Uncle Orismen's course on curses


This is just my thoughts on protection magic. I encourage anyone else who would like to contribute to please do so.

I have been thinking about curses and protection lately and being that this is the section for New Magicians I thought I would make a comprehensive post with my knowledge of protection magic.

If you want to know more I would suggest picking up Jason Miller’s Protection and Reversal Magic.

Section 1: So you think you’ve been hexed…
First off, curses are no joke and something I take very seriously. Curses can ruin or even end lives, so I encourage you to take them seriously as well. That being said they are less common than you think. Don’t get me wrong it can happen, but not every stubbed toe is a sign that someone hexed you.

Start looking for patterns. If you get a flat tire but everything else in life seems peachy keen…probably not a curse. If you get a flat tire, then twist your ankle while trying to fix it, end up in the hospital only to find that your insurance won’t cover twisted ankles and then get fired from your job because of all that…probably a curse.

Divination is key (as it often is). Learn to divine and see if you have been placed under a magnificent spell. If you can’t divine yet or you are afraid that your emotional state may effect your reading, get someone else to do it for you. I have done it a few times for some members and I know that The Wandering Fool is fantastic at reading Tarot, Rune, abd Bones so there are two resources for you. I would pay TWF before asking me though as I am a busy man ATM.

Section 2: With friends like these…

This is going to be a summery of Jason Miller’s daily practices for protection. He emphasizes that routine banishing, shielding, and offerings are key to defense, and often times those three are enough to ward of baneful magic. Banishing and shielding are easy enough to find on Google so I will talk about offerings.

Offerings to spirits is one if THE best ways to get them on your side. I would encourage everyone to begin working with your ancestors as they are very, very good at protecting thier own. As The Eye says “A glass of water and some light goes a long way”

Other than your ancestors I also encourage you to make meaningful relationships with other spirits. It doesn’t matter if they are Gods, Angels, Demons…etc. forge a good relationship. Sit and think for a while, trust your instincts…who are you most pulled to? Start there, find out all you can about that spirit and really emerse yourself in thier current. Read stories about them, learn what they like, try thinking like them. This should take more than an afternoon, I would say a good time frame is a week to two weeks minimum.

After you have mapped out this spirit the time has come to start working with them. Make an altar and say hello. Include things on the altar that the spirit would like. Spend time meditating and then light a candle, fall into a trance, and begin talking with this spirit. Ask questions, get answers, verify those answers (so you know they are who they say they are) and build that realtionship.

Section 2.5: A quick word on Hecate…

As many of you know I work a lot with Hecate (I’ll pause to let you all get over the initial shock) I have a great realtionship with Her. She, regardless of the tradition, is the Goddess of Witchcraft for a good reason. If you are in a pinch and don’t have a good realtionship with a spirit you can petition Hecate for help. She is not always the nicest, but She does have a soft spot for people in desperate need.

So I hereby authorize anyone reading this makes a authoritative gesture to petition Hecate for help in removing curses or dealing with Evil Spirits. All you will need is a green candle with Her seal scratched into it (look up primary seal of Hecate). Light the candle, fall into a trance and pour your heart out to Her.

Section 3: The tools of the trade…

Alright so you have a good attitude, you banish/shield/make offerings, and you have a great realtionship with spirits…but something is still amiss? Here are somethings I have found effective.

Algiz: This is a Rune from the Elder Futhark, you can look it up online or look at Defectron, Poete Maudit, Bodomite, or Nik01’s avatars. This is a rune that symbolizes a lb upside down tree. I have found that it calls down your higher power through its roots and bears the fruit in the form of blessings to you. Notice I said higher power, not the Norse Gods. I have found in my own workings and by talking to many others that anyone can use the runes. Runes are very powerful and while they come to us via one part of the world they are essentially magic technologies. I know of a mage who does not work with the Norse Pantheon, but uses the runes just fine.

Witch bottles: They work.

That is all I can think of now… But feel free to add anything.


Very nice post ! And thanks for the quote, I feel honored ! :slight_smile:

If I may add… If you suspect being under someone’s work, pay attention to your dream as well because they will tell you something’s wrong is going on.

About spirits, it depends of which tradition you’re more familiar with. Speaking about Goetia, I’ve been told that VINE is really helpful on that matter since he’s known to find out “witches” (and ofc can strike back).

Generally speaking, it is good to be under the protective energy of aggro spirits such as MARS, ST GEORGES, THOR, MICHAEL, or the powerful ATRs spirits if you’re into that path.

And as Orismen said, generally speaking a stroke of bad luck isnt enough to define a curse because shit happens no matter what. This is called life.

Thursiaz can also be used as a defense rune but more in a sense of a ward. Think electric fence or barbed wire or its other name Thorn. Its defensive in its destructive force.

Cleansing and replacing.
Regular cleansing such as spiritual bathing can help remove astral gunk and negative energies. Once you’ve cleansed replace the gunk with something positive such as protection, blessing or prosperity attracting products. You can buy herbal baths that are brewed and bathed in, bath salts (not the kind that give you a hankerin’ for a hobos face) and soaps (like mine…shameless plug I know…) can be used.

Positive thinking.
Being negative attracts negativity like a neon sign, think positive and you’ll naturally attract positivity. As new age and hippie as it sounds its true. Not just positive thinking but visualization of being empowered and protected help keep the aura strong, while stress and anxiety weaken it.

Wards and protection.
Even if one is unable to communicate with spirits there are ways of protecting yourself as well as having an early warning system should you take a hit. Witch bottles as Orismen pointed out can easily be made and set out. Mirrors can be dressed and used to repel negativity. Dressing doors and windows with protection products. Setting candles is a simple and effective way to have defenses in place just use common sense and don’t leave them unattended where they can be a fire hazard.

Thought forms can be simple way to help ward your home as well, create an entity designed specifically for they type of protection you wish to achieve. If your able to communicate with spirits create astral allies that can back you up should you need help or even prevent an attack from reaching you.

Very nice post, thank you all.

Guys what do you think about “physical protection” ?

I came across the book “Arcane Lore” of “Scribe 27” two days ago, and it was very enfatic on Iron or Silver for protection, holy water (done with sage, rosemary, a bunch of iron powder and colloidal silver + consecration), among other things.

I’ve also read about orgonite… and of course the folklore on garlic.

I know sage smoke is cool, and I read here that asafoetida (tho I have not tested that plant).

What are your thoughts about that?

[quote=“EpicGnome, post:4, topic:2432”]Very nice post, thank you all.

Guys what do you think about “physical protection” ?

I came across the book “Arcane Lore” of “Scribe 27” two days ago, and it was very enfatic on Iron or Silver for protection, holy water (done with sage, rosemary, a bunch of iron powder and colloidal silver + consecration), among other things.

I’ve also read about orgonite… and of course the folklore on garlic.

I know sage smoke is cool, and I read here that asafoetida (tho I have not tested that plant).

What are your thoughts about that?[/quote]

Organite for protection can work, but not in the way alot of people think it does. Its energy can scare away some low level entities, but stuff like demons aren’t going to care about it. I have an object with a powerful demon attached to it next to some organite and he doesn’t mind it in the least. Some people on ickes forum were going on about how it scares away reptilians, also complete crap, they don’t care about the stuff. In fact it seems to be pretty good for attaching some kinds of entities to.

So that being said if a high powered hostile entity comes aorund, having organite there probably isn’t going to help you.

I don’t use it myself but simply because I have a bad habit of losing jewlery, otherwise I’d have a talisman/amulet made using silver as well as metals related to planetary influences I wish to effect.

A mojo bag is another option for those who can not afford jewlery. Just make sure to keep otmoutmof sight and do not let anyone else touch it.

Alright, I found this on mojo bags, dunno if is accuarate but at least is extensive and digs on the history and etymology of “mojo”.


Regarding the Orgonites. I hear what you say, but I thinkg having something that keeps away anoying low level creeps is good too, little astral leeches and little nightmares.

If that were the only thing necesary to get “the ultimate” magickal protection then magickal practice wouldn’t be necesary.

What exactly makes one ward effective and another useless? for a simple example, a German Hex sign on a barn for protection is a type of ward. But will this protect the stores from a demon sent by a powerful magician?
Therefore it seems that wards, like any other type of magic, depend on the power of the magician.
Or, are there wards which have their own power in themselves which can protect no matter who establishes the ward?

[quote=“Student of Goetia, post:8, topic:2432”]What exactly makes one ward effective and another useless? for a simple example, a German Hex sign on a barn for protection is a type of ward. But will this protect the stores from a demon sent by a powerful magician?
Therefore it seems that wards, like any other type of magic, depend on the power of the magician.
Or, are there wards which have their own power in themselves which can protect no matter who establishes the ward?[/quote]

This is an interesting point you raise here. If someone believes that ward n. will provide total protection, than it usually will, even if the warder has no experience. In my opinion the benefit of being a so called ‘powerful magician’ is ones ability to generate this sense of certainty at will.

[quote=“NariusV, post:9, topic:2432”][quote=“Student of Goetia, post:8, topic:2432”]What exactly makes one ward effective and another useless? for a simple example, a German Hex sign on a barn for protection is a type of ward. But will this protect the stores from a demon sent by a powerful magician?
Therefore it seems that wards, like any other type of magic, depend on the power of the magician.
Or, are there wards which have their own power in themselves which can protect no matter who establishes the ward?[/quote]

This is an interesting point you raise here. If someone believes that ward n. will provide total protection, than it usually will, even if the warder has no experience. In my opinion the benefit of being a so called ‘powerful magician’ is ones ability to generate this sense of certainty at will.[/quote]

While I understand your logic behind this comment I have to disagree to a degree. Just because someone believes a symbol to be powerful doesn’t make it so. If that was the case no one wearing a Crucifix would ever suffer from a spiritual attack, yet at the same time the Crucifix can be used as a ward. Being able to attune ones self to the energy a symbol represents is far more important than the symbol itself. The symbol begins to act as an unconscious reminder. Certainty is a very large part of it but just owning a symbol you have no understanding of does not do much in my opinion.

I agree with TWF.

Like the old belief “dont worry about black magic, if you dont believe in it, it cant harm you”.

We all know this statement is incorrect.

I’ll add something that for me pertains to the discussion on protection.

There are many ways to protect. There are infinite stances and variations one could take. I’ll focus on two primary motivations behind the methods or protection.

One is the fear of attack and need for defense from harm. The second is a powerful commitment to, and movement towards ones own objectives.

The first is an acknowledgement that there is someone or something out there that could really mess me up, so I better be ready for that. At the end of the day when I succeed with this method, I be glad I didn’t get wasted, and begin preparing for the next attack.

The second is an awareness that there could be some obstacles to achieving my will in the world, and handling those that are significant to my progress. At the end of the day with this method I’ll be living the life of my dreams, and enjoying the growth and progress I have made.

There is nothing wrong with either; one is reactive, the other is active. Both can be used, each have their place and time. One of them will change the playing field.

The best defense I have found is not existing as a possible target.

Great, useful thread, Orismen. Thank you all for your posts.

I find as others have already said that regular banishing and shielding is very useful and it’s important to be pro-active with it, instead of merely reactive. As TWF stated, positive thinking is also empowering and keeps the aura strong. Having the will to say “FUCK THAT” and really just not tolerating any negativity and shit from anybody or anything goes a long way.

Aside from that, the great Archangel Michael is a total bad ass.

I often find myself doing a lot of shielding as I lay in bed before I drift off to sleep. I do this because it’s a convenient time to do-so, and also to protect myself and my family while we are most vulnerable.

I can vouch for Vine in helping you to build your astral defenses. He showed me some fucking awesome tricks to discover who is ‘interested’ in me, mortal or spirit, and banish them into a fucking wall of flame.

Oh, and Orismen, do you have any tips on where I can get started in speaking to my Ancestors? Do I have to dabble into Necromancy?

I have visited the temple of Knowledge of Hod of the Sephiroth, and I’ve been told some amazing things about my ancestors and my bloodline…I feel it’s time to speak more directly and gain clarity.

Tips or advise is appreciated.

I would look up “Andrieh Vitimus ancestral altar” he wrote a very good essay on the creation of an altar and building relationships with your ancestors.

Thanks bud! You’ve probably mentioned it before but I couldn’t find it.


I just use pictures (and grave dirt if possible) of my deceased family I wish to remain close to. I set up a nice glass of water, and a white candle for them. I bring them flowers occasionally and talk to them about how things are and what I’m doing, I’m respectful but casual as they were family and I talk to them as I would when they were living. On birthdays and things I’ll give them they’re favorite things like they’re favorite food or my Grandfather always gets some dip (chewing tobacco).

Orismen mentioned Vitimus and I’ll throw S.Connolly out there as well. Her book Honoring Death has instructions for an altar. I just went kind of free form and did it in a way I knew they’d approve of.