What Demon is associated with aggressiveness, unleashing inner beast, roughness, libido?

Thanks for the answer, Cable.

  1. How would you properly advise me to act?
  2. I’ve been trying to work with Belial, since all i can do is meditate and chant his Enn, the results are very weak.

The only thing i experienced was hearing my name and very strong pressure in the area of my third eye.
Also since i am kind of new, i don’t know how to approach Belial regarding these issues, i mean what should i say and think? What would you be doing in my place?

1. Figure out what’s making you angry, and why you won’t express yourself.
1a. Hit the gym.
1b. Keep meditating

*Unless your anger is purposeful, it will only hurt your magick in the long run. The idea here is gaining mastery over your emotions and building self confidence.

2. Good, you’ve made contact. Your approach seems to be working. Focus on your questions
during your meditations. I would ask them out loud when you’re feeling those sensations.


Not being perfect, being highly idealistic and failing to achieve my goals.
I do hit the gym and meditating but it seems that it is all stays inside as it is so hard to express this outside.

For example one of the reasons that i fail in vocals for black metal band is because it is hard for me to express my anger and be very introverted.

I would try to ask questions out loud, but still not sure i am doing this right. I have been trying to invoke him many times and only once i heard my name in a strange voice.

Start working with Asmodeus

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How would i do that? Is it possible to achieve good results if my only methods of invokation are Enn chanting and meditation?

I think you already made a thread asking for same information. There is nothing wrong in making a new thread but it is hard to keep track of posts on libidio :wink:

Meditation is Magick.


I was going to give you along speech on what you’re doing everyone already beat me to it. :joy:
But I’ll say this, never doubt yourself destroy that nasty fucker we call doubt and consume it. You possess more power than you can possibly imagine! Never forget that. You are a god! Not in a sense of calling you high and mighty or above anyone but you are amazing in your own sense, But until you realize this and change how you feel about yourself and understand you are capable of doing great things, you will never get the results you truly desire. It’s all a matter of Will, Intent, and Mind Power… With a couple of other things.


Belial, Asmoday, and your shadow


How does one work with you shadow?? @Kassapu


Thank you for those words! I agree entirely about it and this is how i understand myself. But yet it is very hard for me with self-deification. Which is absurd. I mean i can be extremely rational and understand the highest secrets of the universe, but when it comes to understanding myself and seeing my worth, i have a block that i don’t know how to overcome.

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What would be the best way to work with each?

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It is the same with everything in life you have to build up to it… Now some build faster than others but that shouldn’t bother you. You are you and that’s all that matters in most cases. Now Im not saying you cannot make minor tweaks to yourself but don’t go over board trying to become someone you’re not. @BlackMagik


In your place?
I’d be searching this site like a whore on prom night for Belial info.
This is how I learned to work with him.
People put the info out here for good reason, that’s why they don’t want to repeat themselves lol.

Besides Belial likes a person of action, not one who sits back with their hands out.


It’s actually against the rules to make duplicate posts.


I thought so too, I should print out the rules and stick them at my desk


Go into your room, light a single small candle. Stare into a mirror and chant “Invoco pandemonium”


I shall bookmark that… and do it tonight. :blush:

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King Belial is good .

Hmmm asmoday