Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Well you’re not too wrong lol. I tend to have a blank outward expression, making it hard for people to discern my true intentions or knowledge. I also tend to have slight introverted/antisocial tendencies, which could explain the “grumpy old wizard who does not want to be bothered” part.

So all in all, you were doing good!

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Anything specific?


General is fine :slight_smile: Im easy to please.

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I’m seeing something like an excavation site. It reminds me of Egypt, but I don’t feel for sure that it is Egypt. It’s very dry, and very hot. Someone is digging, looking for something. They’re digging with a purpose, with something specific in mind.

It feels like new discoveries. Something that can turn a situation around, something important- a breakthrough. Keep going, but also take care of yourself so you don’t burn out.


It was for Yoojin.


Very cool ^_____^

Would someone mind doing me? I’m incredibly curious

Let’s trade

I’d love to but I thought I heist read that it’s against the rules until I’ve been here for a certain amount of time?

Not with scans, readings

The public scanning threads are the only place a newcomer is allowed to provide any sort of energetic reading. Divination with tarot, oracles, scrying, or offering any sort of free magick, is prohibited until you have been an active member for a minimum of 90 days.

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When it comes to scanning what am I supposed to see? All I see is light, and bombs falling. There’s a strange eternal background chatter as well, but I hear thar everyday. Makes my forehead hurt just thinking over it again.

I wish I could participate in this thread :sob:

Why don’t you?

I’m up for a quick trade!

There’s a scanning tutorial thread.

Let’s go

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Sure. What would you like me to look into? Or do you want a general one?

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Let’s trade if you have time, I’d like a general scan

I can’t scan people. I don’t think I’d be able to see anything

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