Weird experience with Marquis Amon [NSFW]

I’m fairly a beginner to evocation and invocation in general but I was reading about Amon in another topics in here and decided to research more about him.
After some research, I’ve done a quick ritual that I was unsure it was done with the right intent, so I decided to meditate while listening to his enn and visualize his sigil and I suddenly started feeling a very weird sexual energy in my Muladhara. I decided to go along with it and see where it went and I orgasmed really intensely.

After that, I was like into some sort of trance, I didn’t felt confident enough to redo the ritual at the time, but suddenly there I was, doing it very precisely and with so much intent that I didn’t even know it was possible.

In the ritual you have to put a date of birth of someone and I couldn’t remeber this person’s DOB, I wrote a date anyway and performed. I went to check it out later and I’m completely astonished because the date was correct.

So yeah, I have no idea what happened. Has anyone ever had a similar experience? How should I proceed?


All of this is pretty successful results.


That’s a huge win in my book. Keep it up!
Sexual arousal during rituals is not that rare with some entities. You made one strong connection, it seems. Just keep your work with Marquis Amon and see where it takes you next. Feel confident and go with it.