Weird sensations

Hi, something weird has been happening since february/march until now: I usually feel touches (they’re soft yet there’s pressure at the same time), especially while I’m sitting in class or in public transportation. I only posted about this now because it came back recently since college started, because of me having classes again, and today I felt it in my arms, especially in my hair and rarely on my neck. Those other times (from February until June) I felt it more on my thighs, arms, hair and back. There was this time I was sitting down on the train, barely any people, no one was near me and the angle and distance was impossible for anyone to reach me and I just felt, out of a sudden, a touch in my thigh, which was so unexpected and hard to not notice that it scared the crap out of me. It was the most realistic one so far, it really looked like someone had actually touch me. This weird sensations happen when I’m just at home as well, but its more obvious when I’m just sitting in class or in public transportation for some reason. I sometimes feel water drops as well. I never summoned any incubus and I’ve banished but this keeps happening. Any idea what or who this might be? I thought it was my imagination but this happens when I least expect it and when I’m not even thinking about it. I also have no idea why this happens especially during classes.


It would be easy to expose subjectively what it could be, if it is done in this way it would be falling into a speculation / Thought, meditation or deep reflection having very little evidence of that expertise, since the most advisable is to penetrate the astral and examine its field energetic and diagnose the type of entity that is lying down, larvae, parasites or if it is an entity that has been sent behind its tracks to infringe a purpose, seek experienced help to check, diagnose and treat your situation with either an exile or a cleaning deepest energetic, and depending on what you have to touch the office of a deity to catalyze more suddenly its release.

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You put the “doctor” in witch doctor. English please; you’re scaring the poor girl.


You just read my mind :laughing:

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I would try cleansing yourself and your home. I’m personally a fan of burning sage when I’m doing a cleansing.


Point out the phrase in the text to reconsider the most accurate expression

Have you had any strange burn marks or scratches on your arms or legs?

As a reminder: Sage harmonizes and neutralizes, frankincense and myrrh are preferred by ancestors (at least the ancient ones) and brings in positivity, luck and blessings.

You might want to burn some frankincense and myrrh - I definitely saw a change in the energies that were being attracted to me and how powerful my works and own aura became.

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I have myrrh, I couldn’t find frankincense tho. I have burned myrrh before btw

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It sounds like signs of nonphysical infestation.

Wdym non-physical infestation?

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I think that’d work for you!

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Infestation indicates both physical and nonphysical signs sometimes as signs of a hex other times as a practitioner which shows that the spirits, deities, demons being called upon are showing their displeasure as to what is being cast.

Could you rephrase this? I couldn’t quite understand it, sorry

Ok then, thanks :grin:

Your rituals are backfiring and the deities you are summoning are showing you that they don’t like what you’re doing with the weird touching, hair pulling and dripping water.

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But I don’t remember doing something disrespectful. Also I don’t feel my hair being pulled, its more like brushing my hair not pulling. But yeah, I guess I’ll talk to them.

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