Validity Of The Book 'Demons of Magick'?

So, I found an interesting book titled ‘Demons of Magick’ by Gordon Winterfield. I’ve looked up reviews for it, which are mostly positive, with many claiming that his method works wonderfully. Upon further research I found that they use the names of angels on the outer circle surrounding the demons sigil. Is this not offensive and blasphemous to the demons??? Does anyone here have experience with this book?? I wish to know before I even consider purchasing it.

No. It’s a simplified form of traditional ceremonial magick, not demonolatry or demon worship. Only those religious minded humans seem to have a problem with it

Please use the search function. There are many posts about this book and its efficacy.


The magick in the book works. Just follow the instructions.


Ok this is worth watching @TheDreadLord this gives you some mythological basis for the concepts of Solomonic ceremonial magick that were using in the demons of magick.

Now @DarkestKnight had said

Mmmm for the most part he’s right there but I disagree with the method used here. I used to use it exclusively. Now I’ve learned there are better ways.

Instead of having this turn into the same retarded emotive argument that I’ve been in on this very topic atleast three times I’m going to simply ask that @DarkestKnight split this topic to “do demons find Solomonic magick offensive”. That will give us more breathing room.

Final note yes the method works I won’t debate that but I do think there are better ways.

Btw that whole series the testament of Solomon is absolutely fascinating.

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I haven’t experienced backlash when I was using it.

Who knows? In a human perspective I can see it would be really questionable to call someone than make them ganged upon, and restrained. But demons aren’t human so.

Find your own mojo about this. Some will say its offensive and they will back it up with their experience. Some say it isn’t and they will back it up too.


It is a great book.

Traditionally the Angels employed in the conjuration belong to the name of 72 which is aligned with the sphere of chesed. Those names are employed to battle the Qlippoth and are used in rites to banish an area from unwanted energies or put up a defensive wall against every negative energy what so ever.

The interesting twist is that Kabbalists often refer to Qlippoth as emotional garbage, negativity etc. So people like Dr. Rudd most likely thought that the angels will prevent backlash that might fall on you.

The beings that hold more power in the material sphere are the three angels that you call upon close to the end of the conjuration not the first angel with the three seals. That angel is battling your negative attachment to the situation or negative results.

I have seen the 72 names used to banish demons effectively and used the book a lot myself and it works.

You also have to remember that the 72 are pure lights of creation and so is the emissary and the three subservient spirits. May guess is that the Angel is less there to constrain, but to create a reality that the demon can change.

You can get away with a lot in magick just look at people who practice the LBRP. They use AGLA in the north even though it is aligned with the element fire.


I liked the language you used there @Alakir

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Thank you! Which part? The one about the emissary and the subservient spirits? It is so “funny” to delve into Jinn magick and compare it to Sufi and Kabbalistic literature. A lot of it is similar in terms of names, the appellations are just different but work with the same energy.

That part :grin:

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The only problem I got with this book is to form A petition…

“I got money 500USD”

Cant be sure if it come from your business or elsewhere…

the book is most of the gallery of magick stuff.
I start practice magick March 2021.
When i start work with the Demons,i start with a similar style book.After some rituals,i ask archangel Raziel to remove my fear for demons and after that i start working straight with the angels no protections.
For me i prefer the second style.But i dont believe is better or worst any given method.whatever make you feel better and looks right to you.
And also i have ask one demon that i work a lot when starting(and he helps me a lot!)Price Orobas and he agree to no shem angels use.
Hope that helps you.

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I recommend the book. Just one cautionary tale, don’t overdo it. The author recommends no more than one ritual per week. That is pretty conservative, you can certainly do more.
Just don’t go too overboard because if you do a lot of rituals with a lot of demons in a short space of time you are bringing in a lot of different energies which can be quite strong.
When I first get this book ways back I fell in love with the process so much that I overused it. About 80 rituals in 19 days. This totally fcked my energy system for quite some time, massive energy overload of the crown chakras that took months to settle properly.
This is not in any way a fault of the author, book or process, it was my rampant overuse in a short time span. I bring this to your attention so you don’t make the same mistake.
The book and process are very good in my view.


Have you got good results with those 80 rituals?

Imo, the vaste array of different possibilities this book offers make it harder to avoid lusting for results

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I didn’t at that time. I think my rampant overuse confounded any possibility of results.
I left the book alone for a year or thereabouts afterwards and then returned to it for more occasional use. Have definitely seen results from some of those rituals since.
The book can give good results. But if you overdo it to the extent I initially did, you can wreck your result possibilities as well as your energy system for a good while.

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It uses a system that works. If you feel like using the book by all means do it & follow the instructions!

I feel each magician in their own right will develop their own system that works for them. I felt the need to put the book on my shelf because i desire a more intimate connection with the spirits, and im constantly tweaking and adjusting my ceremonies finding what works and what doesnt.

I definitely recommend the book for people who have never contacted a demon before. I also go back to the book to read the listed offices & powers of demons cuz gordon has a great way of listing them

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The book is worth every penny