What Are Some Of Your Craziest/Intriguing Magickal & Spiritual Theories

What Are Some Of Your Craziest/Intriguing Magickal & Spiritual Theories.

Think this will be of great interest, what are the most craziest or most interesting magickal/Spiritual theories that you have. I think I’ll use one of my own as an example and then the rest of you can join in.

Theory Of Gradual Progression.

Personally I believe in a theory that the spirits/beings that we work with will indeed deliver onto us, or aid us in gaining anything we materialistically desire.
However they are aware that if we are given too much, too quickly at insane excess. That we may sway or stagnate in our spiritual/magickal development.

So rather than giving the magician millions, upon millions in some lottery quickly and easily. The spirits will instead deliver or aid in the magician indeed making the same total however over a period of time, gradually.

So that their physical lives will prosper if their spiritual lives prosper too, instead of one’s loosing themselves in the spoils or luxuries of their materialistic gain. For example I have manifested an untold amount of sex, power, money, influence in all areas of my life. Yet the degree of how much I made increased, the more my development grew.

So Yeah You Get It.

Essentially this is just a theory not something I necessarily believe, perhaps share yours and maybe even your thoughts about the theory above. I look forward to reading your comments :relieved:

Infernal Blessings,


I agree with your theory, it’s something I believe in too. There were some things that I didn’t get because I wasn’t ready for them, even though I thought I was.

I’m not sure if this counts as interesting or crazy, but I have a theory on how our soul lives progress (past lives and current). I think that we’re all part of a ‘Source’. Think of the Source as a pond. We’re 1 drop of this gigantic ocean.

Each drop goes through different levels/stages of growth (wisdom, in a sense. because idk how souls would grow physically), and we get to choose which stream we want to go to (planes).

Each stream and level adds it’s essence to this one soul-drop, making us who we are. A complete lifetime of experience of each stream a soul chose to go to.

This is more about my own questions regarding the different aspects of my higher self, of me. It was difficult for me to believe that it was possible at first when I had a vision of a water drop falling down and I had to make a sense of it all.

I don’t know why it was water, maybe it’s a universal thing? I have no clue. But this sure made sense to me on how it works.

Time is not linear in the astral, but the lives we chose have a chronology.


I find this theory of gradual progression to be true, depending on the spell. Some spells have happened instantly, but others have slowly given me their harvest. I did a spell for truth in July, and it’s steadily given me bits and pieces of crazy secrets. It’s to the point that I’m wondering when/if it’ll stop without my interference, though I’m not really complaining.


Hmm…I have one theory about how our future selves visit us in their specific moments as our present selves move through them, if that makes sense.

I first noticed it when I started to keep track of my clairvoyant tendencies. I realized that visions or notions I had would manifest 3 months after I first saw them. Before I knew this phenomenon was clairvoyant recognition of time, I always just thought that whenever visions would unfold, it was deja vu, but I now believe that my clairvoyant messages are future selves speaking to me. Whenever I reach envisioned events at last, I feel my present self and “future” self together, like giving a nod to one another from a very far distance.


Wow I can relate to this theory! I have often wondered if I could be consciously sending myself information into the future or the past to affect my life. I think the idea came to me on a DXM trip when my mind split into three selves, one in the present and one each in the past and the future respectively. Made it quite hard to talk lol with a 1 second gap in between them. I think I want to work with this idea in the future.


That’s awesome!

I often think of the cross-time messages in a maternal way; the future self, the older self, giving guidance from afar. Kind of like someone yelling REALLY good advice to you from many miles away, so in terms of communication, I usually focus on listening, and using Tarot for asking her questions.


I personally belief that there are higher beings outthere who Reinkarnate for shorter or longer periods of time in certain bodys for councious evolution. For example early born childs who suddenly out of nowhere just dies. It has been sait that these inhabitant spirit had just needed a mortal body for such short time so it could evolve how it needed to evovle. Because when one dies it is much harder unto imposible to evolve spiritualy in a sence than with a living body.

Even thoug the body has been called by the right hand purists as gross. It is this very essential element that allows us alchemyse our ascend with high and the low. Resulting in the Lapis philosophorum. Or any higher magnum opus of spiritual developments one pursues.


Okay these are quite interesting so far :thinking: makes me think about a lot of possibilities what else you guys got ? :slightly_smiling_face:


Interesting that you would say this because I was coming in here to largely state the opposite. My belief is that the spirits (particularly demons) view a request for $1000 in the same way they view a request for a million dollars. The difference is huge to us because we live in this physical world of limitation and doubt…so we discourage ourselves from making such requests. But in the eyes of a spirit, I don’t believe, at least for the time being, that they make the same grandiose distinctions based on how many zeros are in the number. I think the main reason why you don’t see more people getting that kind of windfall is because 1) People, especially experienced magicians, literally don’t even bother trying to ask because they believe it isn’t possible and 2) The people who usually do have the audacity to ask tend to be newcomers who typically fail at this, largely because they lack the prerequisite skills to make any kind of magick work consistently. So they assume that the failure came from them asking for too much, when in reality, they would’ve failed to get a result even if they asked for a more “realistic” number. But you’d be surprised by the amount of experienced magicians who believe it isn’t possible, who themselves haven’t even bothered to ask and see for themselves at the their current skill level.


I don’t’t think you’re far off, and here is where the LHP and RHP might come together in a unity:

  1. The sense of personal acceptance of respect and responsibility toward, our deity, self, others, and nature.
  2. That as above, so below, all is mind: Two of the seven hermetic laws, as well as the saying as win=thin, so without, there is a mirror image of the material and spiritual, and seeking a path of least resistance, will draw toward your intent through word, act and thought, leaving you vibrating at that endpoint.
    The good news is we can shift ourselves a bit by use of these three and the other four hermetic laws to be in a better place spiritually and materially.

For any RHPer naysayers, I recommend reading the following:
BOTA/FLO/GD/OTO - As you all derived from the Golden Dawn, despite your objection, might I recommend reading (LHPers as well) Paul Foster Case’s “The Truth About The Self” from Builders of the Adytum, www.bota.org
Also, the Wiccan/Witch’s rede (creed, list of ideals to live by)

Conners points are mentioned in both.

That magic developed from shamanism. As well as possibly alien races. On the latter claim, there is an idea of a huge explosion in space, everyone was scattered, and we sought to come back together, and there is not only draconian or Elohim, but several others as a distinct possibility, as likely they would mutate or transmute into a specific race being scattered and develop their own religion, culture, customs, etc.

Logically speaking, there is too many firsthand collective accounts of strange “alien” encounters or sightings or whatnot, and there is too much information withheld from us all.


In the book Many Lives, Many Masters this happens with the doctors young son, who it was told while this lady was in a past life regression trance that he came and died to bring the doctor onto the path he was meant for! Also, he independently learned of the Ascended Masters concept from a channel she did in deep trance. Crazy book, highly recommended read.


Or that some spirits that one considers to be ghosts or invisible forces are just extraterrestrials who interacts with an hightechnological veil with the humans they are sincerely interested in. Bc of the strong potential, power dynamics of both or just them can get out of the interactions and workings it will generate.

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Interesting any other guys I’m actually thoroughly enjoying the alternative views here, seriously makes you ponder on certain things :thinking:




I believe we might all be different incarnations of the same being. If all is mind then I believe we are of the same mind. In other words I am me but I’m also you.

This story here is very similar to how I felt from reading The Kybalion.



My theory is that we don’t actually exist. We, along with everything else, are imaginary.


Ever since I opened Thaumiel, I’ve had a sort of a personal and occult revelation of everything.

In total honesty, everything is mind projected onto empty void. Your mind generates everything you experience, everything you see, and everything is basically you.

Much like a dream turned lucid dream, realization of this through practice (as opposed to simply learning this as a fact) causes your perception and power to expand drastically.

I’m about to go all in on this, and I’ve already seen results from doing this practice for a few minutes or less. Afterward I look around my room and everything is me and without a linguistic veil.

I highly recommend going through the Qliphoth. It will blow your mind and you’ll learn so much.


But we’d still exist then, wouldn’t we? Even if not in the way we normally think we do, we’d still exist, as thoughts, if nothing else. I don’t think being imaginary would make us any less real, because whatever we’d exist in, or as a part/thought of, could itself then be anchored in the “actual reality”, which would make us also a part of said reality.


magic wont work without alchemy

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