Voodoo lounge

Isn’t that beautiful?


Ancestors are important in this practice


Yes it is

This is about goddess Oshun. I spent the last half hour or so cleaning up trash in her honor. She holds honey and bees sacred. When I properly disposed of the trash, bees were buzzing around the dumpster. I dont work with her (at least not yet) but I respect her enough to know that I’m responsible for the earth she gives water to.


Been eyeing this thread for a minute now… I’m going to go through a mentorship for voodoo soon, but is there anything I should be doing in the mean time? Or should I just wait until I have a clear understanding of my surroundings spirits and those who walk with me?

Meditate on it. If you feel drawn to voodoo then contact Papa Legba.

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Personally I used to be in a different path. Now all I want to do is practice voudan, along with soul traveling because to me not only did I promise to stay true to voudan. I realize I was meant for it. And nothing else. The call to it is that strong to me

Ayibobo to all you brothers and sisters


So I called on Baron Samedi tonight. And during the possession I lost track of time, don’t know what I said or did, but the only thing that keeps running through my head is Lava Tet " the washing of the head" similar or in line with the Catholic baptism. Before you fully accept your Met Tet. Thoughts?. My behaviour is different as well after the possesion

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Well an official ceremony is pretty expensive, but its worth it. I think you should go for it.

I would feel better not paying for it. Like at all. I feel like I could have it done on my own

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I feel you, i did mine on my own, it is definitely possible. All you need to worry about is who is going to pour the “Holy” water.

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Definitely will look into it. I read it’s a 3 day process. So I’m willing to make the time for it. It’s funny to me that the Baron wants me to do it. Maybe to test me in a sense.

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Yes maybe a test of Dedication and Faith, at least thats what im picking up.

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That’s what I’m thinking

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I didn’t know one can do the lavé tet on their own
I just thought you needed a houngan or a mambo to do this for you

The only reason why I would think that is I wouldn’t know the exact process of the leve Tet. And thankfully enough research would let me know the ritual and it’s process’s. The perks of being a black magician in general

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People would gladly charge for services because the person isn’t educated enough of the process

That o believe

Did you record your service with Baron ?
How do you know what other message he left for you

Since he is of the ghedé
I would think the met have to do your initiation right ?