Vampirism for "good"

I see a lot of talk on the vampirism thread about vamping this or that person and causing tons of damage to them, and things like that. Though being able to utilize every aspect of that tool is important (what’s the point of knowing how to swing a hammer if you refuse to use the claw part to remove bent nails?), hurting others is a very small, select part of what vampirism can do.

Before I dive into that, imagine you’re a tiger that follows a herd of wildebeest. You get hungry, you catch a wildebeest, and dine like a king for a day or two. You continue to follow that herd, and only harvest when you need food. You typically harvest the easiest prey to make your hunts easier, so you go after the sickly, the old, the infirm, while leaving the healthy ones be. The herd, in turn, benefits from this because they will only move as fast as their slowest member, and a wildebeest with a broken leg doesn’t move too fast (which, incidentally, might starve the herd, since they’re eating up all the grass in the area and refuse to move on). In short, the herd benefits from the tiger’s predation through the removal of the weakest individuals, and the tiger has a vested interest in maintaining the cohesion of the herd.

Now, back in civilization, Thomas the vampire is scoping out possible targets for feeding at his local club/coffee house/bar/where ever humans are gathering this week. He’s noticed, like most vampires, that chi with a heavy emotional charge tastes the best. In most people, this tends to be anxiety, depression and sexually charged energy. Thomas finds his mark in a girl sitting with a friend crying into her cup of what ever.
He walks over and introduces himself and starts feeding off the anxiety/depression (its amazing how linked those two are). Because Miss Megan (or whoever) immediately felt a twitch better after shaking Thomas’ hand thanks to a quick snack of that negativity, she opens up to him and dumps all of her problems on him, while he enjoys a delightful full course meal. Through tears, once she’s just about spent, she says, “I can’t believe I opened up that much to you. Thank you for listening, I feel tons better!” and Thomas, completely juiced up, simply says with a smile, "That’s what I’m here for!"
Fast forward for a few weeks doing this, and an entire subculture of people are ready, open and willing to dump all kinds of emotionally charged energy on Thomas, who isn’t complaining in the slightest that his nightly “hunts” almost always end with his prey coming to him.

In the above true story (names were changed), Thomas almost took stewardship over the crowd, in much the same way the tiger took stewardship over the herd of wildebeest. He harvested the chi that the herd (or people, if you prefer) most wanted to be rid of, but had no idea how, and both were made better for the exchange.


I haven’t delved into vampirism other than accidentally killing some of my plants by experimentation, but just on a maturity level this is so refreshing compared to the “I am so eeeviiiil!” persona put on by a lot of faceless internet types.

With vampirism or any other practice, I’d venture that it’s always recommended to have an eye to the long-term.

Hey Creed!

Vamping, unless in a conscious desire and repeated feedings with the same intent to cause sincere harm is moderately harmless. I normally don’t feed off of people because of the “muck” they carry. I also agree with your prior post that it can help people as well. I’ve quelled incidences that could of turned violent and helped people through vampirism and I am also the furthest from a saint so in admittance the negative has also occurred. No reason to lie. I as a person am more mailable to empathize with others feelings through creating the link. Drawing energy is only one aspect to creating this form of sympathetic link. Awesome scenario though!!


Sounds like your talking about pulling out “negative energies” I’m not gona get into the philosophy of positive and negative but, I had a similar talk with someone about this before and the reason I think it’s unlikely, not impossible, is because of flow.

Positive is pushing, negative is pulling. to "pull out’ Negative energies is like pushing two magnets of the north or south side together. they pull away.

Excellent observations, and yes, I completely agree with all of your points.

Thomas the Vampire has noticed that people with victim complexes do taste rotten. I think “negative” is a poor word to use to describe these emotions. Acute emotions of any kind in healthy individuals is prime, be it sexual lust, rage, adoration, or grief and despair.

What tastes the worst, in Thomas’ opinion, is people with mental or emotional illness, especially when the person becomes fixated on unhealthy behavior patterns. Of course, operating under the assumption that this chi should be used instead of hoarded, and that you are what you eat, these individuals who seek only to trap others in their victim complex like a drowning person who thrashes around and condemns their would be savior, it makes sense to avoid these people, no matter the context.

The point of my little essay was to demonstrate that vampirism isn’t just about being evil, andcan actually serve a purpose beyond getting a rush.

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That’s assuming Thomas is willing to take what he finds though…

He's noticed, like most vampires, that chi with a heavy emotional charge tastes the best. In most people, this tends to be anxiety, depression and sexually charged energy. Thomas finds his mark in a girl sitting with a friend crying into her cup of what ever. He walks over and introduces himself and starts feeding off the anxiety/depression (its amazing how linked those two are).

It could become “evil” again if Thomas is really smart and stops letting the group feed him in a free-range manner, foraging for their naturally occuring dramas, and instead puts them under cultivation - i.e., he gets involved by handling his “flock” in all kinds of ways that generate plenty of anxiety, depression, and sexually charged energies.

As in (IMO) most cult leaders with an adoring female following, and a rather large percentage of male Reiki teachers and other various luminaries in the lightworker world, which is mainly of interested to sexually frustrated and emotionally wounded women of around 35 - 50.

I’m not judging that, when I went on workshops and trainings there were a lot of people (several were male as well) just desperate for a hook to hang their lives on, and I doubt they counted the cost… it’s all part of life’s rich pageant! :wink:

Totally. It’s all about intent. The same feeding techniques used to inject a psychic poison, cause organ failure and render someone unconscious can be used to perform what amounts to psychic “blood tests,” allowing the vampire to monitor a person’s health.

And everyone calls vampirism a left hand path practice. I disagree, I regard it as shamanic. Thenature of the predator is no more inherently evil than is the consumption of plants. It is the ego’s expression of it that makes the predator the steward or the cruel despot.

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