Unusual Clairvoyance and how to Tap Into It

Whoa, this past week has been something.

As the title suggests, this has to do with clairvoyance in a sense and how it has (finally?) begun to sneak into my life. I first really noticed this when I was taking an online exam for Neuropsychology that lasted an hour and right when it began I saw, for a split second, the exact grade I would make in my head: a 74.6. Before I submitted the exam, however, I saw the grade 87 pop up in my head. Keep in mind these small pops of information were very brief and I at first just dismissed them. However, sure enough I got a 74.6 on the exam. Somehow I was able to convince my professor to let me retake it and, surprise surprise, I made an 87.

Now, at first I saw this as a coincidence as I usually do with all these things at first but last night REALLY sealed the deal for me.
I won’t go into details, but let us just say I was caught by security doing something I was not supposed to do. Through more circumstances and other things I managed to dodge a trip to jail and I still a free man (thank the gods). However, before the whole thing happened I remember seeing brief parts of it play out in my head EXACTLY as they turned out. I have many scenarios and situations fly through my mind, however, so I didn’t see this one any differently than my other thoughts and daydreams.

It seems that, slowly but surely, my mind is picking up on what is going to happen and possibly giving me a chance to avoid it or change it. The thing is, I can’t (yet) differentiate between these moments of clairvoyance and my usual daydreaming and skepticism. If I can tap into this and focus in on what is actually clairvoyance and not other noise in my brain/mind that would save me another brisk with the law.

So, how should I go about sorting out what is actually clairvoyance from other noise in my brain? Can I alter and prevent what the clairvoyance shows, or is it more of a situation where I cannot change my fate? How can I improve this?

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The whole purpose of being a magician is to alter the forseen and make it bow down to your every command like a little bitch. Hehe…

The most beneficial part of having thesee clairvoyant skills is being able to use them to our advantage to prevent unwanted forseen events or change them to suit our desires.

So yes, of course it can be prevented or at the very least, altered so that you may tailor it to suit your needs.

The way to learn to tell the difference between true intuition and that of perceived intuition (trickery of the mind) is to learn to know and trust one’s other instinctual sensations.

When you get a vision, how does it make you feel?
How do you feel during the visions which turn out to be accurate and true?
How do you feel during the visions which turn out to be merely a wandering thought?

Learn to analyze the two, and you shall have your answers and the truth will be distinguishable from the lies created of the mind.

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:2, topic:7418”]The whole purpose of being a magician is to alter the forseen and make it bow down to your every command like a little bitch. Hehe…

The most beneficial part of having thesee clairvoyant skills is being able to use them to our advantage to prevent unwanted forseen events or change them to suit our desires.

So yes, of course it can be prevented or at the very least, altered so that you may tailor it to suit your needs.

The way to learn to tell the difference between true intuition and that of perceived intuition (trickery of the mind) is to learn to know and trust one’s other instinctual sensations.

When you get a vision, how does it make you feel?
How do you feel during the visions which turn out to be accurate and true?
How do you feel during the visions which turn out to be merely a wandering thought?

Learn to analyze the two, and you shall have your answers and the truth will be distinguishable from the lies created of the mind.[/quote]

This is something that may take a while, to take note and differentiate between the two through what feelings I get from them and such, but is there anything I can do NOW to increase or heighten my clairvoyance? I already (when I can) have a 30 minute ritual I can do daily to increase my magickal ascent and clairvoyance involving red candles and meditation, but is there anything personally that you have done that has helped?

I’d like to suggest an alternate approach. Instead of learning to differentiate between clairvoyance and fluff, focus instead on eliminating the fluff.

Any tips on how? :slight_smile:

I’m not much good at telling prophetic dreams from randomness myself, so I’d be interested in what you think because this seems to be your kind of area (attention etc).

There will always be fluff and crap, stray thoughts that pop in your mind unwantedly no matter how good you are at clearing your thoughts your mind still stores a bunch of crap in there and locks it away and it comes out in dreams etc.

In order to eliminate the fluff somewhat though, you still need to be able to tell the difference between crap and truth in order to know what to discard.

Tips, not really. The stuff I’ve done that has increased my clairvoyance is really strange and advanced stuff that you can’t just start doing for the experience of it and honestly nothing helped me majorly until I started things like merging with my godform, and other private things.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:5, topic:7418”]Any tips on how? :slight_smile:

I’m not much good at telling prophetic dreams from randomness myself, so I’d be interested in what you think because this seems to be your kind of area (attention etc).[/quote]

Dream wise, I really don’t know. I’ve never really recalled any prophetic dreams outside of Deja Vu. At some point, instead of saying to myself “This has happened before”, it changed to “I’ve dreamed this before!” with no conscious thought on my part. I remember it as a dream while I’m experiencing the Deja Vu, yet I have no access to those memories beyond those moments. Even now, I can only remember the memory of having had deja vu, but not the dream directly.

I’ve had dreams similar to remote viewing, where I’ve gotten accurate descriptions of areas I’ve never been to, minus the roving gangs of skinheads and the banshee I had to fight off in the actual dream. So not really prophetic, and honestly I can’t find anything to differentiate those dreams from regular ones.

When it comes to prophetic dreams, I’m not sure we experience them ourselves directly, like with Castaneda’s idea of the Double. We dream up our dream self and everything that happens there. That dream self also dreams, only it dreams of our waking self.

There will always be fluff and crap, stray thoughts that pop in your mind unwantedly no matter how good you are at clearing your thoughts your mind still stores a bunch of crap in there and locks it away and it comes out in dreams etc.

In order to eliminate the fluff somewhat though, you still need to be able to tell the difference between crap and truth in order to know what to discard.

Tips, not really. The stuff I’ve done that has increased my clairvoyance is really strange and advanced stuff that you can’t just start doing for the experience of it and honestly nothing helped me majorly until I started things like merging with my godform, and other private things.[/quote]

Don’t think of it as prophecy then. There is absolutely no way to tell the difference between predicting your future and creating your future, which means they’re essentially the same thing.

We experience the world as we do only because we are constantly telling ourselves that’s the way things are. If those thoughts are shaping our reality, then all of them are pretty much the same, and there is no difference between prophetic and normal thoughts. At the very least, you can cut down on random thoughts which cancel each other out. It could be that thoughts which cancel each other out only seem normal or ineffective, when in reality they’re every bit as powerful as the ones we classify as prophetic.

A co-worker was telling me about all the things he wanted but didn’t have one day. If he had focused on those things one at a time, he would have been able to afford them easily, but because wanted them all at once, he had nothing. Too many desires cancelling each other out.

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I can agree with the part about wanting too many things at once. When I was newer to the LHP I was trying to get everything I ever wanted all in one week, LOL and I wondered why my spells kept cancelling each other out. Like one of my major goals would start to come true then fail, and another goal would start to surface then fail, and it never ended. Too many things be altered in my personal universe at one time but I realized when you stop, slow down, and focus on one major goal at a time it does make a difference.

Another reason why I tell people that you’re in it for the wrong reasons if you come to magick hoping to win the lottery, get a hot wife, a million dollar house, new sports cars, your own magazine company all in one month and then walk away from it. Very least, you will see some of these things start to manifest then come to a dead halt and then go back to your friends claiming magick and demons are a scam.

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:8, topic:7418”]I can agree with the part about wanting too many things at once. When I was newer to the LHP I was trying to get everything I ever wanted all in one week, LOL and I wondered why my spells kept cancelling each other out. Like one of my major goals would start to come true then fail, and another goal would start to surface then fail, and it never ended. Too many things be altered in my personal universe at one time but I realized when you stop, slow down, and focus on one major goal at a time it does make a difference.

Another reason why I tell people that you’re in it for the wrong reasons if you come to magick hoping to win the lottery, get a hot wife, a million dollar house, new sports cars, your own magazine company all in one month and then walk away from it. Very least, you will see some of these things start to manifest then come to a dead halt and then go back to your friends claiming magick and demons are a scam.[/quote]

It’s good to hear this because it was something I was wondering about as well, doing too much at once. Trying to bring to me excellent grades in my classes, improve my image to myself and others, advance quickly in my musical abilities, attract to me someone to have a relationship in etc. Now I know that I should, in a sense, prioritize each and go at them in order, one-by-one, focusing all of my energy and practice on that one thing until it comes to pass so that I may work on the next one.