Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Saw a red truck and a goblin like being

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Donā€™t feel bad bout not seeing much Iā€™m heavily protected. Have a mask of sorts on.

Thank you so much for your reading. Gave me a needed message.

So the 3 leaf clover. Iā€™ve always loved them. Would sit in the grass always looking for a 4 leaf clover. Havenā€™t yet but I will. I have one encased in glass. But I want to find one on my own.

The triple goddess does makes sense tho.

The car idk, but itā€™s cute. Not totally my style. But I see a version of myself driving in on the countryside next to water. Potentially Ireland maybe like you said. Looks gorgeous.

The cave interpretation. Is spot on and I needed to hear it. Apparently Iā€™m here for a specific reason on earth and to get there I gotta step out of my safe hiding spot and branch out, be social, and spread my knowledge and talents. Just comfy in here. I know the grass is greener on the other side. And Iā€™m working on getting out of the cave. So thank you that really helped me.

That image is stunning and connected with me a lot. So Thank you really helped put things into perspective :slight_smile:

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Hmmā€¦ Iā€™d like a scan, Iā€™ll return the favor. Havenā€™t done in a while but yea


This is cracking me up! I think the best read for today!!

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:joy: :joy:

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Thank you for your response and feedback, it means alot to me :smiley:.

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Reap what you sow. RightšŸ˜‚itā€™s only fair

Scan swap anyone?


lol bro, youre hilarious with the memes bro :laughing:

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I wouldnā€™t mind a trade if anyone is up for it.

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Would like a scan

I saw a whole bunch of pink roses, then the roses formed into a pink bird flying

Can you do mine too?

I would love a scan please. Still a newbieā€¦

Thatā€™s really interesting roses are my favorite color. Pink is also one of Libraā€™s colors too.

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You have a mix of clam and Chaotic energy like something is forming inside you. Nothing at least to me is clear yet.

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so the scan was close, cool!

do me! :smiley:

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Hmmā€¦ intersting 'cuz iā€™m just like you mentioned
I can be calm but also really chaotic
But iā€™m wondering what it can be, that is forming inside me

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