Two Questions

Hey guys. So, I’ve been dating my s/o for a little over 7 months now. We love each other, and we plan on being in each other’s futures, but the problem is that we’re states apart. I miss her presence, but I’ve never even felt it. Last night I had a very vivid dream about her moving to my neighborhood, and I crave those experiences. My first question was about whether there are any deities or spells we could do to make this a reality for us.

The second question is a bit more personal. Ya see, she’s depressed and possibly su//c//dal, and has been for a long time. I’ve had multiple dreams where she’s killed herself. I’m so afraid of losing her, and I just want her to be happy. She deals with a lot of pedophiles and a lot of negative attention from people online, and that obviously doesn’t help the situation. Is there anything I can do to help her out of her depressive state? Spells, deities, or even non-magickal tasks I can do for her. I’m willing to try anything.


King Paimon can help people move to new locations.


Thank you

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Try the 3 by 33 method.

Protections are good. I really think the dreams have more to do with your fears but if you wanna be sure that she’s protected, there’s many deities who can help.

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Thank you!

Try Green Tara. A Buddhist Goddess who specialises in deflecting negative energy, fear , anxiety etc.

Magikal Protection by Gallery of Magick has lots of protection spells.

pedophiles need to be cursed to die. I’d suggest you learn how to curse someone to die and curse all those fucking pedophile scum to die