What Are We to Them?

Hello everyone hope all’s well and are blessed. Good question and answers, I have been going over and over in my thoughts for a minute, something very similar to the post. I want to say, I don’t intend to insult anyone’s opinion with my theory or beliefs, never that! I read all and enjoyed your responses very much, as always,This is my conclusion please. A god does not need anything from me if for one I’m at awe with all the god’s, they are spirit’s or energy with different personalities and likes, they don’t lack energy, if they don’t sleep there not carnal with blood in their veins like me, There are except two things. One, is to have me as a vessel to reside in, my theory is it wasn’t always a necessity for spirits to have a place to reside but now is, it’s a better place to be in either an animal or human a place of comfort? Maybe. I’m speaking of fallen angels that we’re the cherubs & seraphims I don’t and cant find any more information so I’m going by what I’ve found, Second is this. They need me to prove my love to them, my banner, in good time’s or bad times blessed or cursed and till death, there is a wager between God’s. Off the thread, I’m a “slave to Love”, I am not love like He whome we shall not utter but only the essence of love, like an ant walking on my hand I can leave it be or blow it off my hand with a breath. Thank you all at become!. May we all stand we’re we have to stand.


I find many magicians/practitioners just like the idea that all these nonhuman beings care about them as a whole because if they didn’t feel that way there would be something missing in their story.

Individual beings care about individual people. There are some beings who care about a certain group of people over another as well. Danu cares about my friend but doesn’t care about me like that, Epona cares about me but doesn’t quite care about my friend.

There are maybe a few who see humans as infants and need guiding but not in a “aw your ascension is all I want to focus on in my semi immortal life yaaas” like no.


I believe to an extent yes, tho I believe it’s a bit different for spirits like Lucifer and Lilith for instance.
They were created and then after they begun incarnating on Earth
Guess all of us are becoming more like each other as generations pass


Is there a way one can find out if one is an incarnation of an entity?I admit there was an agenda to proposing the initial question, and it is trying to figure out what and who the fuck I am, along with why I am drawn to sorcery, the occult, and Lucifer , as well as other entities.

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Maybe they thought their writing was good and saw no need or desire to improve

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Not in a million years, mate. Not possible. To write, you first have to read. There is no way the didn’t know.


Perhaps if one is writing just to share and obscure information between the lines, one needn’t the level of literary expertise as someone writing a prose or story? Granted, I don’t expect to read anything about magick, the occult that is written like a research paper; although I do admit such would be far more preferable than some of the more simplified writings.

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Correct. And some books, in fact, are well written. And some, in their purpose of sharing information, work well.

And some others commit mistakes that looks… I don’t even know what to call it, other than bad writing and amateur. I’ve read some of Koetting works. And if I remember right, they have even awful typos. ALL books have typos, but any writer on Earth knows there is moment to proofread the work. I’m talking about spelling stuff like decEmber.

A constant is redundancy: they explain things too many times, as if one wasn’t enough, because they repeat things over and over, they same the same thing again and again, because they’re afraid the reader isn’t understanding what they just wrote, so they just write it again and wish for the best. As this very same paragraph is an example.

This are practical, basic things.

And sometimes, fortunately the least, authors write all edgy about themselves… fine, some people have crushes on them or whatever, but the rest of us is rolling their eyes. Anyway, this part may be just marketing.

All in all, simple writing should be the best for magick, that much is entirely true. My point is, a good writer understand this and knows how to apply it.


What I would long for is to read something on the subject, with a literary writing style that would be the equivalent of reading H.P. Lovecraft, because that mofo could write, and his style, technique is quite inspirational.

The way things seem written these days just make me want to skim through alot. I am aware of just how difficult writing is as well, and for that reason, I am beginning to see exactly what you were saying. If your not a good writer, why not use the very entities you are writing about for help? Surely these beings would have a far better grasp of the language, grammar, and know how to present things in such as manner as to be direct, to the point; rather than redundant with little obscurations here and there (which grimmiores love to do) ?

I think u answered it with personality cults…because with such comes a level up to the ego, and with that boost, one feels less inclined to really struggle to convey that thing which they seek to express…and all great art, and literary works are born of that tension and struggle .

And I must add, the amount of energy that is not only released, but folded into struggle, conflict, tension is immense and can be felt by a great writer…perhaps that tension is also food to some other things?

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This is more or less what I think: spirits get something out of helping us. Do not ask me what, I can’t even think of something that resambles an answer, but they do get something.

You may be up to something.


On to, or up to? They carry different connotations. What I am up to is seeing if I can in a sense, by sigils create forms so dissonant as to generate a tensor, trapping conscious energy in such a manner as to open a gateway of sorts…No idea if it will work.

As to being on to something, I dunno. I remember when E.A. was working with Belial and he said something about resist. Why would a demon care if we resist certain things or not? That kinda remained stuck in my head. I could say maybe it means resist complacency, or the status quo, but that is not how…it felt. Felt is about the only way I can describe it.

Let’s say certain entities have a certain flavor or energy that suites them(…and no surprise, as humans we do as well; and most of us hold biases against that which be not palatable to us for whatever reason) . Question and I haven’t a clue if any of this is accurate but is there a way or method by which to create such a tension of one’s energy as to just draw certain entities in to bordering physical manifestation?

I did see a sort of triangle holding a trapezoid that Kenneth Grant cited to Michael Bertiaux in Nightside of Eden that made me more or less question why Grant felt a desire to include it in his publication. This is taken from the pdf.

I can’t shake the notion there is something more here. I won’t critique why Grant inverted the order of the entities. Honestly, I don’t know…might as well be throwing feces on the cave wall rather than just leaving the cave for all i know…

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Sentient matter, through which they can presence themselves here on Earth. Nothing more, nothing less.


I need more details but it basically goes like this The Annuaki are humans in the future timeline they came back to mine gold to save their people(Planet X or otherwise called Nibiru). After a while they got bored mineing gold by themselfs and said why don’t we make a Life form that mines that gold for us ? Then they took the Neanderthals and their devine DNA and made us… this why all humans have Neanderthal dna. This was against the Galactic law i guess and eventually the Biblical flood killing every race created by them. Nephelim all sorts of magical creatures… If you read the bible carefully and with an educated eye it allways talks about Aleins and the heavens are the plaze where they stay or higher dimensions… or interdimentional space


It depends on the spirit in question. Some help just because they want to, some do not care at all. It is hard to say for all of them because spirits are like people. Everyone has their own reasons for the things they choose or choose not to do.


Where did this come from?

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Classic youtube mystery chanells I bet


:thinking: I once thought about the food chain! Where do humans ley? Are we a generator of some kind for something else or its just the earth? The spirit doesn’t require our energy but when we perceive them we give them our attention and our senses, and that makes them manifest in our dimension!
My epiphany is that they see us as a reality show they like to mettle in! They don’t see time but they see it when they are in our dimension through us!
Like why would someone watch me for days on ends without asking for something? The answer I felt is binge watching :eyes: “you just watched 10 episodes in Netflix, isn’t it the same?”… and when they mettle they get to brag about their influence :woman_shrugging: they have all the time in their hands and they wanna experience a fleeting moment! Idk its just my thoughts…


I’ve often wondered if we aren’t used as their hands to reshape reality…Like say our world is a painting, then we are like paintbrushes…theres something about the human capacity to create and imagine, but even more peculiar is the capacity to manifest events based on beliefs…Perhaps theres something they seek to create through us?


Something like that as Nyx has admitted that she wants to spread her influence through her energy and there’s a handful of people who she has given her energy to and those people have brought others to her or spoke about her to make others curious.


I wonder if the influence to them is what money or currency is to us.