Waking up to conversation in the dark

Some time ago, I honestly dont remember if it’s been days or weeks, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my physical self speaking. Then, as I was slowly regaining consciousness i noticed that I was involuntarily nodding my head as if I was listening intently to someone speaking with me… Didn’t think much of it at the time, and I’m pretty sure it was just some weird hypnagogic remnants of some dream i cant remember, but it’s been on my mind more and more so I thought it might be worth it to mention here…

Has something like this happened to anyone else? If so, did you find there was any significance to it? If so, what was the significance?

What weird hypnagogic shit have you experienced that turned out to be more significant than just the meanderings of the subconscious?


There have been several times when Azazel and other beings have come and spoken to me in my sleep in the same manner you describe. I’ll wake myself up because I end up talking back to them but don’t remember what was said. BUT later something will happen or I’ll read something and suddenly a total flashback of what I was told in my sleep will come back. It’s like they’re storing information in your head for when you’ll need it. And when you need it you’ll just know what you need to know when you need to know it.


Wow fascinating :open_mouth:
But, argh, now I guess I gotta play the waiting game
Oh well, I need to work on not being so impatient anyway lol
I wonder who it could’ve been that was talking to me :thinking:

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I’d probably advise you to forget about it for now. And when the moment comes you’ll know exactly what you need to know.

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That was your real self, your astral body having a conversation with probably whatever entity you deal with the most. I can’t tell you who it was. But if you meditate and go back there in your mind and open your mind and ask, you should get a name or memory (thought) will pop into your mind. That will be who you were talking to. I have had that happen too.