Wealth and Money

Hello members!

I’ve been seeking counsel from kind paimon for months now. And he is been amazing at teaching me manipulation and influencing situations. But I read it somewhere that king also has influence over money.

If anyone can help me clarify this and help me the difference . It will be of big help.

Thank you.

He has some influence over those who have money, that is, the wealthy and powerful. If you pair him with Duchess Bune, you will have a very powerful combination for getting influencing financial situations.

She is good at providing financial resources in every manner and situation possible.

Put like this:

King Paimon will help get the job and get promoted. Bune will help you keep the job and get you paid.


Thank you for helping me mate.

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I havent gotten or asked about money from King Paimon but I did make a pact with Lucifuge and he gave me a transformation in life and wealth. It’s barely been a month and wealth has been flooding in.


It’s just that. I’ve been doing some divination with king Paimon and I do his enn meditation daily. And since then I feel my body is surging some sort of electric current. I feel chills all the time. It’s kind of awesome feeling.

If you can point me to any knowledge base about the entity you work with. It’ll be helpful.


Lucifuge compendium is available on BALG and Lucifuge has been talked about by many witches in the community. Learn and evoke him. He is the lord of excess and teaches a lot of things and gives you whatever you desire.


That’s King Paimon for you. He helped me open my Ajna Chakra back when I was a lil Neophyte.

Oh yes. It is super intense!

Thank you! I’ll look into him!

You’re welcome

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