as Freaky Warping Fields that would hang in the air (portals?), and some people that visually appeared as reptillian or had some aura of a reptillian quality about them. In one of them this came across more like an energetic field soul overlay. FYI I do not believe in all that UFO stuff. One person that seemed to be reptile like also was manifesting a very strange “sickly sweet” smell, and this was all SuperNatural Phenomena as if I had like 5 pair of Supernatural Psychic Senses (5 Supernatural+5 Normal). One time, I saw this woman at the gym running on a Treadmill, and she was really a Man in a womans body.


Yes there’s a huge wealth of folklore and myths about wolves :slight_smile:


I have a hard time telling the difference between corporeal people and noncorporeal people sometimes. I see literally all kinds of things all the time. Some of the most vivid for me are the genius locæ around the Front Range, some shadow people who wear white masks, and elementals and nature sprites. Most things talk to me, too, and if I’m not paying attention, i will answer them and THEN realise i talked to an entity no one else around me could hear.


What’s an elemental look like?

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One time, in my youth, I remember trying to go to sleep but I was still afraid of the dark at that age. My bed faced by closet with it’s back to the window, so I had a clear view of the closet from my bed. The left closet door was open, but the right was closed. And then, I vividly saw a hand reach out from behind the closed side and grip the side of the closet door. I don’t remember what happened after that, but that image has been burned into my mind.

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Depends. Some have presented themselves as animals, some as classic fairies, some even present as humans. Some have even presented as the element they are, but it moves consciously, sentient-ly. It just sort of dawns on you that the being you are looking at is an elemental. Find the spark of life in what you’re looking at, and you’ll probably meet an elemental


That’s creepy, once in Utah in a cabin I woke up dazed in the night to see a pale white humanoid looked like a boy with only a cloth on, crawling on all four legs walking up to inspect my parents, the dog, and I called out to it because I was dazed and confused no pun intended. I startled it so it crawled up over to me and pushed it self up and looked me right in the face. It was faceless. Of course as I said I was really confused at the time so I laughed at it thinking it was my gf and I even txt her in that moment to tell her to stop it.


But If they look like animals or humans what makes it an elemental in appearance?