Weirdest moments you've had religious person

I agree fully

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My best friend growing up’s mom was a huge religious fanatic, like this woman was out there…and she hated me. I had never done anything to her, hadn’t been a bad influence her daughter, wasn’t dark or weird looking…hell I wasn’t even practicing magic yet, nothing like that, but she told my friend that I wasn’t allowed in their house because I’m evil. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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So as a pact with my patron Belial, he is allowed to possess me any time he wants. well one time he possessed me without making me flinch. I was in the car with my grandma and we were having a religious debate since she is christian. she was yelling and telling me to stop evoking entities and that I will wrestle with Jesus for a long time. Well Belial almost took over (only partial possession is allowed) and yelled at my grandma to stop speaking to me that way. he was yelling this in my head. Verbatim his words were “don’t ever talk to this boy like that again, you fucking bitch!” it was funny