Very big concern HELP PLEASE!

What do you mean by examining feelings?

This might sound crazy. But perhaps you should talk to her before seeking out magickal solutions/insights to this.

You might avoid the fact that you think about your brother constantly when she’s around though (might appear as a sign of insecurity). Also avoid reacting to what could potentially be nothing (anger unrestrained often brings shortsightedness and regret).

But you’d be surprised what you can get from simple facial cues/dialogue slips if you handle a conversation with dignity and a bit of cunning.


From all that was posted, and if there is no other sign, like her behaviour, that it may be your girlfriend, then it’s most likely not her.

I see two possibilities.

One, there must be a reason within yourself, why you do this.

Is there some emotion that could connect things in this way? Maybe even one, you are not fully aware of it yet? (Example: You feel lucky with your girlfriend but he isn’t so lucky with women and this makes you somehow sympathize and think of it) … Look for possible triggers, in that regard. Try to understand, what exactly TRIGGERS the thoughts and what kind of thoughts these are.

Another is, someone else has done some magick to you (maybe even someone you don’t know but knows your girlfriend), to cause some trouble in your relations. Having thoughts that there could be something going on, could be such a thing and in this case the source a different one than you or your girlfriend.

I think the first thing to do is to analyse the thoughts you’re having. What are they exactly? Are they repetitive? Is there a pattern to those thoughts? Are they passing thoughts amongst other thoughts? Or is your brother the ONLY thing you think about?

Does your brother do any kind of magick that you are aware off? Also, how does your brother and GF behave around each other?

I’m not sensing or seeing anything in and around you or your girlfriend.

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My brother and girlfriend have had no contact for 5 months.

Why your assumption, it could be your girlfriend, then, if there has been so long no connection?
Where does this thought of possibility arise from then?

Take a chill pill bro , and practice some mental health exercises

Honestly this may just be a weird association that you’ve made somehow. If you’ve been causing trouble or something then maybe someone’s cursing you, but usually this is not the case.

This will probably keep happening until the association between your gf and brother fades. I would just do your best to notice the unwanted thoughts as they arise, and then not pay them any more attention.

If you’re really concerned, I would do a ritual to reveal any enemies who may be working against you. This will tell you if your brother is stealing your girl or if an unrelated third party is cursing you. You can follow this up with bindings or other measures, if required.

My guess is that the issue is arising from within yourself, however. You may want to do some mental/emotional healing magick. You may also want to explore the possibility of troubles within your relationship which could be causing this anxiety to arise.

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After 1000 allegations, my girlfriend has finally admitted to me that she thinks of him but doesn’t know why. He gets into her thoughts and then suddenly disappears. What will a binding spell bring me?

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A binding will make it so that the target is unable to work against you without bringing other harm to them.

And to be honest dude I think you should consider what in this situation is a problem both outside of and within yourself. Unless there is a major power imbalance being abused, relationships tend not to have these sorts of communication problems without issues coming from both sides.

I don’t mean to say that this is all your problem, but that you may be able to fix some of these issues by working on yourself too. Open and honest communication can sting at first but it is what you want if you want to keep the relationship.

Couples therapy exists for a good reason.

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Do you think she is in love with my brother or has my brother made a love spell with her?

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I think you should tell her how you feel. You should then listen to what she has to say.

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I told her that I feel hurt by it and think that she wants something from him. But she always denies me everything but often thinks of him and she doesn’t know why.

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Yeah that is pretty weird. I’m going to message you and we can talk about this more privately.
