What do you think/see/feel?

Today I found a feather in my room. It wasn’t the first one. Since others make this kind of post,do you get any vibes from these pics?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Feels like a feather to me. What vibes do you get?

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Possibly a sign from the Egyptian Goddess Maat.


Why do you say so?

it reminds me of ostrich feathers, which is one of her symbols.


Was about to say the same thing !


I don’t know if you actually can considering it’s just a picture of a feather but does anyone get anything negative from the scruffy one?

nope just a message that shes near.


I got a read off of it, (more of an intuitive scream) but it is not very fun, lol. I hate to be the buzz kill, but that is the type of feather used for filling pillows, comforters, jackets, etc. That is what popped into my head. If it was found in your room then that would make even more sense, especially considering it is winter. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


My immediate thought was that the first feather looks like the ones that weasel their way out of my down jacket. And that the second one is pretty.

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For the first one, I perceive an echo trying to transform itself into a picture

For the second feather, I feel - a shaman with full potential of communicating with incoporeal beings and journeying to their worlds.

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Actuallly I live in Costa Rica,winter was last season,don’t have anything with feathers in it…
I think i know what it is now