What do you think is the worst thing about living in physical body

After I leave, I don’t want to ever come back to this Earth. It is a very bad place. The worst part of it all is the physical body. I can’t wait to go back and live back in the spirit realm. I would go to all the Norse realms like E.A. Koeting and teach myself more magic there. Then I can be with all the elves, visit all the norse gods without needing a ritual and ascend much higher than I can here.


The day of rest will come for everyone but I wonder if we’ll still view our lives from the same prospective. Would lack of sleep and money have been such a terrible thing if we could be here for the things we enjoyed and loved. Just a thought🤔

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Could we not enjoy things there? I don’t enjoy any second of being in a physical body. I always spend my free time contemplating on how good it would feel to leave this wretched form that I am in. Most of the main problems in the Earth are due to physical bodies. Death,hunger,disease,disorders,poverty, these are all components of physical bodies. The only problems that are not due to physical bodies are behavior problems. Such as verbal abuse of a person or unkindness. The rest all stem from our bodies.


I think our perspective will be different on the other side. It probably won’t seem like such a big deal to have lost some sleep or not having enough money for whatever as long as there was some enjoyment and learning accomplished.



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Death might be worse than life. It could be a million times worse as far as I know.

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Having to sustain the body to keep it. We need food and shelter, neither is free. We spend so much time working because we need to buy food and shelter for our fragile bodies. Its what allows the system to have us by the balls, because they simply need to control those essentials, and keep us working to get them.

If our bodies didn’t need to be constantly sustained, we could just say fuck 'em and do our own thing.


This haunted idea of morality.
These sexual urges.

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Today I was thinking about incarnating into a physical body and this interesting analogy came to me that since the human lifespan is a relative burp compared to eternity—then a soul incarnating into a physical body might be thought of as a ‘COSMIC VACATION.’ Like a ride at an amusement park…it’s a thought.


Like those janky pop up carnival rides that leave you all bruised up after staring at the duct tape holding together something that should be welded. It might be a novel experience. Kinda like people who love snow because they deal with it on an infrequent and voluntary basis. Versus those who literally get snowed in and go stir crazy. I can’t remember why I agreed to be here, but I might as well make the best of it.


The worst part about having a physical body?? EVERYTHING.

I say this extends to all of physical matter in general, for me. I absolutely hate this place, and I feel it is a prison. Even if I am here to learn something, I cannot wait to escape.


Dealing with swine.

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Being limited in so many ways.
Imagine what you could do if time and decay wouldn’t eat away your flesh suit.
Being in need of food and shelter so you have to drag said flesh suit to unpleasant duties together with other flesh suits in order to not starve.


Probably unpopular opinion, but… eating. I mean I enjoy delicious food as much as the next gal, and appreciate it’s value in terms of nutrition, but the process… chewing, swallowing, etc. is very gross to me

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Chronic pain.

That is the biggest reason for evil and destruction in the world. I always wondered, if everyone wants good, why is there evil? Apart from some nasty individuals who’d become serial killers or mass shooters or religious extremists, all other forms of malevolence against fellow humans all stems back from our physical bodies. The reason for most war in human history is because one united group has less resources than another group and seeks the land of the group living in bounty. Even the Syrian Civil War, a war you’d think is purely from politics and religious ideologies, may stem from people needing to meet the needs of their physical bodies:

It can go down to more everyday, simple conflicts too. Your brother gets upset because you ate the rest of the leftovers or didn’t leave him any food. I assume that that is not uncommon, but it’s happened to me. The vast majority of us want good, but because of the needs of our bodies (food, water, warmth or cool shelter, hygiene, defecation, and waste disposal) that we need jobs and why we enjoy “days off” so much. Having to their job so much makes a lot of us stressed, at least to a certain degree, and having a job and commute to it all stems from our physical bodies primitive needs, and most of us would rather be relaxing at home.

Sexual assaults, harassment, rapes, etc, also stem from the physical body. Just like religion, sexuality can make good people do bad things, even murder, as in the case of Ted Bundy.

Anyway, as for myself, using the bathroom can ruin a moment or making it hard to stay in line. Unless I’m in a room or area where a facility is in close range, having to trek to a toilet and get out of what I am doing is quite annoying.

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For me I guess I would say its frailty and expiration.

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I feel this on a spiritual level. I love sleeping but I hate HAVING to sleep.


Physical pain, toothaches, depression, anxiety, low self esteem and being self conscious about my appearance, addiction, getting sick, aging, and the dying process but not death itself. Honestly for me this physical body is a prison. So much so that I believe we should celebrate deaths as if birthdays and mourn birthdays as if funerals. I understand this is The Kingdom; Malkuth or what have you but its so fucking dense and exhausting. Mostly I hate my brain and how it limits my perception to a five sense reality, as well as the strenuous work required to awaken additional senses.

On the same token there are lots of things I enjoy about having a corporeal body such as sex, orgasms, yoga, delicious food (when I dont have a tooth ache) and the endorphins caused by all of the above. I like to get high too but don’t like the addiction it can lead to due to biochemistry/neurology. I’d also disagree with the OP about using the restroom. I looove to drop a huge deuce and take a nice long piss.


same with me. I absolutely hate this Earth.