Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Alright, so I finally got the chance to sit down to give you a proper energy scan.


During the beginning of the scan, the first thing I see is a black mist with blue and red hues intermixed within it. From my own perceptions, the energy at first was quite abrasive and gave me a burning sensation, but once it realized I wasn’t a threat the sensation dissipated and the temperature of the energy itself grew icy cold which I find to be interesting to say the least.

As I get closer to your core, I notice that the blue and red hues within the dark energetic mist become more prominent. Here I start to get a icy-hot feeling and start to feel slightly numb. As I explore the energy within this area a bit more I start to pick up a scent that reminds me of fresh rainfall as well as a sweet scorching scent that reminds me of dragons blood.

As I reach your core, the mist starts to surround it and the hues start to bond together which in turn creates a brilliant dark purple. When I look at the core itself, it appears to me as black obsidian frozen over with brilliant blue and purple symbols etched into it. The purple symbols are smoldering while the blue symbols are more prominent and water-like in appearance.

When looking at the symbols, they seem to derive from a few different cultures. If I had to guess, some of them appear to be Greek, while the others appear be affiliated with cultures within the Middle East.

Added: If I had to guess what you might be, I would definitely say draconic. Leviathan kept coming up throughout the scan so I do believe that he might be significant to you in someway, whether he is a teacher or relative.

Affinities/Energy Flow

  • Water.
  • Fire.
  • Chaos.
  • Darkness.

When it comes to your energy flow things seem to be pretty decent although there is room for improvement. There is no inherent damage that I could find aside from excessive stagnation near the throat and solar plexis. While I do say that your energy flow is decent, there are quite a few pathways near the areas I mentioned that are quite narrow and need to be expanded upon to increase the potency of the energy within these areas.



@Harith want to do a trade scan? I’d be interested in my soul/essence energies/type.

I’m new but I’m willing to scan back.

Awesome thank you for the scan Harith. I’ll begin taking steps to improve my pathways and removing stagnant energy. Your quite accurate. I have recently done work with Nyx, thats potentially where some of the greek symbols are from.
Primary element is dark. Slightly weaker affinity is chaos. Lesser affinities are fire and water.
My soul is definitly draconic. Im one of Nyx’s dark draconics actually.
I’l have to research Leviathans connection to me.

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Hey Harith can u scan me please?

Did you read the how to scan thread?

reading it now

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No problem, I’m glad that I could confirm a few things! You’ll have to let me know what happens whenever you do decide to contact Leviathan, I’m not sure myself why he kept coming up. (:

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Harith can u do me net please?

I can possibly do one for you next week? I like to take some time between scans because it takes quite a bit of time and energy for me to do them due to me liking to be detail-oriented lol.

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Sure, understandable. If you want, I can scan you back to in return for your scan? I’m new, but it’ll be good for me to practice.

For sure! I have no problem with that at all. (:


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Okay, well let me know when next week, and I can scan either before/after your scan. Whichever works for you.

Hello people, I need a scan doing! Only a simple one, I have a very important electrical exam tomorrow, I have had dreams of both outcomes, but not sure which is correct. Any sigils, help, advice anything?

why hasn’t u anwer me?

Anybody willing to help me? Come on please!

Out of curiosity would you call Leviathan a deity, primordial, or a draconic, infernal race?
I have been looking for sone deities to work on some projects, also it could be related to a different project im looking for a partner to help with.
I get the feeling Leviathan is connected to Abzu, or maybe they’re just that similar

Leviathan is both a primeval deity and race from personal experience. Leviathan is a deity that spans many cultures and you are definitely correct when it comes to him being associated with the Abzu. As for the Infernal, he does have a presence there as well but I would consider it a fragment of who he is as a whole.


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I haven’t answered because you don’t seem to be making the attempt to scan in exchange for what you are asking for.

that cause i don’t know how to it yet

Can someone please scan me? All I know is that I have connections to voodoo as I saw Papa Legba when I was younger. Will try to scan back even though I’m a beginner!