What does Black Lightning symbolize?

Last night during meditation I was engulfed in what I could only describe as black lightning what does it mean?

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Hmm, dark energy?

Maybe…what else do you think?

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I’m not sure what else, honestly :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I’m thinking it has something to do with Azazel since the chant I used has his energy Imbedded in it

Try it Its really fucking strong :Natz Fehr Ata Infernum Negra

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Alright, I’ll try it sometime soon :smile:

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The only reference i have for black lightning is regarding zohak/azi dahaka the storm fiend.
Lightning and storms tied to his manifestions. When i was preparing my alter for alchemy for black magic of ahriman there was all kinds of crazy storms and lightning rolling through. Part of the ritual is to conjour zohak to witness the rite.

Far as i knwo azazel has more ties to blackened fire than to lightning. Least that i have heard and read


Perhaps you’re referring to The Black Light which is related to The Black Sun. The Black Light facilitates manifestation & the remanifestation of the magician, as well as his/her spiritual awakening. And not in the New Age sense either.


O_O Well, I did it and I got a vision of black snakes and it was almost as if I could actually feel like I was holding one in my hand.

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Say hi to Azazel for me Lol

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Lol thats got a few refences depending on where ya look. Arhiman,Azazel,Satan nad probably a few others :laughing:


Well whoever it was, I don’t know if it was my imagination, but they seemed to have helped me with an entity creation I’ve been working on for about a day and half now.

Not for free though… definitely was for a price :sweat_smile:

Sorry for the question.
With this mantra I have to use any meditation, Sigil, binaural beat?

Thanks for your attention

Nope just the mantra

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