Voodoo dolls

Is there any good places to buy a voodoo doll that are legit or do I actually have to make one myself?


There’s voodoo dolls sold online, however, you’d still need to personally have something of the individual’s. Most online shops sell specific types of voodoo dolls such as ones for fertility, protection, and the likes. Making your own would work best however.


Some and some. It’s ideal to make your own poppets (same thing, ish) even if they’re just made out of string. The process of making it is part of the working. But the point is to convince yourself, and set the energy, so that the poppet IS your target. They are the same, that’s why doing things to the poppet does the same to your target. However you do that is up to you in the end.


So I’m trying to make or get a voodoo doll that does nothing good to the other

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Then make it

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paper voodoo doll as alternative.

if you have actual full body photo of person , even better. lol


It’s better to make it yourself and with New cotton bought especially for it. When you create it think about the target and visualising him or her being dead. It’s nice to get an object from the target like a button, pencil or something like that as the heart of the doll

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It’s always best to make your own, that way while you’re cutting the cloth and stuffing it with Spanish moss and other nasties, plus personal item of target and sewing it up, you should be putting your intent into that doll- that’s if it’s meant for a curse, then you want to name that doll ( targets name) and treat the doll as if it were that person. If for healing, use healing type herbs, flowers and herbs that correspond to love, you get the idea. When I prepare a doll baby, I do it along with a candle burning which corresponds to my intent. It helps set the mood, works better for me than just making a doll.
They can also be made of clay, even play doh, just mix the proper ingredients into the clay, and do it as described above. One important thing is you also need to work with it often, and apply the proper oil(s)to it. Speak to it, a curse, words conducive to healing, love or whatever your intent may be, make sure the doll is filled with that intent.