Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Sure, I forgot the exact rules but I think you have to have been active on here for 90 days or something to offer scans? If your new. So best to check that out, I think maybe you can scan in the Power sensing thread… Not sure.

Okay, the rule is someone has to have been reasonably active for 3 months in order to give free readings

Yes, with readings, not with scans


Good to know.

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Soul Dive trade? I can do an in-depth trade or just regular scan.

Let’s do a trade tomorrow, as it’s sleepy time over here.

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Sure. Just send me a message tomorrow when your ready.

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I find this scanning fascinating. How does one go about doing this? I would like to learn how.

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Anyone wanna trade

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We have a thread here, on how to scan. If you want to :mag_right: that up…it’s a good guide.


Thanks I will check them out

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Can I get a reading please

Hey still up?

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Yes, just woke up lol.

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Great.You gonna start?been starting all the while lol

Yeah, I’ll start - no issues. Let me just make my coffee (will take me 5 mins), then I’ll start your scan - you want a soul scan ?

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Yes.thatwould be better

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Your Scan:

When scanning you, specifically you soul and even soul “landscape”. Landscape was the word that came, so that’s the term I’ll use.

I was taken to a field, much like this:
images except with more trees evenly scattered around

It looked alot like a Prarie Field, there wasn’t any roads, houses or other human made structures within close distance to the scene/area I saw. Seemed out in the country.

In the middle of the field, I see a human knight. Fully suited up, they are standing in the middle of this field, with their sword resting in their hands like this:

this is to represent more how the knight was holding the sword within the resting position - less on the looks of the knight The Knight seemed relaxed but still alert. Ready for duty.

Within this field, I also saw a Lion to the left of the Knight, at their side. This is to represent Strength, will, etc. Perhaps a spirit animal/guide. On their shoulder was an owl (looked similar to a barn owl). Their right shoulder. I got the feeling that the owl and Lion acted as familiars.

From this Knight I got a mix of both feminine and masculine energy/vibes. However the masculine seemed alittle more present. However for the sake of the scan, I will use they. Before finishing the scan, I checked to for health. Things seemed steady, and slow - energy movement wise.

I’m up for another trade soul-dive.

Hey, are you gonna return?