Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

thank you i will try to do your scan my spiritual senses are still not very good

I feel in you a connection with the infernal empire, I feel that you have a powerful abyssal energy


Immediately saw a huge moon

Then I saw you in lotus posture meditating in the night sky, like a tantrik

I was interrupted but I started seeing some other things, like a heart


Not sure how accurate I was here, being a noob to scans, but I immediately thought of the word ā€˜kitchenā€™ and had a real happy, uplifting, warm feeling. Also I felt a bit of pressure and stress while trying, not sure if thatā€™s from you or from me trying something new after a long day of work :slightly_smiling_face:

Would anyone like to trade?

Sure, Iā€™d like to try. (:

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Scan my higher self please.

A general scan is okay.

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Iā€™m seeing a kitchen. An ochre color themed, 90s or 80s style kitchen. The radioā€™s playing, thereā€™s a small TV showing some program which I canā€™t identify. It has very ā€œgood olā€™ Americaā€ vibes in a way. Thereā€™s a woman whoā€™s cooking something, and a man reading the newspaper while smoking a cigar. There is also a child, ā€œ8ā€ comes to mind. Maybe heā€™s 8 years old? Bucket type haircut (idk the name, itā€™s one where all the hair is of the same length), blonde.

He seems to want to say something, but heā€™s afraid. Of either his dad calling it a waste of time, or his mother brushing it away. The music and everything are inaudible to the kid, heā€™s only zoomed in on his father. His dad is wearing glasses, I think.

Deciding to not do anything about it, the kid simply ignores what he wanted to say and sits near the kitchen. His mother smiles and goes back to cooking, the kid smiles too but it disappears when she turns her back, and heā€™s now figdeting with his hands.

Iā€™ve never seen something like this, itā€™s probably related to your inner child. A feeling of being ignored, maybe? Or thinking that what you have to say is not that important and it got carried forward in your life without you realising. The first response is to either say no, or to just ā€œgo with the flowā€ without attempting to go against the current for once, because now Iā€™m seeing an adult, holding a can of probably beer in his hand, and waving and saying ā€œNo, thanksā€ to someone, but his eyes and body language clearly show the opposite.

Thatā€™s all Iā€™m getting ^^


Thanks but I have no idea what it all means.

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Tap into your inner child, they might have something to say. The scan I did seems pretty cryptic.


Okay thanks

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Hello can I have a reading please

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I see an orange light (creativity, color for the Sun/Sol), a dog or bear head looks at me then turns sideways. It then turns lavender, I see what appear to be currents or airflow under water. Then a pouffer fish type fish appears.
Thats all I got.


Thank you so muchā¤ļø

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Youre welcome ā€¦ I hope it helped? I know my scans are quite surface level at times.

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Anyone up for scanning me/scan swap?

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My higher self, please.
Anything specific for you?

Edit: itā€™s night time right now so Iā€™ll return your scan tomorrow (if Iā€™ve fallen asleep).

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My Holy Guardian Angel, and Holy Guardian Demon.

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A steady force, like that of a steady burning flame. Open and receptive, but can mess you up with one impulse, think Queen of Wands. Hums in key ā€œC#Dbā€. That is its sound signature to me.