Safe Servitor for beginners, banishing, protection, shielding and warding

Eeee even just casual gazing got me all warm and fuzzy, like all the little negatives in the lil nooks and crannies of my husk heart getting powerwashed. I love this! haha will make use should I need this aid! :ok_hand::raised_hands:


:slight_smile: Sounds good!

I really try not to let anyone become food! But sometimes they want to be food!


Awww a cute pony yasss so happy now thank you for this. ^^ this is the kind of stuff that is totally meant for me as i love cuteness and girly things.


What an awesome idea, thank you so much :hugs:

I’d like to use Luna to help me develop my senses, but how do I summon her properly? Do I need to redraw the sigil, print it out, or is it ok to use it on the computer screen? Do I always need to talk to her aloud?

I tried it last night and meditated right afterwards. Didn’t get any weird sensations other than the usual, except that the air around my head felt cooler than normal. I don’t know if I accomplished anything or not.


Her strongest link is to the sketch I drew of her, people who have issues with sigils or calling out to beings with a name alone, usually find that due to the amount of time I spend on the sketch, she’s very strongly linked to it.

It’s not necessary to print or draw anything, but you can if it makes you feel more connected to her. You could even print the sketch and color it in with colored pencils or crayons or whatever made you happy, if it helped establish a link between you and her.

Senses take time, and while the majority of people do report feeling something in regards to servitors, it can be very subtle, such as a change in the room temperature, the hair on your arms stands up, you hear a weird noise that has no explanation or even feeling as if you are no longer in the room alone.

The more often you try to call Luna, the sooner you will begin to feel and notice her, if you’re able to say something to the effect of, I am just going to pretend, that no matter what does or doesn’t happen, Luna will come to me when I gaze at her sketch or call her name, it often can help too, as the logical mind often tries to dismiss the early signs of spiritual connection.

It’s never necessary to call her name out loud or speak to her out loud, even if you cannot sense her, operate on the assumption that if you spent several minutes, 5, 10 or more trying to connect with her, that she can hear you, even if you can’t sense her. I like to say a one way call is still a call, and her communication is good, even if yours isn’t good yet.

You can even ask her to visit your dreams, she’s programmed to do so on request, though this even, takes time, when you are new with things.

@Angelb1083 summoned her from the sketch, on her phone screen. She described it to me, as it appeared as if Luna leapt right out of her phone and took the form of the sketch. The longer Luna was in her home, the more solid Luna became to her. Now this member has their senses open, so while it’s a great validating experience, it’s not something the newer members can expect, the more subtle signs, such as feeling like your mood is lifted, the air is cleared, someone is with you, those sorts of things are the ones I would watch for. Even feeling safer, particularly if something has you spooked would be a positive sign, that Luna has indeed entered your space.

My advice is to keep trying as she will help you with the senses, despite that not being her job, because the more you summon the more sensitive you become, and she is a safe place to start, as she will ensure nothing else comes to harm you.

Edit: Another note, is that as you wish to work on your senses-I would use the dismissal statement given in Luna’s stat sheet, after every attempt to summon. I say this, because while she’s safe to leave roaming in your home, you’ll get used to her energy, rather than noticing when it enters your space.


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She is so amazing to have to be honest. I did realize I had so much that came and went from the cemeteries until I got a malicious one.

I am not sure if this is because I can talk to animals anyway but for me she can talk telepathy or even like how horses will with nods and such if it ask her something.


That’s great, she’s programmed to use telepathy, Dreams, visions as well as be visually seen and audibly heard but, it’s going to depend on the individuals strengths what they get.

She should essentially hone in on what you can communicate with, if you have any open sense and work with your skills, above the others.

I know some do the telepathy best with spirits, while others only experience beings in dreams and such, so I tried to make her to somewhat tailor to the needs of the summoner.

I am really glad that she’s made such a positive difference for you, I’d been worried for a few days, but that one experience was over the top scary.


Yea I did some research there was a shorting in the park behind us not too long ago, but I wonder if it has to do with the ranch that was here or even more deeply if this is native grounds. It could so just be a malicious spirit from the cemeteries or when a victim and that was a clue. No matter what it was way too much to just leave it be.


Yeah sounds like there is and there could be, a lot of sources, I’m just glad Luna was able to take care of it and keep you and the kiddo safe, and establish wards to keep it from happening again. I’d really been thinking of the newer members when I created her, but i have trouble holding shields and wards up when I sleep, so I know it’s useful to even some of us older members.


Yes she asked to stay active at least until I move. So I am letting her do that. Like I said when I brought it up. Neither the kiddo or I sensed anything off until that little message. The dog noticed a couple of things but I work with so many spirits I thought it was just a Fae or something. Until that that isn’t anything a Fae would leave.


Yeah, I mean it’s not unusual to have some weird activity when you summon a lot, so a lot of it I just dismissed, but I was starting to get worried, then thst happened and I was like oh shit. I’m going to go ahead and post Luna, maybe she can help.

I was worried about sharing her with lots of people, even when it was just the regulars. I doubt my skills bad.


Ok, I was thinking the opposite and didn’t dismiss her last night.

I did feel such things last night, but nothing really stood out apart from the suspiciously cool air. I always have weird sensations during meditation, and think of them as my own energy moving around. And all the weird crackling noises are probably just my furniture. Either I’m right or I have spirits around that I don’t even know of.

I’m generally very sensitive to everything, including emotions, light and sound, and good at sensing energy and other people’s intentions. This makes me think I should be better than that at sensing spirits. I’ve had a few successful experiences but never when fully awake.

I’ll keep trying, including coloring her sketch.


It’s actually normal to be more In tune spiritually when you are meditating, that’s where we recommend most people start tbh, because it begins to train your senses. (Other reasons, but it’s one of them)

Sounds like you could be dismissing signs that are related, due to having a human mind :joy:

We can have everything from guides, to spirits thst died in our space or just happen to be wondering through as well as, a long time practicing friend of mine, describes some of what I hear and see, when I’m certain it’s not physical, as seeing and hearing between the planes.

Either way I think your logical mind is kicking yah in the ass a bit!


So I asked her about this because I have never worked with anything like her and o was wondering how it work. She said that though she is the same she is a brand new version to each person that uses her. So she can be in many places at once. So the version of her here though is similar to the ones others will get there will be a little different to fit their needs.


Yes that’s pretty much exactly how I expected it to operate, that each person gets their own aspect or face of Luna, and I’m not sure if it’s because I designed her to tailor to the summoner if she simply operates like most spirits. I’ve been assuming it’s because that is how most spirits operate though.

For example, a few of the Loa who appear to others as African, appear to me as European and I’ve encountered an African angel, despite having never seen that be a common thing.

Good information to have confirmed, regardless.


That’s what I was thinking she is able to act like most guardians that I have seen. It will be interesting how she is with others that use her.


Yeah, my mind is a beast.
Now you got me thinking … my furniture doesn’t really tend to make any sounds when I’m not meditating :thinking:


Lol :joy: I’m not super surprised. You can just experience hyper normal senses while meditating too, but if no ones on the furniture and you don’t have a pet or something to explain it, it’s not as likely to just happen lol


LOL, Luna is the name of my pet, the security guard at the house.