What abilities does soul travel give a person?

I bought the Ipsissimus book, I’ve never done astral travel and lucid dreams before, I want to start working with this book. I’m going to do a 2-month soul journey experiment, but before that, I want my questions answered with your permission.

1.Does a soul traveler need to be open to the astral senses and chakras?(If it’s not necessary, I think these will develop and abilities will increase with a constant practice of soul journeying.)

2.We can be anywhere at any time, for example, can a person visit someone’s home in a far country?

3.Is there a chance for our soul not to return to the physical body again, is it easy to leave the soul journey and return to our old body?

4.Where to travel with soul travel

It helps to have developed some awareness of your subtle body and the energy flowing within it. That’s why systems that teach soul travel/projection, like the BALG course or Robert Bruce’s, usually start with learning to sense and manipulate energy in the body.


No. That is an old myth that doesn’t really have a basis in practice. You are attached to your physical body until it dies by virtue of being incarnated, so it is very easy to return to it when you want to.

Anywhere you’d like. Most people like to travel the higher planes and interact with spirits on their own turf, so to speak, but you can also tool around in the astral version of the physical world, and visit the planet Mars, or the moon, for example. Donald Tyson mentions doing that in his book Soul Flight.


But if cyber planes are real, what does it encompass?

Projection doesn’t give you abilities, you practicing projections gives you acknowledgment of your already existing clairs.

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Can I do my chakra work and soul journey work at the same time?

What skills do we need for this?

“soul travel” is just a fancy way of saying projection, the more you do it the more your clairs develop, just as the more energy work/magick you do the more your energy body/chakras (major and minor) develop.


Even if I constantly do soul travel and association work, can I still not improve? Most of the time I do astral sense practices.