i have a copy ofthe Tuba Veneris (aka the Little Book of Black Venus) and, although the six spirits listed in this work have evocational mantras and sigils, there is no explanation of their office or powers.
has anyone worked with this grimoire, or does anyone have some information as to what these spirits do? i’m not entirely certain that my clairaudience is highly developed enough to be able to evoke them and ask. although i can receive information from the spirits i evoke (via imagery, phrases, intuition etc), it’s a far cry from having an extended linguistic conversation with them.
any thoughts would be appreciated. if i can’t find any info here (or elsewhere), i’ll evoke them over the next six fridays (the day of venus) and try to get as much information as i can. i’ll post back here with what i have, but it would be great if someone could verify or dispute what i come up with. let me know if anyone’s interested.
kind regards, james.