What exactly is the Mark Of The Beast (666)

Hi Vic yes that’s also true, apologies didn’t add that in. It goes with the state of lawlessness that the Antichrist with Satan as the power is supposed to bring into the world for a period of 7 years. According to theology a state of lawlessness is a condition or a time when none of the laws of God are applied to govern / dictate how life should live. IE: A state where no law of god exists. As such the Antichrist being the figurehead and the one to instate the rule of lawlessness replaces God as the supreme head / ruler etc

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From a historical/Biblical perspective…

There’s no real general consensus on much of anything regarding the last book of the New Testament. Christians haven’t even been able to settle on whether or not the thing even belongs in the canon, let alone the name. Even the Catholic Church, which tends to have rather firm opinions on things, basically just shrugs when it comes to that book.

“Six hundred, three score, and six” tends to be the most common enumeration. NB: That is not three-sixes. It’s 600 + 60 + 6. That seems like a small difference with the way we write numbers; but it is not in the Greek. There’s also good evidence that it was originally 616.

Generally, the accepted interpretations of the number tend to break down thusly:

  1. It’s a reference to Nero. (Preterist)

  2. It’s a reference to some as yet to be revealed figure. (Futurist)

  3. It’s a reference to the Pope. (Historicist and some flavors of Futurist)

  4. It’s some symbol that we don’t have the meaning for. (Idealist)

The Futurists can get downright conspiracy minded when it comes to this. When I grew up, it was commonly accepted that it was some barcode or credit card type thing that would be forced on us by the New World Order as part of a one world government scheme to take our freedom. Hence, the QAnon nonsense today about COVID-19 vaccines containing RFID chips, etc.


It is simply a use of Greek Gematria to encode the name Kaiser Neron or “Emperor Nero”. Most reputable New Testament scholars agree with this. All the author, John of Patmos meant by this was that there would be great pressure for his audience (the early Christian churches) to conform to the power of the Roman state and reject their obligations to the Christian deity. It was a coded commentary on the times he and his audience were living in rather than a description of far future events. Evangelical Christians in particular seem to ignore this and interpret 666 as to refer to an ahistorical cosmic boogey man. It does not. The Beast was a real person, long dead. 666 has no contemporary relevance to the occult or to anything else other than cheap Holywood thrills and Evangelical misinterpretation of the Bible. This little clip from National Geographic demonstrates the point:


Actually I may as well answer it for all of you and any that are wondering as I know the exact answer to this.
Long story short I’ve had a lot of trouble these last few years with demonic / devil / evil / dark entities screwing my life up, individual physical attempts on my life maybe 900 etc and having survived this journey thus far and getting a picture on what was happening to life as a result of the going’s on of these types of things I started looking for ways to bring it all to an end.
As the Bible is the source of legality thus power and dominion of much of these things and the Anti-Christ is a human being which brings about the time of change and the exchange of contracts from Satan to Jesus (at the end of the 7 year period) I started to think well as a means of bringing all this to a close and putting Jesus back in charge maybe there is a way in which the Anti-Christ can be a good person " A Saviour if you like". Since I was undergoing demonic attacks, influence and attempted possession at the time it was easy for me to speak with various entities and one day I just thought fuck it this is enough, this evil has to stop. So I called Satan and asked him to annoint me the Anti-Christ, The False prophet, the Horsemen of the Apocalype and Hades and he did so speaking through my mouth, audible for any and all to hear. I accepted. And thus End of days began. As the Bible speaks of the Anti-Christ having a name that equals numerically speaking to the sum of 666 I simply chose the letters FFF as my name as F is the 6th letter of the alphabet. So the name of the AntiChrist is actually “FFF”. Simple and true, sometimes these things can be done simply no need for complicated scholarly interpretation etc.
If you want to know more of why I did this and what happened re end of days, Satan etc you can read the response I just put on EA Koetings latest youtube video “I asked Azazel if I am the AntiChrist” I put all the info there, its in the name of Verkisto Swift.

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Yep it’s the tail of Satan, a merkabah that does not spin correctly or is genetically modified to not work.

Matter over spirit or the inverted pentagram.

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Yup , inverted pentagram represents a love for lower things ( top of the star pointed towards the bottom )

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I think in the original Hebrew, it is 616, not 666, but in any case, the symbolism is pretty obvious. In both cases it is a reference to the risen Serpent or Kundalini. Kunda means coiled and as the coiled serpent rised up, it lifts its head looking a bit like the number 6. The serpent power rises in three channels, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, though the central channel is the main one. Thus triple rising symbolism is all over the place, whether it is the Fleur De Lis or the trident (of Poseidon or Shiva).

1 is like an upward pointing arrow, so it would indicate the direction of flow of the serpent power. It is very possible that some time in the future those with a risen serpent will look visibly different from those that are still asleep. Perhaps they will glow in some way, like the shining ones (Devas) or have some other identifying mark on them, like a mark on the forehead to indicate their third eye is open.

That is my interpretation anyway.

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The mark of the beast, 666. is You, Carbon. More specific, Carbon-12. 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons.

Part of DNA (double helix snake symbolism and all that).


The original NT manuscripts are not in Hebrew. They are in Greek.

Rev 13:18 (ESV) This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

The number is not imperfection, but “a man”. And man is made in the image of Elohim. Yahweh says nobody is like him, so let’s not force Greek and Christian mythos onto him. Yahweh is not a triple god like Hecate is a triple goddess. Thus, the number of Yahweh is 7, not 777. Yahweh is seen as transcendent unity, not triplicity.

Also, let us not forget that scholars are now trying to reconcile the fact that older manuscripts recently found have the number as 616, not 666. Greek, not Hebrew. So the gematria must be Greek, if it is to be interpreted that way.

To understand Revelation, you need to study the books of Daniel, and Enoch. I’m not going to get too deep into this here, but let’s just say that nobody knows what the number truly represents. Everyone has theories, but what everyone seems to forget is that the author of Revelation believed in the divinity of Jesus. He also may have been working purely with the Septuagint rather than the original Hebrew scripture. My point is, his vision only makes sense to him. He was not a prophet in the tradition of Yahweh. There are ways to make sense of it all, but there is no way to tell which one is true because the author clearly had a different theology in mind than many authors of NT books, and certainly the Hebrew scripture. It only makes sense to those who were in his mystery school or tradition.


My astral form does have horns and a tail. I can feel my astral body consciously while awake and project the horns, tail and hooves Baphometesque transformation. This is what came naturally to me from meditations and astral work so it is nice to read you confirming it here in your post.

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