What do the Fairies have to say to you 4 one card pulls (4/4 plus some)

After having some very Mischievous Fae mess with my out door fairy altar. I am feeling compelled to pull some cards for the forum. It will just be one card opened to 4 people.

You can ask a question or just get a general message.

Thank a wonderful middle of the week :grin:


No DMs these will be ignored

First come first serve

I may or may not open this up to more after I do the first two pulls.

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Yes please - just general message :). Thank you!

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Can I have one ?
One person forgot my debt to him after I performed a ritual for a financial matter with King paimon !
Did King paimon do that ?

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I’m in!

General reading, please?

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General reading?:grin:

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What should I do to have an awesome year Financially?

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I know you’ve already hit your stated four, but if you’re willing, could you draw an extra one for me?

I’m curious if the Fae have a message for me.

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You’re in I am going to cut it off here. And close the thread while I pull the cards and with everything up.

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@Thierry007 @Muggie @ArtSoul @DarkestKnight @ReyCuervo @Runeblade I am going to leave this locked until I get all 6 readings posted and then I will open it up for you’ll to comment. This way I can get ya’ll done before anyone else posts looking for another reading.


Update for everyone I am battling Covid and it’s kick my Lungs ass. I did get all the cards pulled and in my notebook. I just have to translate and type it up when I am well enough to do so. I might do a slow post of these. It all depends on how much or little energy I have.


Prince of winter

Intellectual, determined, focused, impulsive

“ Seek out an intellectual solution to your problem. The need to act quickly and decisively! Sudden or unexpected changes.”

Essential meaning of this card calling believing strongly and your mission. Fighting for justice. Sudden or unexpected changes. Intellectual solutions to problems.

Card message:

He moves like a flash of light! When the prince of winter shows up, you know that you’re in for some very quick action. His mind moves as fast as his sled, and he can instantly assess a situation, allowing him to get right to work. When he’s on a mission, you may as well stand back and let him take charge ( because he will, whether you want him to or not).

He is idealistic, decisive, focus, and determined. He can also be a little impulsive and undiplomatic. So, is this parents enters your arena, see if you can’t get him to pause for just a moment of reflection to make sure his plan is really sound.

The ferry moose the three through the snowy Forest. He loves the thrill of the rye, but is he really watching where he’s going?

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According to this yes. Here’s what the card means.

The Empress.

“ Time to take action! The power of creativity. Sixers allows for a life of luxury.“

Additional meanings of this card: hard work, That pays off. Inventiveness. Successful in Devers. I love her like series things. Getting a lot done. Nurturing others or yourself. Mother figures pregnancy and birth.

That pays off. Inventiveness. Successful in Devers. I love her like series things. Getting a lot done. Nurturing others or yourself. Mother figures pregnancy and birth.

The planning phase of your endeavor is now over. Congratulations you’ve done excellent work sorting out what you’re trying to accomplish and what you need in order to be a success. Now it’s time to get busy! No more contemplating the perfect strategy. If there’s a detail that seems to be missing from your plans, it will reveal itself as you move forward. So fix your eyes on the horizon and get going .

Creative Devers are especially favored right now. This can include the desire to have children or taking up a new project that you consider to be your baby. Whenever possible, try to add an artistic flare to each step along the way. Infuse your task, great and small, with joy anything else that nothing can hold you back!

Art emperor stands in a chapel courtyard, symbolic of the source of inspiration. The infant wearing a hat inside the snow pea shell demonstrates the Emperor the importance of creating something new. This may be the birth of a child or the beginning of a exciting new endeavor!

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The moon

“ powerful intuitive epiphanies. Letting go of worry and fear. Understanding the truth of a situation.”

Additional meetings of this card: second awareness. Seeing what you didn’t see before. No longer being afraid. Becoming a professional intuitive reader. Hidden information. The power of your sleeping dreams.

The universe is sending you a message right now about the perfect next steps to take. Listen to the guidance you receive in the form of intuition, synchronistic events, symbols, and sleeping dreams. The alert for people or situations that may not be quite what they seem. Give yourself a reading, or speak to a professional or friend who is also psychic. Embrace the loving information received… It is divinely inspired!

Worry is unnecessary and will only slow down your progress. There’s no need to be afraid. Let go of fear. If any part of your life no longer feels right, then trust your intuition and make the necessary changes.

Our ferry plays a string instrument under the light of the crescent moon. Her reflection in the water, however shows her playing a different instrument, indicating that under the moon, things are not always what they appear to be.

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Seven of Summer

“ no more procrastinating! Your powers comes from making a decision. Confusion there arises from over analyzing the options.”

Additional meaning of the card: wishful thinking. Needing to regain focus. Over analyzing. Too many choices. Receiving guardians to detox…

Message from the cards:

There are pros and cons to retrieve every decision. The situation you’re currently in is demanding a choice from you, and procrastination is simply no longer an option. What you decide involves actions that may benefit you physically, emotionally, financially, intellectually, or spiritually. Recognizing that you always have a choice is a great realization about your personal power. However, it also means that you are responsible for the outcome of your choices. The moment to choose has arrive you could make a list of every possible alternative and evaluated, or you could ask the fairies for guidance. But the time to choose is now.

Daydreaming can be a lovely way to get insight into a challenging situation… Or it can be a way to avoid taking action. Make sure that your imaginings serve a productive and positive purpose. Make a plan to put your dreams into action, one step at a time.

A ferry allows sunlight to shine through a prism, into the beds of white roses. The roses indicated that his intentions are pure, but the prison shows that there are many possibilities.

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Eight of Summer

“ The desire for a more meaningful life. Realizing that it’s time to move on. Choosing to make major life changes.”

Idential meanings of this care: A relocation or job change. A turning point period leaving home. Searching for diver choose. Spiritual grove. Realizing there’s more to life than meets the eye.

Message from the card:

This card represents a decision to leave a situation that no longer in your highest good. You’ve made this choice on your own; it hasn’t been pushed upon you. It may seem challenging… Or it may seem like a wonderful relief, perhaps even an adventure!

You can take small, daily steps until the change you desire are in place. Or you can move much more quickly! The most important thing is that you elevate your situation honestly and openly and then move towards happiness. Don’t worry. You’re ready!

The fairy Has packed up her braw games and has chosen a new path for herself. A beautiful dawn awaits her.

Ten of summer

“An emotionally fulfilling life with family or friends. Raising children wisely. People you can trust.”

Additional meanings of this card: a happy marriage. People you can trust. Relationships that last. Feeling emotionally content. Raising children wisely.

Message from the card:

Spending time with your family and love ones is critical to a rich and happy life. The people you call family may be those she relayed to, or they may be people whom you have chosen as your beloved community. Either way, I freaking love and support to those closest to you and excepting it a retard is very important. Make space for them in your life.

It’s worth investing time and energy in your primary relationships. You can have a happy home life your seeking, filled with pieces and emotional fulfillment.

The couple from the two of Summer card have created beautiful life for themselves and their children. The butterfly boat near the Shores of Avalon means that their emotional currents will continue to evolve and thrive.

Thank you. I don’t quite understand the message, but I appreciate the draw :slight_smile:

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General reading?