What does it mean to suddenly lose interest?

for your crush that you dream of marrying and being with. which once seemed impossible for you but now that youve been manifesting and visualizing about it… it hasn’t even been a weak but you don’t even care to look at his pics?
you don’t even care to see his social media posts either?

its definitely not that i dont love him or don’t want him. i just dont feel the urge to just do all those things i used to do.

what does this mean? its strange for me to feel this way.

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it feels like almost as if im bored.

Imo it means you’ve successfully ingrained your subconscious with the idea that you’re already together, so you don’t feel the need to check up on him or look for “signs”. Your subconscious mind knows it’s already done.


realistically, ik that he’s just so amazing… like he’s so wealthy (im not), super good looking (im just normal sort of pretty) and super sporty/into martial arts etc(and again im not)
i lack in many aspects but instead of obsessing over my ordinariness, im just driven by ambition to become wealthy and be more prettier.

do you think it means that we will be together one day?

I have had the exact same thing happen to me after doing a ritual with the goddess Astarte last week, all of a sudden I’m like “Meh, take it or leave it” regarding a woman that has occupied my mind for the last 6 months. I now have a calm certitude about my desired outcome yet at the same time I can happily accept any potential outcome without attachment.


Hard to give a definitive answer for that. If you keep up your work, you should be in a good place mentally, and reduced attachment/attention to an outcome makes it easier for it to manifest, as you’re not subjecting it to the “hostile observer” effect.