Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Hey would I be able to get a scan please?
I would appreciate it
Thank you

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No worries, shall I scan? Permission etc?

Yes sure you can scan :slight_smile:
Thank you :slight_smile:

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Golden man, standing tall, strong! Body of God. Everything around him is a fuzzy glow.
Everything seems easy, chilled.
Don’t be deceived, it is an ideal. Look harder, stronger, see past the aura. To the elements within. Trust to the female goddesses I advise you.

Scan for a scan people?

Anyone up for trade

IF you can scan me, I’ll do a favor for you.

Is anyone interested in scanning me? I’ve got two entities around me that I’m curious about their identities/ I have descriptions to confirm whether or not it’s the same ones.

Can offer a true black reading, dream tarot, or Mermaid oracle reading in exchange.

Hey can someone scan and I will scan on you back ( I am learning so I won’t be accurate )

Yo! Let me do this i saw a figure with a bright aura. And it has la armor in its right hand. Like its awaiting battle.

I personally don’t know do a scan, but I be greatly appreciated if u could do a scan for me please.

Please tell me you rested since this picture.

Probably not enough

Scanny scan anyone? :slight_smile: can reciprocate


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Quoi? You good?

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I just saw this, you still up to trade?


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Anyone up for a trade?

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